"But today was all about Hull. How can Carlton Cole score from that position? Nightmare defending by Hull City."
Er, excuse me, what about a fantastically bent and weighted pass from Faubert and a wonderful run and finish by Cole? If that had been Gerrard bending a pass for Torres, there would have been a puddle at Lawrenson's feet and I'm not sure it would have been dribble!
MOTD really does need to be revamped. Hansen is now a self parody and is smiling as randomly and as absurdly as that other Scottish tosser, Gordon Brown, and the silly attempts to chip at Lineker are embarrassing. But Lawrenson's comments take the biscuit. He didn't even mention that Hull were down to nine men when Faubert fired home the third - it was all down to crass defending apparently!
What a twat!
I couldnt have put it better myself. I wished Id never watched it now and stuck to Football First,
So infuriating, I was so looking forward to hearing the words "pass of the season" and...
At first I thought my view of our coverage on Match of the Day was due to bias... However, it really isn't. They really do have something against us. We always happen to be either the last match or the one that's followed by a goal of the month segment - straight into another match. Today being the exception... What HAVE we done to them? From what I saw of the other matches it looked like we had one of the best of the day and they just dismiss it in a few minutes of moaning about Hull's defence. No mention of the inch perfect pass.
Im not a West Ham fan, but I also noticed that they give WesT Ham no credit.
When they lose they like to make it out as if they are the worst team in the league (which they are clearly not)
They also try to be little teams such as Arsenal, Bolton and Burnley as much as they can for some reason.
I never watch MITD anymore! It's Sh*t! And I'm sick of sitting through every other game just to watch 3 mins of our game!
And I am sick of the TWAT that is Lawrenson! He REALLY is a pathetic, biased C**T! West Ham could have just won the Champions league final against Barcelona 9-0 and it would be all down to how bad Barcelaona were and there would never be a mention of how good we were!
He is one of the few idiots that I would gladly beat to a pulp if I saw him in the street!
And is Hansen is a cockjockey too!
'Football First' all the way now.
That should have been MOTD! Sorry!
yes mark lawerenson is a prick, bit daft their coverage of your game, thought you did reasonably well and surely deserved some compliment for a 3-0 win even if it was against dull city
I agree it's about time we had a couple of subs on MOTD I am sick of those scouse relics. Time for some new blood. Thanks for the tip I will make sure when watching MOTD today I mute Lawros dribble.
I have thought for some time that MOTD presenters Hanson and Lawrenson have a problem with West Ham. I assumed they were being paid to be neutral.After last nights lack of anything constructive about the teams performance I think I will join Matt Ryan and give the program a miss in future.
Hull played off the park 3 goals 3 points back to back wins 2 clean sheets up to 13th full of confidence and in the ascendancy, how do you fancy supporting West Ham now fanno you joke of a fan and that's being polite "Sing when you're winning you only sing when you're winning" By the way was you at that game? No, don't answer that because I already know
Fanno - we're not surprised - but how about something positive regarding the Hull win? you know something like... "We looked good - Faubert was excellent, along with Franco, Cole and Diamanti and even Upson and Green had a decent game too" try a bit of upbeat, happy and positive for a change.
1422, how about reading the match report, which, apart from Franco, just about covers all that! Personally, I thought Franco was ordinary but it was his first game back and he only lasted 60 minutes, suggesting he was ring rusty. This article is criticising Lawrenson for not giving credit to Faubert and Cole so your comment mystifies me. How about reading what is written before you trot out the pre-programmed response?
What a rubbish post!
What Lawro was saying is how does a forward get a chance to score when he has both center backs tracking him and at least one full-back in attendance? I get rather bored of this MOTD paranoia! Anyone who actually went to the game would know the result was as much due to Hull pushing the self destruct button, as it was to our great play. If Hull had 11 men throughout the game it would have stayed at 1-0.
As for the inch perfect pass, not being mentioned, well it was. Hanson said: This goal is as much about the great pass as it was the finish.
Perhaps people should watch MOTD on Sunday mornings, when they have sobered up.
BTW: I have it on good authority that the reason we are always on last is because the producer is a Chelsea fan. It's nothing to do with the 'expert panel'.
If you want to hear real anti-WH Bull$hit, listen to Any Gray!
I personally hate you and think you talk complete and utter drivle just like lawrenson however for the first time in my life i will agree with you.
If Lawrenson was so good, why did he not go into management - the same reason Hansen, and that idiot Andy Gray off Sky do. They can't do a real job.
get Lawrenson off the air, and Hansen and replace with un-biased people, and un-biased BBC production people.
Why do you hate me 2002? Is it all down to that time I refused to sleep with you?
LOL I'm thinking of taking out a copywrite infringement action! How about this for a post on the Org 20 minutes after this went up on here:
Having just watched the quick 4 minutes of highlights of motd of the hammers best performance of the season, and am appalled and disgusted by the coverage of the so called pundits. Instead of praising the excellent performance by us today, they did not even mention us just concentrated on how poor hull were. Faubert pass for coles goal was one of the best passes you will see in the premiership this season, if it had been a rooney or fabergas pass they would be on the floor drooling over it !! Lawerenson who like rest of bbc must have a vendetta against us did not even mention us and faubert first goal, just unbelieveable !! Dont know how to go about it but think we should all write letter of complaint against the bbc, anyone else with me ?? coyi
Anybody would think this sotondob geezer was Fanno in disguise. Now where did Fanno go to University? Hang on, it will come to me! LOL
There pathetic just coz liverpool are dog turd they moan about us and every1 else
They can't replace them, because they will only replace them with Jamie Redknapp, Garth Crookes and Alan Shearer. I much prefer MOTD2, Lee Dixon is a sex god and Martin Keown is likable. I hate the lack of importance MOTD places on games. It is a show for people like me who refuse to let Sky take over the planet, and cannot afford to go to every game, yet I get 4 minutes (if lucky) of BS highlights, when very often they fail to show near misses.
p.s I hate it when they show the subs coming on, because they only do so when that sub scores. Grrr
22:41 You went to the uni 4 cunst trying all that shit again you arsehole. massage that fallen ego of yours with that crass counter all you like and take advice from no one because you are not able. Born a cnut grew up a cnut still a cnut now and will always be, you know no different. Like you blame the schools when your having a go at those less fortunate I blame your parents they raised a little cnut
"fantastically bent" that sums him up!
0944, get over it! As I told you at the time, I'm not gay. If I was, I might be attracted to your low forehead and the sensual way you drag your nuckles along the ground when you walk!
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