Dear Mr Sullivan,
Thanks awfully for the offer to join your money making venture in the East End. I understand fully why you carry very few details in your proposal on how I can expect to make a return on my investment; these matters do tend to provoke knee jerk responses in the press and amongst the customer base when football clubs are involved.
I understand that debts are currently in the order of £100m, with running costs seemingly out of control. This position can easily be rectified by the sale of assets however. By my calculations, approximately £40m can be raised through the sale of players in the summer, with the wage bill cut by between 25% and 35% in the process.
Your plan to sell the stadium is clearly a way forward. I estimate the land value to be in the region of £50m so it is perfectly feasible for the debt burden to be reduced to a paltry £10m over the next three years. I understand that there are no guarantees regarding the Olympic Stadium but, should this not come to fruition, I can see no reason why the team should not become tenants in the new Tottenham Hotspurs state of the art stadium.
Providing the club remains a production line for the England team, it is easy to see how West Ham United, with its devoted and unquestioning fan base, can become a cash cow, even if the club were to slip into the second tier of the proposed two tier Premiership.
I am confident that you share my ideas on the way forward. If you do not, I cannot understand how you would expect me to invest money in the venture. I remember, however, how you put profit generation above success on the pitch whilst at Birmingham and have every confidence in you following the same strategy at Upton Park.
Congratulations on the smoke screen of being a West Ham fan by the way; that was a great strategy for hoodwinking the suckers!
So, providing you can guarantee a 25% return on my investment, I am happy to come on board. It should not matter that I support Tottenham, of course, although I will avoid wearing the club colours in public until the contracts are signed. There's nothing to be gained by upsetting the natives at this stage is there?
Yours sincerely,
Manny Jacobs
Doom & Gloom, Doom & Gloom, Doom & Gloom everywhere. It don't matter though because everything will all come to an end on December 21 2012 you prick!
Will it? What happens on the 21st of December 2012? Do we play Tottenham? ; }
You are a cock m8! Just like the one u got sittin on a netball on ur shitty white home shirt
As said before you are one bloody doom and gloom merchant. If you don't like the way forward bog off to shite hart lane with all the other pricks!
I couldn't have put it better myself. Well said HF! Being a good supporter does not mean you should have no brains and to be a dreamer. In fact, in my book, a good supporter is one who lets the perpetrators know we are on to them so that they seriously reconsider any plans they may have which would destroy the club we love. In that sense, HF, I and many others reading this blog are doing a better service to the club than any of you guys who just keep being crude and rude.
I have to admit with the other lads you are one miserable prick. This is my first post and probably my last as am feb up with reading your anti-west ham blog. Do you sit there giggling to yourself whilst writing this shit dayin dayout in your stained Yid Y-fronts trying to provoke a negative reaction? Do everyone a favour and fuck off back to north London with Harry and the rest of the tit brigade.
I know I'm hoping for a lot here, but instead of posting insults, can anybody outline a business plan to persuade business savvy people to invest in the club? You do know that letters have been sent out inviting investment I presume, which is what has provoked this post?
Tell me, I have 10 million to invest in West Ham (I wish!)); how am I going to see a financial return on my investment exactly? Sullivan and Gold were supposed to have bought the club out of love but they are now appealing to the business world. How are they tempting in the investors exactly? If you can think of a different model from the one above, please enlighten us all!
these posts are always soo negative, why can't you just look on the bright side, like us staying in the top flight this season where we belong. I do undersatdn about Ds & Dg though, they buy the club then try to get investors in who aren't going to want to invest their hard earned cash. If they loved the club soo much why step aside in the race to own the club and let someone who had the funds availbale and wanted 100% of the club, like Fernandes.
You are like Carlton Cole, a lot of talent but ultimately a crock of shit due to a tendency to kick well wide of the posts. Missing that final touch.
But you and Carlton have grown to become interesting viewing. Both putting in some good performances and worthwhile entertainment.
Keep em coming mate. Always assured of an interesting debate.
1721, very clever analogy. But Carlton is getting better!
There's an IPO coming to a club near you. This board will bring financial stability off the field but football instability on it (the apples and pears effect) or yoyo as they called it at the last club they mopped up at.
We are dealing with the best option at present as no one else stepped in to save us, let's hope and pray they do love our club more than the bottom line as we could do with a little sunshine.
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