Has Dyer no honour, no principles, no sense of right and wrong or fair play? Poor Diddy David must be so exasperated. He comes up with the perfectly reasonable suggestion that Dyer tears up his contract and retires from the game, allowing the club to sell on his vital organs in the process, and what does Dyer do? He only says no!
No? No! How the bloody hell can he say no? What is the guy thinking of? We have been paying him £60,000 per week for doing nothing for the best part of three seasons now, and the money grabbing son of a Dyer still won't do the decent thing and take early retirement!
How selfish is that? In Diddy David's world, everything was nicely planned out: we sell the stadium and squat at the Olympic Stadium for the next thirty years, move the high wage earners on for a tasty transfer fee, get rid of Duxbury, bring in a few free transfers, loan signings and low cost strikers and stop paying wages to the likes of Dyer and Boa-Morte. But then Dyer throws a spanner in the works and throws David's calculations out something rotten!
I just can't understand Dyer's attitude. Why on earth would he want to keep taking a salary of £60k per week for the next two years when he could walk away and retire aged 31? That's £6.24m! Now who in their right mind would refuse to tear up a contract like that?
Takes me back to the king of greedy bench warmers Winston Bogarde
"This world is about money, so when you are offered those millions you take them. Few people will ever earn so many. I am one of the few fortunates who do. I may be one of the worst buys in the history of the Premiership, but I don't care".
It's hard to tell if there is a serious undertone to your posts these days considering how terrible they have been in the past.
This is supposed to be a tongue in cheek article obviously, but I wouldn't be surprised if these were your true feelings.
Jarred, it surely isn't that hard to work out what I think after reading the article? Would you walk away from the contract in Dyer's position? Would you tear up a winning lottery jackpot ticket?
Hope he cleans you out you pikie dirt
HF, I heard there's a rule that if a player plays less than 10% of the games then the club can tear up his contract. Something along those lines.
Would be great if that's true Stani but I doubt it. What about Bogarde as cited by TBI above?
I think what TBI has quoted is what most footballers think. It would also be what most fans would probably start thinking if they were to ever become footballers. We live in an ever-increasing material world and couple that with the fact that mankind is mostly ingrate, then this is the result.
It is why, even though Mido has a lot of money, we should still commend him for signing for us on 1k a week.
As for that rule, I'm sure I heard about it somewhere but I can't remember who it was in relation to. I'll have a search.
Who can really blame him? It's a short career at the best of times - why make it shorter?
While its easy to be cynical about any high earning footballer's motives, I bet he's even more frustrated with his injuries/lack of appearances than we are.
Normal employment contracts can be ended if their purpose is frustrated by long term absence through ill health Though I've never seen a Premier League footballer's contract, unlike mine (the bastards have got me till I die!)they are for fixed terms and I bet they protect the player in case of long term injury.
On a general point, Sullivan and Gold are talking a lot in the press, and while its good to know what's going on, I hope they don't damage our interests in the process.
How many votes have you recorded so far? I have voted 10 times so far for Hammersfan being a negative wally and for not being a West Ham fan. Pretty suspect result when I can keep repeat voting. Who is running this pole, Robert Mugabe?
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