So Pompey are in administration owing a paltry £70m. That pales into insignificance when compared to our much more dramatic £110m! I know Sullivan and Gold are not our idea of the perfect knights on white chargers but you have to wonder how close we were to the brink when they stepped in. Duxbury and Bernhardt kept claiming that the situation wasn't critical, but the owners of Northern Rock were saying something similar on the evening before the Bank of England pulled the rug from under them.
The hope is that the Pompey players will now play out their remaining games desperate to prove that they have a future in the Premiership. All the pressure has evaporated, they are going down now regardless, so the players can go out and express themselves, rewarding the wonderful Pompey fans for their continued support, whilst putting themselves in the shop window ready for next season.
I fancy Pompey to have a storming end to the season now, which will suit us down to the ground. We don't have a game this weekend so I will be cheering on Pompey against Burnley. My money is on a 2-0 win for Administration FC!
Oops, apologies to delmonte at the Org, great minds think alike!
Off topic but can I ask you a couple of questions Hammersfan? Can you not develop this blog so I can see the new comments first and don’t have to read some of the idiotic replies you get or wade through this post has been deleted, if you have deleted a post can’t you just take it off? Secondly what is all this org nonsense about? I had never heard of it until you and your former friends kept going on about it. I saw the link and after a while actually signed up. I visit there probably once a day on average as well as coming on here. I have even started to post on West Ham fans and too be honest where are all these bad characters? There is one grumpy old sod that is all doom and gloom but apart from him some good posters. Can’t you just bury the past and start again as I am sure your general knowledge and good humour would be more than appreciated.
Scott, glad you have signed up. I have buried the past mate, but the past wants to bury me - literally! Sadly I have had death threats and one charming individual claiming he was going to rape my daughter. Most of the characters on the Org are decent guys but some are complete arses. The miserable one - davefking - enjoys the nickname of Grumpy by the way so if he engages you in debate...
I don't know if I can reverse the comments round. Interesting idea. I will try. But I am not an expert at this, just a bloke with a passion for West Ham and a supersized ego!
I do just "take off" most racist and pornographic posts but, where somebody has replied to something offensive, I leave a "trace" of the comment that has provoked the response so that the reply is not stripped of all context.
Thanks for the feedback. I will investigate the comments suggestion.
there but for...
Who is this 'God' character? Awfully influential he is :)
Which players can we nick off 'em end of season? (Sorry Pompey fans)
Scott, I do prefer the 'comment deleted' facility for the reasons HF has suggested. M2C mentioned that HF should leave offensive comments on here longer and HF said that some went too far. I think the 'comment deleted' is a good halfway point between your suggestion and M2C's.
I'll have a look at the reverse comment thing also.
Thank fuck for gold and sullivan seriously they have saved our arses.
In my opinion, if it wasn't G&S, it would have been someone else coming to our rescue. Even in our predicament, we were still an attractive proposition, much more so than Pompey. G&S like to say that they wouldn't have touched us if they weren't fans but that's garbage.
In an era of smaller clubs trying to become big clubs, no other smaller club has more potential to be 'big' than West Ham, all things considered.
It is not how much you owe but your Balance Sheet position that matters. We may owe 100 million but we have valuable assets (both human and other). Pompey, I suspect do not have much on the assets side of the balance sheet (except one or two players still in demand of course). West Ham own their ground and probably have other physical assets but in addition they can easily recoup about 50 million just by selling some of their star players. West Ham also, being a very well supported London Club, has a lot of goodwill which is also an asset.
The problem therefore is not how you owe but whether you have negative balance sheet net worth. Pompey I suspect they do. I don't think West Ham are or ever were by this analysis anywhere near bankrupt.
I hope Gullivan take in account before we sell our finest assets in the summer, that our team gels very slowly, evident from Fauberts revelation that he is only now understanding the way the players in front of him operate.
Portsmouth has raised almost £100m in player sales in the last 20 months, could West Ham have done that (even owning and selling off their own stadium and training ground) and yet still Pompey has 70 million pounds in outstanding unpaid debts? Our situation is far worse; I don’t think too many understand the gravity of the West Ham predicament, Doomsday would be an understatement (Gold called it Armageddon if we are relegated, he did not mean that lightly) and we are still not out of it, not by any means, in fact we are still deeply in the mire very very deeply in it up to our necks.
If Gollivan had not ‘saved’ us our final demise would have been the same as Pompey’s & just as swift make no mistake about that. The take-over has softened the devastating impact of the situation we ARE still in and we all have very short memories. I’ve seen some West Ham fans on the blogs even talking about a European place this, yes THIS season. We are not talking thousands here we are talking millions untold unobtainable millions; in this day of telephone number figures for money surrounding football clubs (particularly premiership clubs) it is hard to envisage what those sums actually mean.
Some people find it hard to understand the concept of evolution and refuse to believe in Darwin’s theory of the origin of the present day species because they are not able to grasp in any way shape or form what happens to this planet and its flora & fauna over periods of millions of years, it is not possible for the human mind to comprehend such fantastic periods of time. The concept of understanding how great these sums of money really are is a simile to that inconceivable timespan.
West Ham were/are almost 111 million pounds in debt they were/are in hock up to their eyeballs (still very much the case) and sales of players in January were inevitable to raise cash just to keep the club afloat, yes just to keep trading as a business and not becoming the first premiership club to go into administration.
Gollivan only own 50% of the club and a bunch of creditors still own the other half. So extremely desperate are Gollivan to raise funds they were even prepared to grovel to Curbishley and ask him to invest his paltry 1.5 million; do you think they would have done that if the situation is still not as grave as it ever was? We were dead and on life support, they were about to turn off the machines that were keeping us alive when someone saw the Gollivan finger twitch just when the doctor had his finger on the off switch, that is how close we came and we are still in a coma that will take years to come out of, we were that close to dying at the ripe old age of 115.
Melodramatic? That’s as maybe but it is much closer to the truth than your followers in this thread seem to think it was. Particularly Savvakis, Stani & T.I.S Far better to keep it shut and let people think you’re a fool than to open it and remove all doubt
PS Great minds DON’T think alike it is their individualism that makes them great
PPS @17:55 dead right mate ~ It’s “There but for the grace of God go I” Who’s “copying” who in this great self-confessed clash of the Titans and in so doing tripping each other over? Great arses fart alike more like
I meant "There by the Grace of God go...Pompey and not ourselves". It is not always necessary to use the cliche my friend. Are you Celtic?
The anger in your reply is intyriguing. I'm running it as a main article, trust you have no objections. I hope you are wrong!
great minds think alike and fools seldom differ
Is that where it comes from? Clever.
Loozas, Darwin and Hawking both believe in Evolution, does that mean neither is / was a great mind?
Although melodramatic you make no arguments that stick. You still go back to the amount of debt we had when the Davids took over as if it is the only thing that matters here. Arsenal owe more than twice that but I guarantee you banks would consider them as triple A customers. Why do you think is that if the only thing that matters is the amount of debt. Show be the Balance Sheet of the Club and I can tell you what the situation is. Without that, you it merely an unsubstantiated attempt to present the David's as our saviours and worse to justify their future intentions in selling of our assets. Other than this, I agree with you that one should not speak and remove all doubt.
they just think at different levels
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