There are rumours that Kieron Dyer will be changing his name to Hitchcock on the basis of his cameo appearances, popping up from the bench unexpectedly and performing all too briefly. He must have completed something in the region of 15 minutes last night and may have touched the ball as much as twice. That represents a hard day's night for Kieron!
Diddy David must have been having a heart attack as Dyer came on to the pitch. "What the $$&£! Why the bloody hell is Zola bringing on somebody I'm trying to bully into retirement?"
Who knows, perhaps this is the warm up to the big performance. Maybe it is written in the stars that, last game of the season, Dyer will rise, Lazarus like, when the Saviour Zola touches him on the shoulder, race onto the pitch and fire home the goal that keeps West Ham in the Premiership!
Or maybe it will be Boa, like Dyer, leaping up from the bench, eager to justify his transfer fee and monumental wages, who will smash home the winning goal.
Or, more likely, last minute, the ball comes in from a corner, Dyer and Boa both go for it together, collide and both are carried from the pitch on stretchers!
He's just completed 60 minutes for the stiffs! 75 mins spread over two nights? Go and have a lie down Kieron, you must have earned a hamstring strain!
Dyer and Boa Morte, both hated by Hammersfan?
The Game's Gone Crazy alright!!!
Didn't know Nick Griffin was a Hammer!
Your inference that they are useless because they are not white says an awful lot about your racism. I don't think their colour has anything to do with it personally. Did Ljungberg ask "Is it cos I is black?" Once again, in your desperate attempt to score points, you expose yourself as a total twat!
Well done reserves, i'll take a win against Chelsea no matter what level
Does Dyer get an appearance fee? Maybe Franco's trying to give Gold a heart-attack.
Dreadful ratios fanno:
The last 10 posts on West Ham Till I die received 915 replies which is an average 91.5 replies per post
The last 10 posts in this place received only 119 posts (of which most slagged you off) which is an average of 11.9 replies per post
Which makes their blog is 768% more interesting than yours
It you use the same ratio at your current counter visit of 274349 it means over the same period they've received millions and millions more hits than you.
Mmmmwwwwaaaaah ha ha ha
22.38, you are a knob. Only knob's spend that much time checking the number of reply's. Piss away off you idiot. Up the Hammers.
If you want the latest news, smart and funny posts, its gotta be the game's gone crazy. For mature thinking fans who want a laugh but also the true. You rock HF, keep it up and dont let those idiot's who just want to find fault get you down.
...and yet you still come here Anonymous2238? Says it all no?
stani army - I know you're HF either that or a brown nose billy no mates - still reckon you're fanno in disguise,,,
The last 10 posts on West Ham Till I die received 915 replies which is an average 91.5 replies per post
The last 10 posts in this place received only 119 posts (of which most slagged you off) which is an average of 11.9 replies per post
Which makes their blog is 768% more interesting than yours
It you use the same ratio at your current counter visit of 274349 it means over the same period they've received millions and millions more hits than you.
Hahaha...and what makes you think that Sherlock? Nothing gets past you does it?
By the way, that little statistical analysis either by you or your mate, does that not constitute brown nosing Iain Dale?
LOL Somebody up Iaian Dale's arse? Surely not!
Thanks for the analysis. Question, of the 91 replies, how many are repeat contributors and how many are debated with each other, rather than responding to the main article. Different types of site. How many respond to the average Org article these days? THAT is a worrying stat!
@0903 If you had a good job, you'd live a better area and your son would be at a good school - that's what's really disgraceful. You should be ashamed if you can't provide for your kids, chavs like you shouldn't have kids.
@Fanno = we don't know and don't care about org. get over it....
actually you should care about the org - on another thread someone has pointed out that they have over 1,000,000 posts - this fanno jerk will never catch them
Right i dont work as i loom after my disabled daughter and my son goes to school (nursery) in barkingside at the momen but we re sending him private when he is 5. Im not a chav just a bit lazy and prefere not to work but get supported by the state. Ironssssssssssss
Sad cnut @0726 "How many respond to the average Org article these days? THAT is a worrying stat!"
See you're so full of deluded bollox or is it just more of your fcukin lies Last 10 main articles on WESTHAMFANS (emphasis on FANS) attracted an average of 40 replies per main article post "current season" is incalculable so why is it a worrying stat you prick? Vast majority of the GENUINE replies you get on this shite site are only to slag you off either that or they are invented by you or you post yourself you fool no one you silly cnut You keep asking why detractors come back here, isn't it obvious?
There was a programme on the BBC yesterday, made for people like you. It was called 'THE DAY THE IMMIGRANTS LEFT'. It was followed up later on Newsnight. Both programmes would have opened your eyes. I very much doubt you would have watched them so try a search on BBC iplayer. Seriously, don't ever have a fear of learning the truth, even if it may prove you wrong. This is better for you.
All the best
Of course Stani has a brown nose but most of the time he is leaning on it with his fat arse in the air.
@10:00 here's a typical xenophobe
"Im not a chav just a bit lazy and prefer not to work but get supported by the state"
Makes you proud to British doesn't it?
What you racists don't realise is that you are uneducated, lazy and thick - and that's why you hate because you know you're rubbish (believe they call it white trash in the states) - and hating someone makes you feel better about yourselves.
You meet loads of out of work Brits but I've yet to meet an out of work Pole.... try looking in the mirror you lazy uneducated half wits.
@1046 - the voice of reason
Why don't you guys go and learn something about people instead of spouting all that rubbish? Seriously, what are you so scared of finding? You're just being slaves to fascists. In your current state, you may as well be dead for all the libertarianism that you are showing. Wake from your slumber will you, for your own sake.
Just watch that programme on iplayer at least. Here, I have the link for you:
"Evan Davis presents a programme exploring the effects of immigration in the UK by focusing on Wisbech, a town in Cambridgeshire.
Since 2004 this once prosperous market town has received up to 9,000 immigrants seeking work - the majority from Eastern Europe. But with nearly 2,000 locals unemployed and claiming benefits, many of them blame the foreign workers for their predicament.
To test if the town needs so many foreign workers, immigrant employees are temporarily removed from their jobs, and the work given to the local unemployed. Now the town's British workers have a chance to prove they can do it.
Eleven British unemployed workers are recruited to go into a range of different Wisbech workplaces including a potato company, an asparagus farm, an Indian restaurant and a building site run by a local landlord.
Moving beyond the workplace, Evan Davis investigates how the town's local public services, such as schools and the NHS, are coping with the demands of the new arrivals.
As the British unemployed workers get to grips with their new jobs, this documentary examines the facts and dispels the myths around the subject of immigration.
Broadcast on:
BBC One, 9:00pm Wednesday 24th February 2010"
Hey HF can you delay you're deleting of posts 24hrs so I get to read them first please?? I'm sure they're not that insightful but it would give me the opportunity to let them know how dumb they are.
Sorry mate but they were all offensively racist. Disgusting stuff like calling black players, West Ham players at that, "monkeys". And they call themselves West Ham fans! Sickening.
I know what you mean M2C, I'd like to see their dumbness too. Suppose HF has to draw the line somewhere though.
I would leave them up Stani but how would a 15 year old black West Ham feel if he happened upon them. What sort of sick individual posts stuff like that?
Yep, I absolutely agree. I just sometimes feel like taking them on with their comments but the more important thing is that no one gets hurt by their comments so removing them is only right.
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