Typical, bloody typical! He may not be ready, but Charlie Brown has not ruled out the return of Bullard on Saturday. It would be typical of our luck if the ex-Hammer, and heartbeat of the Hull team, were to come on and score with another of those trademark freekicks on Saturday.
And the trouble with Bullard is that it would be hard to feel anything other than admiration for the guy should he do it. I would take him to the World Cup personally, not just because of his ability, but because he seems such a likeable, upbeat sort of guy.
If anybody can keep Hull in the Prem, it is Jimmy Bullard. Much as I like the guy, I hope his return is delayed for at least one more week!
20:12 - you are absolutely pathetic.
Bullard will be a huge problem for us...his free kicks are deadly, his penalties will certainly go in, and he's just an uplifting spirit for Hull. -crosses fingers- ..at most, let's have him on the bench.
Kareem, sorry mate, and to anybody else who read that idiot's obscene comment left at 2012.
Sadly, Kareem, the guy is from the Org. He thinks it is clever to leave racist comments and then claim I am a racist myself. Apologies.
How do we know he's from the Org though? Don't worry about it. I've gotten used to it by now, haha.
Suppose that Bullard starts...should we let Parker hold him off or should we give Kovac a chance and let Parker play that free running position in the middle that he's been playing as of late?
Kovac sitting. But at Hull we gave him the freedom of the park even after we went two up.
I know he is from the Org from previous statements. He is an old and bitter enemy of Fanno. Any guesses who it might be?
Capello isn't the sort of person to take a player to the World Cup if he won't play. Secondly we need to make sure it is not us worrying about their players, but the other way. We are at home, and trying to buy tickets is a blooming nightmare for this game, so I guess the support will be amazing. I think it may be a good thing Bullard playing, our players will be required to stay alert, and frankly they haven't done too badly with him out of the squad/team.
Bullards exactly. Those lottery balls didn't do any good. Lost enough to pay off Curbs. Oh well, double or bust on Sat.
Matt E.
Great philosophy TIS but dangerous. Look what happened at Hull when we gave him the freedom of the park to play.
Big, big, big game. We HAVE to win!
Matt, it took Derren Brown a numberr of weeks and he used a projector to beam the winning numbers onto those balls!
lets get right behind the boys on saturday and get those 3 points. it a big game we have to win. west ham 4ever.
Great, the debt collectors will soon be beaming something on my b**ls.
LOL. Sorry. Who knows, it could be you on Saturday! ; }
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