Typically, Redknapp has put his oar into the choppy waters stirred up by Sullivan's ill advised comments about pay cuts. According to 'Arry, we will now find it difficult to keep hold of our top players in the summer. What a git the guy has become. Instead of mouthing off about us, he should be explaining how his superstars have contrived to lose both home and away this season to the toothless Wolves!
We all know his game of course. He is trying to unsettle our big four, hoping to pick up one or more of them on the cheap in the summer. It would be good if Sullivan now confirmed that the bar on doing transfer business with Tottenham, announced by The Grand Puppet Master Duxbury, still holds. I can script it for Sullivan actually. "Why on earth would any of our top players want to join Tottenham? If they move, it will be to a club playing in the Champions League next season!" He might add, "Harry Redknapp should focus less on West Ham and more on building his defence for tax evasion."
I think Dux said that we won't sell any of our top players to the filth. So they are welcome to have Green and Upson for a large sum.
Don't worry about Harry, he will be taking it up the Arsenal in a few months.
LOL That will make his head twitch!
If clearing our debt is indeed a pressing goal I could see Harry giving us 40m to addressing it and having Spurs finish no higher in the table. cuz he aint that great a manager.
Right on! Arry should mind his own buisness, leave us alone. He is just trying to put sticks in our wheels(norwegian say), he should really quit his childish games......
Now let's go get Hull!
Stop bloody making posts that I agree with!!!!! ;)
Harry Redknapp never got over the fact that he was thrown out of West Ham. At the time this happenned I sympathised with him. It was easy to do that at the time because the Board was not much better than the hidden filth that is well covered under the personal charm of Harry.
Harry and Storrie the same dynamic duo that almost destroyed West Ham did exactly this for Portsmouth. Like a decease spreading they have done everything to promote their own narrow self interests. I hope the tax man puts them both behind bars. I find it totally hypocritic for Harry to make statements of sympathy for Portsmouth when he (and Storrie) are probably the main reason the Club is in this predicament.
Like a vulture, he is always on to quickly profiting from the weaknesses of other clubs and West Ham is no exception. I am starting to believe that he enjoys hurting his old club more than any other. So, I had enough of Harry. Please Davids tell him to get stuffed once and for all. I will then re-evaluate my initial reservations I had about your intentions.
Savvakis, they aren't the main reason that Pompey are where they are, they are THE reason! They have ruined that club and it's such a shame because they got themselves to a pretty good height before bagpuss and storrie wrecked them!
I just seriously hope they get put away! But not before bagpuss does th esame to the Spuds :D
Funniest thing i've heard today is a tottenham fan saying they had a sensible wage bill
How insulting is this thread. The poor vultures only consume what is expected of them. So give them a break. Harry Redneck on the other hand sticks his nose where it is not needed. West Ham finally have a team that is capable of even giving the top four a run for their money. 'Arry on the other hand knows that his seasons are always full of promise but predictably ends in a damp squib. Redneck will never ever win the Premier League title or even finish in the top four. He knows it and so does everyone with at least one and a half brain cells.
I really like what you say about "why on earth would anyone of our stars want to go to Tottenham when they could be playing champions league with a top four club!" That is EXACTLY the right tone to take. It'll get up Harry's craw, and besides, it's TRUE.
Arry the thief, maybe he able to buy some of our players with some of them scotish pound notes he gets from Mr Willie Mackay.
and he'll be managing the pentonville 1st team by the end of the season so no need to worry about stealing any of our players.
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