How disgusting were Wenger's comments yesterday? Everybody could see how distressed Shawcross was after breaking Ramsey's leg and the tackle was clearly not malicious. He went in for a 52:48 ball and was a millisecond late in the challenge. His studs weren't up and had the leg not been broken, he would not have seen a red card. I tell you what, Neill's tackle on Cattermole at Wigan last season was ten times worse!
I understand that Wenger was upset and wants to protect his players, but his comments were out of order. Shawcross is a young player himself and does not deserve such spite for an honest but mistimed challenge made in the couldron of a Premiership game. Wenger should take a deep breath and apologise.
you re an idiot!
Shut up you fool. Idiots like you should not be allowed near the internet, let alone a blog. That is the third player we have lost to a notrthern thug.
What a sh!t article, typical anti arsenal post. His foot was over the ball and the force he used shattered Aarons leg. Get a life...
Idiots don't know how to use apostrophes actually.
Ah, Arsenal fans. I see. It is not anti Arsenal, I want Arsenal to win the Prem. It is an honest opinion. Northern thugs do not leave the pitch in tears.
you wouldnt be sayin this if it happened to jack collison would you? and who cares bout what was said!! have a thought for aaron ramsey who has a shattered leg because of the 'innocent' tackle!! pure bullsh*t!
I feel for Ramsey too. Who wouldn't? Pullis feels for him, but was furious about Wenger's comments with good reason. This was not the same as the Taylor tackle on Eduardo, not in the same ball park. Football is a contact sport, accidents happen. This was an accident.
Hello. I am new to the premier league. I have heard alot about Arsenal, United and liverpool. But what is West Ham? Is it a stadium or a club ? Must be a really small club. Never ever heard of them.
It is 1202. It is a funny concept. A club that plays local lads and Englishmen. Like Arsenal, it hasn't won anything for a number of years now but, unlike Arsenal, it regualarly develops England players. Check out the latest England squad. 7 have West Ham connections. We also won the World Cup with THREE West Ham players in the team, who between them, scored all the goals. We are no wealthy but we are British and proud! Vous comprendez? Bien!
Unbelievable!! One of our most promising player gets taken out, possibly for life, and we have to apologise. You claim that this is not the same as the eduardo tackle, but at the same time everyone is going on about how 'nice' Taylor is! Hammersfan u are unbelievable!!
I see. Then how come no one here has heard about West Hum? I must search Wikipedia. I like Manchester. I also like Arsenal. They play fantastic football. My friends tell me they went the entire season without a loss! WOW! Who is West hum famous player? I don't like Chelsea. They have too much money. Not fair. Is it true West Ham have not technique and play long balls only??
Taylor probably is a nice guy but his tackle was awful - straight on, studs up, over the top of the ball. Look at the freeze frame of the moment of impact. Look at how Ramsey's foot is turning the ball, look at the angle that Shawcross is coming in from. I can understand why people are upset but it was obviously not malicious and nor was it a nasty tackle even. It was an accident and accidents happen.
You may know how to use apostrophes but you can't type. "We are no wealthy." So West Ham won the world cup. So what! You also lost your centre forward this year because of England.
Getting back to the relevent point, when we see one of the most talanted teenagers suffering a terrible injury, almost two years to the day that Eduardo suffered his. You expect Wenger to be all calm and collected. He has seen Diaby lose a season and a half after a bad foul, Eddie at Birmingham and now Ramsay. Each time we are told the player that done it is a nice lad, didn't mean it, loves their mother. (Sounds like your eastend boys Ronnie and Reggie.) We also hear Pullis and Fuller before the cup game say they are going to give us a kicking. Then there is fat Sam and his orcs every time we drive up the M1 telling us we are going to be given a hiding.
So shut up and learn from your betters.
english players Arsenal have produced under wenger gibbs,randall,lansbury,bently, wilshere,gilbert,simpson,and lots more so dont give me that old story thicko
So, Wenger lacks class. Stoke players commented before the recent 4th round tie that Arsenal didn't like when they (Stoke) roughed them up before and they would do it again. That doesn't sound like class to me! The point Wenger is making is that if a team has that attitude then their judgement is poorer when tackles like the one in question occur.
Ah, idiots don't know how to spell Pulis.
Arsene has more class than any other manager has in the prem he is fed up with these bad tackles and so am i its not part of football dirty stoke bolton etc would not pay to watch that Arsenals football is worth everypenny its called entertainment zola is trying to do it at your gaff grow up nob
Stop trying to defend the un-defendable mate , it smacks more than a little of petty jealousy from a small London club . As we say here in Ireland "Tiocfaidh ar la ! " our day will come that is . I will check your blog when it happens to a hammer and look forward to your sanguine reaction !
no one said there was intent to harm Ramsey .but when you set about to play with such a force(that break the leg) to intimidate what you think are soft opponents (always means Arsenal),these accidents happen!! is that acceptable?
it is only football in case you forgot.
12:23 Anonymous - oh ok wenger produces english players. none of which i have heard of apart from bentley, gibbs and wilshere. compare this to ferdinand, lampard, cole, carrick, defoe, johnson. i am so proud to support a great club like west ham who will always have that tradition.
