Benni McCarthy greeted the news of the signing of Thomas Hitzlsperger in excited fashion...until somebody pointed out that it was HitzlsPERGER and not Hitler'sBURGER. Mind you, there is a certain irony in Avram signing a German whose surname includes the name Hitler. Please, no talk of the final solution to the problems on our left flank!
You have to wonder why on Earth we let General Franco go in the circumstances! Recruit Di Canio for a coaching role and there would be no stopping us! Play in Europe? Bugger that, we aim to conquer bloody Europe! The OS will be announcing a friendly with Bayer Lebensraum shortly!
Why do keep with the anti semitic jokes??? getting a little boring now????
Welcome Avram , lets hope you bring Yossi back!!!
As usual
Hardly anti Semitic! I have been heavily critical of our fans for their anti Semitic attitudes and of Di Canio for that Nazi salute. There is a certain irony no?
WBE, why do you keep coming back?
Bring Yossi back? Liverpool want £10m for him! Out of our league!
Benayoun is the player we badly need in the midfield. But is porbably out of our reach.
Yossi? We have Diamanti. He just needs to be used properly.
I think West Ham can do without your racist comments.
What racists comments are they? A pun on players' names? Ouch! I think you should be more concerned about the hissing when we play Tottenham which this blog has condemned and the racism still displayed towards our black players, which this blog has highlighted, and the fascism of Di Canio which this blog has also condemned, to the anger of many West Ham fans. I suspect, sir, that you are a hypocrite, happy to sing racist songs at the ground but quick to jump on something on the net.
Well if putting a nazi logo on cheese isn't racist I don't know what is? Maybe you should realise that Germans(apart from a small number of(some in this country too which is pathetic)hate Hitler and what he stood for.
There are certainly some racist undertones to your article. I'm sure you was aiming for either witty or clever but all that most people are going to read in this post is another reference to grant being Jewish and Thomas Hitzlsperger must be a Nazi because he's german and his surname starts hit. I doubt you meant any offence to anyone but I think you should have kept this particular article to yourself.
Do you think I photographed my dinner? It's on the net already! You are right, of course. If the article is racist in any way, it is racist against Germans. Actually, I was nearly beaten up in Israel for being very critical of propaganda in Yad Vashem, the museum to the Holocaust. I voiced concern in a bar at the words "Every German, every man, woman and child, became one Party, became one man, Adolf Hitler, intent on the annihilation of the Jews". I made the point that many Germans risked their lives to protect Jews and that many had no idea what was actually happening. I was chatting to the barman who had emigrated from the East End. That provoked three Zionists to confront me and call me a Nazi and threaten to kick my head in. Interestingly, the curator of a smaller museum to the Holocaust in the Temple of David was just as critical of Yad Vashem. He had survived Aushwitz and was angry at the way Israel was using the Holocaust as a lever in modern politics and voiced concerns about the treatment of Palastinians. This was before the Interfada.
Can we joke about the Holocaust without being racist? I think we can providing we are not justifying it in any way. This article is simply punning on the fact that we have a German whose name virtually starts with Hitler, have just released a guy by the name of Franco and a former great who carries an Il Duce tattoo. We only need a Hirohito to complete the set! I think that's worthy of an observation because of the unlikely coincidence personally, especially when we have an Israeli as manager and two Jews as co chairmen. What are the chances? Only at West Ham! (And of course, Jews are not supposed to have anything to do with ham but then a hamburger is made from beef!)
Hammersfan I'm impressed only you would know where to find a picture of burger with a ketchup swastika - well done! you're obviously well connected.
There's this thing called Google search. You type in key words. I think I typed in Hitler with burger.
did I not show you Godwin's law before? It really is a sign of ignorance to bring everything back to Nazi comparisons. Come on mate, sometimes your blog can be good but you need a better bullshit filter...
You did. But come on, Hitzlsperger, Franco and Il Duce - Godwin would have understood a reference given that improbable combo!
ok i'll let you have that. I was being a bit harsh ; )
@14:45 does the word pompous mean anything to you?
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