Fabio has panicked. By sacking Terry, he has given in to the media scrum and made a very bad decision. So the guy has bedded a woman of loose morals and upset Wayne Bridge in the process; so bloody what? How will sacking Terry as captain heal the dressing room exactly? Bridge will still have to share a dressing room with Terry won't he? It's not the captain's armband that has upset him but the captain's cock, and he will still get an eye full of that and know where it has been when they get changed!
As for appointing Rio, how does that make sense? This is a guy who "forgot" to take a drugs test, a test which some believe could have ended his career for ever. What's the more serious offence? Bedding a tart or possibly using performance enhancing or recreational drugs?
Fabio could have gone for Gerrard of course, but it's not so long ago that he was in court on an ABH and affray charge! Why don't we just accept that footballers are scum and have done with it? They are an ill educated mob with an excess of testosterone; so what can we expect?
Rio's lawyers see this, you are facing closure!
It's Ashley cole and any other left back who finds a bit of form who I feel sorry for; fate has decreed that Wayne Bridge will be in the England team next summer!
Well said HF!
Libel? What do you mean? Read the article carefully. Some believe.
Go away, grow up and return with a more reasoned argument. This post is no better than what can be read by a large section of the ill-disciplined media you are critising.
Don't agree personally. It's a lot to do with the person who fronts up press conferences as England Captain. If Terry retained that position then for too long leading up to the World Cup, the press circus would continue to force a distraction away from what should really count, and that is the what happens on in training and on the pitch.
Not sure Rio would have been my choice. Whilst I have confidence that he is highly respected player in the squad, I'd want to be sure he was going to be fit for the World Cup first.
1857 That second sentence has to be one of the most muddled I have ever read! Go back to school!
At the end of the day everyone should be man enough to be held accountable for their actions and be willing to deal with the consequences. John Terry has disrespected not only his team mates but Fabio Capello himself, so how much of a mug would Capello look, how weak would he look if he just ignored this? A manager that demands respect cannot let his players disrespect him like this, he gave John Terry a chance to lead England, trusted him to do the right thing on and off the pitch and he failed. John Terry left him no option so in the end it isn‘t about whether he made the right or wrong choice because he made the only choice that he could.
Completely agree with you anon
Shouldve picked Upson. Last time a West Ham defender was named captain ....
You are wrong Hammersfan.
This isn't about Terry committing adultery. Its about the possibliity of the England camp being split between Terry supporters and 'Team Bridge'.
There are more allegations against Terry, some will shortly become public, perhaps yoy'll change your mind after that.
i suspect that Terry has revealed all the allegations to Capello and, if they are proven, Terry will not even be in the England squad for the world cup.
I must say that I am glad he has had the arm band taken away,
I am sick & tired of seeing no morals/loyalty in the game any more and personally hate all of the trappings that the money has brought to the game.
I know I am living in the past & hark back to the days of seeing local lads play & support the local team, but I would welcome those days back.
On the subject of Rio getting the arm band, I think he was the lesser of many evils, and I can see John Terry still leading the team, albeit that he is not the capt....you cant have a player with that much influence playing for your team & not see it come out in how he plays.
"all footballers are scum"
sort your fucking life out.
what a pathetic "un-educated" sweeping statement.
But i 100% agree with you about JT,
and if hes private life is anything to do with the captaincy,then how the fuck is drugs boy rio now captain.
thats what im more pissed of about,double standards.
Every big tournament the scum press get on our players backs,no wonder we win fuck all.
only in this country.
the press elsewhere would nver do this to their countrymen.
ashamed right now.
I love having sex with muslims
Need to wait until after the world cup to say that! Personally it seems a wise decision, he's trying his hardest to stop the media ruining our chances.
Spot on Don Fabio. Gets home, sees the commotion and makes the decision the next day. Bosh. No nonsense.
I disagree it was panic HF. I think we should be grateful to have a manager like this. McClaren would have left it until the eve of the World Cup with his arm around "JT", and Sven would have asked Terry for her number.
Capello has got it right again. Top man. I also don't think he would have thought about what the media wanted either. Clearly, it is his decision.
He appointed Rio because he was his vice-captain or next in line, and as he said, he had no reason to change this. Rio did take a drugs test two days after his missed one and was clean. It his highly unlikely you could hide illegal substances in your body in two days.
Cheating on ones wife is more serious than taking drugs in my opinion HF. And I firmly believe Rio didn't take any. I also firmly believe that deep down you know it's the right decision :)
Stani, he hasn't lost his job for having an affair. I suspect he would have to sack himself if he had to apply that rule!
Sorry who's that? You mean Capello HF?
Wrong decision by Fabio.
He's set himself a stupid precedent.
Next time there is an issue with an England player, there will be calls for that players head. Fabio can't make a decision about everything, everytime, but that is exactly what will be expected to happen.
Or worse still, he will always have to justify his decisions now. You can just imagine the press asking him, if you dealt with JT as you did, where is the line next time there is an issue, at what point does he not get involved.
It should be all about the football and nothing else.
Wrong decision, weak decision.
Have to disagree if I may Apache.
