That's it, we've known it all along but now we have the proof, Brown and his noses all support Tottenham! We had a hunch that Brown was pulling the strings behind the Tevez affair, using the Attorney General to give legal advice to Sheffield United, and we suspected that he had orchestrated the world banking crisis just because we were owned by the ultimate merchant banker. Now with Jowell insisting that the Olympic Stadium remains an athletics venue, we have all the evidence we need.
Running track? Who the bloody hell wants to watch running? Where's the fun in that? What's the point in running round in a bleedin' circle? If they want to run, they can run the bloody marathon! If they want a running track, make Tottenham build one into their new super stadium. But are they insisting on that? No! There's the proof! One rule for Tottenham, another rule for West Ham!
It's all an International Jewish Conspiracy of course! The Commies are behind it too! And the immigrants!
There's only one answer, vote Conservative in May! A vote for Dale and the Tories is a vote for West Ham!
Lee Vitout
You really are a TWAT get a life or a job!!!!
Believe it or not but he is a Teacher.
I don't! LOL
i dont vote for labour anyway.
dear o dear ...
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