Dear Mr Sullivan,
I am writing to tender my resignation after working for West Ham United FC for the last 30 years. You have not met me and probably do not know my name. I operate the turnstiles on match days and am paid an hourly rate only marginally above the minimum wage. I do my job well, endeavouring to get fans through the turnstile as quickly as possible and with the minimum of fuss.
I am tendering my resignation because of my disappointment at your comments today. Whilst I have sympathy with the view that players such as Kieron Dyer and Luis Boa-Morte are overpaid, I feel that you were insensitive when claiming that everybody at the club was being paid too much. There are many, like myself, who do a good job for very modest wages. We work because we have to, but we work for West Ham because of our genuine love for the club. You have displayed complete ignorance of our worth by making your ill considered comments.
My departure will, no doubt, pass unnoticed, except by the fans who now know me by my first name after passing through my gate for every home game since 1980. However, should players such as Jack Collison, paid just £4,000 per week, or England star Carlton Cole take umbrage too, then the negative impact of your comments may be considerable.
So crass were your comments that I cannot help thinking that you may be engineering a situation where Mr Zola resigns and the high earning players submit transfer requests. You have already announced plans to sell Matt Upson and the stadium; are you perhaps hoping that Green, Behrami, Parker and Cole will all follow in the summer? I am only a humble turnstile operator but it seems to me that you may actually be in the process of asset stripping the club you have bought on the cheap.
I do hope I am wrong. Either way, I cannot afford to take a pay cut in the summer so have decided to take a Saturday job as a salesman with Barratt East London Ltd. It may be a coincidence of course, but when I was being interviewed, I noticed plans for a new development of apartments planned for an address in Green Street.
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
Dear John,
Mind the door don't slap your arse on the way out.
Have to admit,didnt like your feeder post one bit,and said this,
but the more i read your other posts,
i like them a lot.
keep it up.
John Smith eh? that's the name i'd give police!
Well said HF! There's nothing like a little satire to bring up the naked and unfortunately ugly truth of the matter.
what is all this about? is it a joke?
Yet again you thick idiot, you fail to recognise we haven't had turnstile operators for years.
So the jokes on you and this crap blog once again!
Obviously made up bollocks, as there's no way one of our turnstile operators would use the word umbrage, never mind know the meaning of it.
*logs off grumbling*
22:00, yes it's a joke. This blog if famed for incredibly bad humor. This gent, although talented chooses to waste his time on crap like this.
On this day though, you caught him on form. The writer is on the average day venting due to a mid life crisis.
A shame to see an unquestionable skill go to waste. I guess the scouts never picked up on this ones ability, so for the time being at least we have to deal with frequent lashings of obscure interpretations as if to suggest a point.
Give him time, he'll come to realize what it takes.
Funny this, the eight year old understood again. Guess we have an Einstein on our hands.
why do u idiots attack this post so much!? its writen for a bit of light banter, or even humour, if you children can remember what that is. If u dont like what this guy writes dont read it!
I think your doing A good job, keep it up
it's the sensationalist headlines on newsnow.co.k that brings me to this site every now and again...
the website is well designed but deserves more than your negative drivel
yes Sullivan needs to shut up and change that awful jacket of his.....he's becoming embarrassing.......but your made up shite of a post from a 'turnstile operator' is even more so
Chill mate, chill. I must have wasted 2 minutes of your life. You wasted more by writing your Mr Angry reply. Click on, click off, what's the big deal? Others have appreciated the post so why should your objections deny them the right to read what I write and participate in the debate that sometimes springboards off of it?
Let's not diss the post and have a look at the overall message of it.
Sullivan will be sacking people and cutting their wage, but those that it will hurt the most (not the playing staff) are the ones who need these jobs and are already on low income as it is.
Whether John Smith exists or not, the moral of the story is what matters.
Unfortunately half the dump asses that read your blog don't see the bigger picture of what your trying to relay out of your satire, alot of people laughed at me and scoffed about this being bad for West ham when sullivan took over on westhamfans.org I think now they are just starting to wake up and realize perhaps I had some valid points after all about this crook.
Yours faithfully
Damn, I thought you were resgining from this site.
It's a shame it's just another post to have a dig at the club.
Robson, there's a differenvce between digging at the owners and digging at the club. I would have thought that EVERY West Ham fan would have understood that by now!
Ben, take care not to stand out against the crowd too much on the Org or the Klan will charge you with Thoughtcrime!
Isn't all this being taken a bit out of context. I don't think for one minute DS was referring to the lower paid employees. Has anybody actually heard the words that were said at the interview. From his reported comments afterwards it appeared more likely to me that David Sullivan was trying to pep up the team and management staff buy implying that if the club was rellagated the playing and administrative staff would have to take a 25% cut which probably is written into their contracts
He said the cuts would apply if we stayed up! Relegation will mean Armegeddan according to Diddy David!
so it'll be the two toby jugs of the apocalypse riding a braying karen brady that will be the signs. oh, didnt realise. Anyway, I bet we get sued again if we bring about Armageddon or Ahmadinejad or whoever the fuck. I say pay up or dont pay up but shut up about it.
His comments were directed at the high earnings administrative staff and so on. He's even mentioned the fact that the likes of brooking and cottee were on ridiculous contracts for being ambassadors. He said he had so much respect for them but if anyone knew how much they were being paid they would be shocked!
Under the Icelandics we were giving stuff away for fun. If this article was supposed to be factual i suggest that more research be done before posting it.
If not i hope others don't believe it to be true.
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