Very worrying to read that Carlton turned down the opportunity to move in January. It is hard to believe that the club would have been stupid enough to sell him, but that might explain why a clutch of strikers suddenly arrived at the Boleyn like a pulse of London buses. Cole seems pretty clear that he remains a West Ham player through choice, which certainly suggests that, had he wanted to go, the club would have taken the money.
Now, the big question is, who was in charge at the time? Sullivan & Gold have something to say about absolutely everything so it would be good to hear from them on this topic. Let's put Sullivan in front of Piers Morgan and watch him shed a tear as he talks about holding Cole in his arms whilst 'Arry, the Angel of Death, holds out his hands like Jesus on the mount.
I would like to know:
1) Is there any truth in this?
2) Who made the approach?
3) Who was in charge at the time?
4) Was Cole given the option to go?
5) How much was offered?
6) Were guarantees given to Cole about being allowed to leave in the summer?
7) Is this why we signed three strikers in January?
Come on S&G, put our minds at rest or reveal the sordid truth. You know we want you to!
Every article of yours is based around a headline designed to gain hits. There was nothing in what Cole said; it's a non-story.
Have to disagree with you Jamie, typical WHUFC!!! really wouldnt be suprised if he is sold in the summer. How many times has this happened before, the only thing diferent this time is he didnt come through the WH youth academy.
I wouldn't be surprised if he is sold but that's not my point. My point is the headlines on this site always lend to being sensational headlines, deisgned to ioncrease hits but with no substance. Cole has said only what we would expect him too. His underlining his committment to the club and manager.
And if anyone thinks no-one was interested in him during the January window (even injured), then they must have come down with the last shower.
Looking closely at the reports Jamie, Cole does not mention the offers, that is an addition from the journalists. I must admit that I may have been suckered this time. His statement is very positive about his commitment to West Ham. Still, I would like to have clarification from S&G, wouldn't you?
Have to agree
Every headline appears to be to purely to get hits on the site. Also quite often the postings are only stupid just to designed to get a reaction. Reading back through it's easy to see why some people stopped bothering with the site. Yuo can now add me to that list!
Sullivan has been spouting off about all and sundry, so you would expect the papers to print yet another interview about this. We need to keep him anyway, must have 3 West Ham players in the world cup squad if we're going to win it. :)
How the fuck have you written all that and then come up with the headline 'COLE OFF IN THE SUMMER'?
You are an attention seeking whore.
I agree with Jamie as well, looks like you're on a losing wicket on this one fanno. I know you have to read in between the lines sometimes, but you do it a little too much and read into every bit of crap that is printed by those mucky tabloids and with people like you, they get the desired effect of panic. Have a day off, will ya?
Yup that about does it for me hammersfan you are a knob of the highest order !
No, I don't need clarification as it's a non-story. I also want S&G to shut-up and get on with sorting the club, not commenting on stories with no substance that are also pointless in discussing, when we don't even know what league we'll be in next year.
What an idiot. West Ham may well have signed 3 strikers in January but only McCarthy is contracted to us, beyond the Summer.
Its all about hits and nothing else that’s why he writes so much crap. Are you going to the game on Saturday Trev? Go on you know you want to, pop into the Boleyn before the match and catch up with some of your old org mates.
ur articles are gash stop talking rubbish cole will be hear for a long time u clown try writting an article with something intresting in it
Try learning how to spell hammers.
Was going to say that seemed the case. We accepted the bids and he turned them down, no players leaving my arse....
I just realised how much I don't want Sparky to be manager if Zola gets the sack, I lost so much respect for him whilst at City. In particular for being Robinho's bitch.
To all the moaners, tell me, would you rather go to the News Now board and find nothing, or would you prefer to have something to react to? You don't have to follow the link, but if you do, you can have your say. And the problem with that is?
HF - the problem is clear to see - your headlines are designed for one reason and one reason only - to get hits - you are without substance sir and a disgrace to journalism, have you thought about night classes?
2043, I am not a journalist. Do I expect Cole to leave in the summer? Yes, unfortunately; along with Parker, Upson, Boa-Morte, Green and Behrami. The question is, how much will Zola, or his successor, be given to spend? S&G are intent on reducing the club's running costs - thus the 25% wage cut statement. As Sullivan admitted, that is not possible legally. What the club CAN DO, however, is reduce the TOTAL wage bill by 25%. That means shipping out the highest earners!
Here comes another headline!
On aslightly different tack I am sure we were all sorry to see Maverick Hetherington get injured over the weekend just as he was being talked up for an England recall.
It made me think though that the Injury Jinx which we think we've suffered at The Boleyn over the last season or two does not stop when a player leaves the club.
Just this season the following have all had/are having long injury lay offs.:
James,Johnson.Pantsil,Konch,Collinsthe two Ferdinands,Cole,Yossi,Bellamy,De Foe,Bobby Z and now Matty.
I even think that the fat boy has missed a game or two!
No conclusion from this but it does seem bizarre and certainly ballses up my Ex Hammers Fantasy team lol
John V P
I think the truth of the matter is that all clubs suffer injuries. Tottenham have lost Lennon, King and Woodgate for extended spells this season. Liverpool are bemoaning the loss of Gerrard and Torres. The Mancs have lost their entire defence. Everton have had a full team out for as long as I can remember. Shit happens, its just that we notice it more when it happens on our own doorstep.
Why don't you write about fact then, HF? Stop speculating on who will/won't leave. We might go down and then the whole lot go. We might stay up, grab some investment and go forward.
Who knows and it's a waste of all our time discussing it now.
And I would rather not see attention-seekign headlines on Newsnow but I have laernt my lesson anyhow.
From what's spoken by 'trusted sources', I would say Upson and Green are certain to go even if we go down.
HF - predictions please.... do we stay up or do we go down?
Which players will leave, be specific?
Actual names.....
We stay up. Upson and Green definitely go. At least one of Parker, Cole and Behrami join them. Boa also leaves. If we can find a buyer, Faubert also departs.
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