Ever since he took charge and started spewing crap, I've been trying to work out who Sullivan reminds me of. Then it hit me this morning, when I read Jowell's comments about how annoyingly premature Sullivan has been in talking about a move to the Olympic Stadium - it is Alexei Sayle performing, "Ullo John, Got a new motor?" For the full effect, picture Sullivan gate crashing a Jowell press conference:
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Your boss 'as made a mess of the country (x2)
He lost his brown bottle at Barclays (x2)
He's an Avon Representative (x2)
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium? (x4)
Hahahahahahahaha stadium, stadium, stadium, stadium...
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
They put me in a special hospital (x2)
Is there life on Mars? (x2)
Is there life in Newham? (x2)
What's that switch over there for? (x2)
Ah ah ah ah ow...ah ah ah ah ow
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Benni can't half play the bongos (x2)
He's got a record by Billy Joel (x2)
Them locks are easy (x2)
Here's my calling card WALLOP (x2)
That's a piece of balsa (x2)
You can make a stadium out of that (x2)
Ilan stuck his head in a dustbin (x2)
And then ran through the launderette (x2)
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
'Ere Tessa do you like the suit here, eh eh it's a lovely suit innit?
'Ere wanna brown ale? (x2)
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Mine's a light and bitter (x2)
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new Stadi-um ... um ... um
Mido could double up as the Thames Barrier (x2)
I keep tropical fish (x2)
In me underpants (x2)
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Mido walks around with his boots on (x2)
(Spoken) Oh yeah our Deano yeah, he's the intelligent one
He's a multi millionaire ex striker
Very bright he is
Been to Miami? Lovely...Miami
Package tour in Miami
You can't get a light and bitter
You can't get a light and bitter in Miami though
You can get one in The Boleyn though!
That's a nice sound as well, The Boleyn!
Sounds like a luxury apartment block!
You can get a light and bitter, and it sounds nice
Light and bitter, that sounds nice, I'd like a light and bitter
Oh cheers thanks a lot
Oh nice one yeah
Alright what you having? What you having eh?
Pina Colada?
Lovely, here you must be sophisticated
Ullo-Ullo-Ullo-Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium?
Your boss ‘as made a mess of the country (x2)
Ullo Tessa! Gotta new stadium? (x5)
(Spoken) Here that's a nice three piece suite
I like your music centre
Here got any Demis Roussos?
Oo I like him, Barry Manilow,
I think he's triffic
Oh I love him, I love Barry Manilow,
He could sing in our new stadium,
I go all weak, when I hear Barry Manilow I go all weak
For the original with a great intro, go to
and he does an advert for an insurance broker or does that bring stables and doors to mind
LOL That's his Achilles Heel!
How empty must your life be to waste time writing such utter nonsense?
Jeez, now I'm wasting my own time commenting on it?? The thing this is so, so bad that I had to say something.
There's me trying to find some news on my beloved WH and I'm confronted with this crap!
I didn't write it, Sayle did, and he made a few bob out of it. Too young to remember it perhaps. I'll see if I can find a link on U Tube for you!
Lighten up, we are in the shit so we might as well smile about it!
Yet another committee set up, what is the ministry of sport for, if it can't deal with a matter like this. Jowel would have got on a lot better with the previous owner's,then they could have spewed our money down the drain together.There is a recession on and they would prefer to spend our money building an 85,000 seat stadium and then spend our money reducing it to 25,000 seat stadium, total bloody madness. Knock Sullivan if you like but he is the sensible one talking, and remember its our money indirectly going down the drain.
The link:
Now picture Sullivan in front of Jowell!
Lighten up??? You writing something bordering on humour or even remotely interesting would be a start...
LOL Don't blame me, blame Sayle. Why do you keep visiting? Comparethewestham.com Comparethewheresheat.com Simples.
Jowell sounds like a fairly dodgy character herself. According to wiki she:
Voted against a transparent Parliament.
Voted for introducing ID cards
Voted for the Iraq war.
Voted against investigating the Iraq war
So she wants to know everything about us, yet when we want to know the truth about Iraq or the government she isn't interested.
A song by a scouser that takes the p*ss out of cockneys. What a great choice for a West Ham blog, genius.
You really know how to work your audience don't you!
LOL Have you watched the YouTube link? The intro is very funny, unlike the song! The idea of Sullivan singing my version does tickle me though.
It is a song sung by a Scouser cnut that would be all the funnier for being sung by a cockney cnut - so perfect for Sullivan!
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