He would have set himself a precedent either way. The precedent the other way would have been much worse :) It would have said go on lads, do what you like because I'll allow it.
Strong decision. And it is a footballing decision because the guy that cheated on his wife is the SAME guy who is the footballer....the same person. If you can go behind a team mates back and sleep with his partner; how on earth do you expect the right to be trusted and looked up to on a football pitch? He is not a footballer first and foremost; he is a man first and foremost. It is the man that then makes the footballer.
And I also disagree with people that say it will affect England's chances. Terry hasn't lost his place, he'll still be on the pitch giving, as he said, 100%.
Best decision ever made!! Terry was the wrong choice in the first place seeing hehas no talent whatsoever. As for Rio and drugs, nice try but you know damn well he didn't take drugs. That eight month ban was a disgrace!! He would have been my choice from the start. Terry has proved to be the wrong choice for captain. Yeah he banged someone else's missus, how the fack can you appoint someone with no morals to be an inspiration to millions of kids. No wonder society is in the gutter if people like you think it's alright for the wrongs in the world to be swept aside and accepted. Terry can still inspire the team, he just can't lead it imo.
You've all missed the point. It has nothing to do with Wayne Bridge, his ex slag & a dressing room bust up, they all knew he was shagging the French tart anyway. It's about Terry's wife and kids and the perception of decency by hypocrites. Plus the fact he has done it several times before.
The FA are cowards they and Capello have just ruined our chances of any success this Summer. Is Terry any worse than a prime minister that fiddles his expenses and he still has his job? Duplicitous human nature don’t you just love it eh?
Nice to see your puppet Martillo is alive and well.
With all due respect, that argument is an emotional over-reaction. How have they ruined England's chances? Terry is still there. And if it does have a detrimental effect, and I'm not sure how, then you should blame Terry, not the people that disciplined him.
It appears that most here would have sacked Terry. I don't know that i would have. Why did the media even have to report on this? No one forces them to print. This is a personal issue on which a massive footballing decision has been made. Who knows the background of what happened? What led up to it both with his wife & Bridges girlfriend? We only know what the papers have told us. I agree, Terry did the wrong thing. Bridge also does not have to take this onto the park. He is also a player in this even though he may have done nothing wrong. If the personal lives of players now affect what goes on, on the park, we have just opened pandora's box in my opnion.
I agree 100% Winston!
A few things. I can assure you that Capello would not have paid any attention to what the media wanted. His first question to Terry would have been "did you do it?". Terry's demotion, I stress it's a demotion, would only have come about after verification of the facts. We can read all we want but Cappello spoke to the man himself so he certainly would have known the background.
And it's not the 'personal lives' of players, but the 'personl lives' of captains - Terry is still a player. A captain represents much more.
And I also don't see that it is a personal issue and not a footballing one when it involves Bridge and when the consequences of his actions will affect his team mates. Capello made a footballing decision.
The reason the media had to report it is because people want to read it; that's what people like.
Yes Stani, i understand your position. However, i agree with Hammersfan that this has been a hasty, kneejerk reaction brought about by the media. This happened some time ago. Much has unfolded since the original event. Why now? Why can't they keep quiet about this & let it be dealt with internally? The media keep quiet about a lot of other things, mostly political, when it suits them. Although Wayne Bridge has done nothing wrong, is it right for him to take personal grievances into the 90 minutes? What right do other players have to publically make a statement & influence public opinion on other players private lives? I do not condone Terrys actions for one moment. What if a player has an affair with someone unrelated to football? Where do you now draw the line? Players can say "what about him?" Capello may have opened doors to grey areas that cannot be closed. I still think that this is a non football related issue, although as i said he did the wrong thing.
By the way Stani, please understand that that this is a personal opinion. What i say of course, will change nothing. Capello is the boss & his decision will stand because he is the boss. I am merely a West Ham supporter. I enjoy discussing football & am old enough to know that i could also be wrong, even though i think that i am right. LOL. Please never take anything that i say personal. Hammersfan understands that in me & i in him.
Don't worry mate, we're cool. I completely understand. You can trust me not to go off on one and I'm here to take in other's opinions in the hope I may see something from a different view and learn something.
I don't think it was knee-jerk but I think it was a swift and decisive on Capello's part. It is a sign of a man in charge. He saw the commotion at the airport and the twats outside his house and knew he had to act straight away. But, we mustn't forget, media or no media, this is all still of Terry's making.
I think there are two things to consider here. One is the media and the other is Fabio Capello's decision. I think they are completely independent and separate and we should not mix them. Believe me, I don't like the media either. If they had kept quiet about it and left it to be dealt with internally as you said, Capello would still have taken the captaincy away from Terry. The reason is that Capello said "I have to take into account other considerations and what is best for all of the England squad. What is best for all of the England team has inspired my choice". Even if it had been kept in house, Capello's reasoning of what is best for the squad would still apply.
I also think the effect is exaggerated by many people. Terry will still play. He said he will still give 100% and he has every opportunity STILL to express his skills (including leadership ones) on the pitch. It is not the doom and gloom people are making it out to be, really.
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