Hammersfan your right, I've stomached the replays a few times and while its bad for Ramsey there was absolutely no malice whatsoever, just a case of a bit of bad luck, we've all seen much worse tackles that that where nothing happens.
As for the Arsenal fans well they seem to take on the worst atributes of wenger at times
"...gibbs,randall,lansbury,bently, wilshere,gilbert,simpson,and lots more..."
all gracing the first team. Who are any of those? Sounds like the fukcing bee gees
maybe u should get ur legs broken ,or pulis get his head plus legs broken ,football becomes breaking legs ,thats how stoke plays football ,i wonder if FA gonna do anything about such rough plays ,maybe put an END to this kind of rough football ,its very simple whether its 50 50 ball or watever ,theres force being used in order to get a leg broken ,therefore its simple theory he meant it with such force and started weeping like a baby to make others think he innocent
12 followers just like your poxy club
Wet Spam a club of milwalls class and stature.
hammersfan you shouldnt wind up the brainwashed glory hunting race card playing north london fairies
Spot on HF!
People need to differentiate between criticism of Wenger's comments and saying there was nothing wrong with the tackle. I know emotions are running high and it's only natural to look for someone to blame but the injury was not intentional.
There was a clear difference between this one and Taylor's tackle on Eduardo. Taylor showed studs and went to ground. Shawcross was aiming to clear the ball but kicked (not studded) Ramsey's shin. Ramsey was too quick and Shawcross was late.
People keep talking about Wenger as the Professor but he keeps letting himself down when he opens his mouth. Someone of his age, experience and standing in the game should feel embarrassed of himself when he listens back to some of his remarks. But of course, just like he does not see it, he problem does not hear it either.
Fergy shows much more class and Wenger can learn from that.
On the opposite side, I must also mention that managers need to take into account the affect of what they say to players, particularly young ones. They need to be careful when they tell them to get stuck in or rough up teams because it can lead to ACCIDENTS. Arsenal are probably more victim of this because of the style they play and opposition teams feel it is easy to unsettle them by playing rough.
Add to this the cost of defeat these days, and teams and players sometimes go into games with a win at all costs attitude. This is something we cannot have as the cost of some things is worth many times more than a game of football as we saw yesterday.
I wish Ramsey all the best and hope he gets well soon. I think the positive thing is that it does seem as though he just broke the tibia and fibula and did not dislocate his ankle too, which does complicate things as it did in Eduardo's case (dislocation and compound fracture). 7 to 9 months will be a realistic time-frame barring complications. I hope he gets back by then as this guy will be better than Fabregas.
"Accidents" happen and no one bats an eyelid. Wenger questions the level of commitment and he gets crucified like he broke someone's leg. What should he say? "Good on you mate, i have got 10 other players, have a go at their legs"?? Notice that there is no call for any draconian punishment or that sort, but a call on players and managers to be responsible for their actions on it. The other player has got a mother much like Shawcross, or any other offender.
I repeat, football is a contact game. Arsenal fans seem to have forgotten how they played the game before when they had hard men in the squad. Adams, Bould and Keown took no prisoners. Peter Storey was taken to a World Cup because he was a hard man in the middle of the park. What about Vierra for God's sake? How many red and yellow cards did he receive in an Arsenal shirt?
Do any of these irate posters remember Giles, Bremner, Chopper Harris, Jack Little Black Book Charlton or Norman Bites Yer Legs Hunter? I'm, not saying we want to go back to the days of clogging but the hysterical reaction to injuries now is absurd.
Finally, Van Persie could have broken a leg with his challenge on Adebayor. I don't remember Wenger calling for him to be banned for life! Ludicrously, Adebayor was lambasted for his celebration because it upset the sensitivities of the poor little Arsenal fans. So, when it suits Wenger, a goal celebration is worse than a potential leg break tackle. What a hypocrite!
Wenger said a 3 game ban would not be enough. His response should have been, "Obviously we are all very upset about the injury but Shawcross showed remorse immediately and clearly did not mean to cause the injury. The boy should not be crucified for showing commitment in the tackle. Perhaps he needs to improve his technique to avoid a repeat in the future." Job done.
"....hysterical reaction to injuries now is absurd..."
Broken leg, out of football for no one knows how long, "..hysterical reaction.."?? Flabbergasted.
Broken legs happen in football. It isn't basketball! Dear God, you lot have bought 100% into New Labour's wrap them up in cotton wool society. Get real, in a game where men tackle with their legs, legs will get broken. We have lost Ashton. I don't recall anybody at West Ham slating Wright-Phillips. I remember McAvennie having his leg broken by Kamara, who I think was a Stoke player at the time. Again, there was not a hysterical reaction. What about Cech's fractured skull? If we take away physical challenges, as Wenger seems to want, we kill the game.
why is evreryone here disagreeing for the sake of it. its like u cant take the fact that hes right and then for a fact i know most of u are arsenal fans so to u get off a west ham site u twats
Arsenal were dirty under Graham and Berk-camp was a very dirty, albeit clever, player.... what goes around comes around. Its a mans game, get on with it you tarts
Check the News of the World site. The photo of the incident shows the leg broken before the tackle went in!
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