With Rio injured and Terry ruled out by his sexual indiscretions, the armband passes to Gerrard - for the time being at least! But there's a certain story that has been circulating concerning Mr Gerrard for a number of weeks now. What's the betting on the News of the World "breaking the story in the public interest" on the eve of the World Cup?
Gerrard was photographed checking his mobile anxiously as he came down the steps of the plane after it landed in South Africa. He was supposedly checking to see if Rafa was still his manager. If there's any truth in the rumour, however, Benitez may have been the last thing on Gerrard's mind! You can bet your life that Murdoch's legal team are beavering away as I type, checking what can and can't be said, and how much it will cost if they've got it wrong.
So what if it buggers our chances in the World Cup? "England Captain and 16 Year Old School Girl Sexclusive" would sell a few million extra copies, with advertising rates going through the ceiling. That is a hypothetical headline of course and could refer to any England captain past, present or future, relating perhaps to the England U17 team, the U18 side, the U21s - and could concern the captain of the cricket, rugby, basketball, table tennis, tennis, golf, hockey, chess or American Football teams. I can't afford Murdoch's lawyers!
Me, I don't believe a word of the story, this article is about how unscrupulous our National Press is and simply quotes Mr Gerrard by way of an example of how low they would sink! Let's hope the rumour is precisely that, an unfounded rumour. Otherwise Capello could be looking for yet another captain. Matty Upson anybody?
Good call. Stop thinking like the tabloids though, it'll do nothing to enhance your reputation.
...and which demographic was that image aimed at because it did nothing for me.
I understand that Dale is quite a fan of this site. I was impressed with his defence of Laws on TV by the way.
I think you've always been secretly impressed by him ;)
Which Laws are these?
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