Spain's defeat to Switzerland sets up the mouth watering prospect of a last 16 collision between the two favourites to win the competition, Spain and Brazil. Now some will be blaming the ball, some the vuvuzela and some will float the conspiracy theories, that there is some engineering going on behind the scenes to guarantee an African interest in the competition, at least as far as the quarter finals.
I don't hold with the ball idea. We get this nonsense every tournament, and by the end, everybody has forgotten about the "suspect ball". It is round, it is made of plastic and it is a standard size. How many bloody variables are there for God's sake? No doubt the Spaniards will be moaning that it is too round, or too plastic, or too precisely the right size, or filled with the wrong gas, but that is all cobblers. It's a ball, get on with it!
What about the vuvus? Well I've had my say about them and there has been a drone of opposition from vuvu apologists. I think they are making a difference. I think they are protecting the inferior sides, because they cannot hear the fever pitch support for the team in the ascendancy. But can the vuvus explain today's freak result? Spain, mighty Spain, losing to Cow Bell Switzerland! You couldn't write it!
So what about the conspiracy theory? Those who remember Argentina's 6-0 victory over Peru will know that corruption can influence results, even in a World Cup. After the melt down of the World's banking system, who knows what deals might have been done behind closed doors in smokeless rooms? FIFA are desperate for an African nation to progress and maybe, just maybe, that draw was engineered to make possible the progress of an African side. To lose either Brazil or Spain before the quarter final would be perfect wouldn't it? Much better than the Ivory Coast having to play Brazil! And Portugal are in dire financial trouble so that may explain why they looked disinterested in their game against the Ivorians.
We will learn a lot tonight. Uruguay serve no useful purpose in this competition. I would place a bet on a very controversial refereeing decision going in South Africa's favour tonight: a penalty to South Africa, an onside goal for Uruguay disallowed, a Uruguayan or two sent off. If that happens, we will know the fix is in!
Of course it may just be that it's not only England who can cock up!
LOL That theory has just been holed beneath the water line!
Well I hope hope so I'm pinning my hopes on some dodgy refereeing to help Bafana Bafana progress in the manner of South Korea in 2002 Viva bribery and corruption if it helps SA to progress
Another theory up the swanny HF!
John V P
And another tenner down the toilet!
It seems that the African teams, this time round, are just not good enough. Perhaps Ivory Coast will get better but the rest of them seem very poor. I would bet that the Latin American teams will do well. Apart from Brazil and Argentina I think Chile and Uruaguay will progress further (the former quite possibly at the expense of Spain!). I will hold back judging England until I watch them in the next game against Algeria who in my opinion are the weakest team in the Group. If England does not win in a convincing manner against Algeria, then my fears will become reality. So, on the next round of games. This round will seperate the men from the boys. We may even enjoy wathcing some football for a change.
"Uruguay serve no useful purpose in this competition"....
Well, they certainly looked very useful and showed a lot of purpose HF?! Forlan and Suarez will give most teams problems!
The South African's were poor, but let's not take anything away from Uruguay...they stifled them and outclassed them! There was no cohesion from SA and they didn't have the teeth to even scratch the surface of a compact, hard-working midfield unit and well-drilled back four!
Forlan was excellent, although quite why he was granted the freedom of Pretoria is a mystery!?
Uruguay were disciplined too...NO yellow cards even!!
There will be no conspiracies! France will probably need at least a point against SA, and they will be gifted all 3 on this showing! Uruguay will top the group and the French will sneak through.
Yep, I cocked up there Shaun. I fancy Mexico to beat France actually.
Thought the WC was to boring for ya. I'm not surprised your still watching, you just write a load of bollocks. I suppose that makes you a hypocrite. What a surprise!
Why does it make me a hypocrite? Do you understand what that word means?
HF you are acting in contradiction to your stated beliefs. You said HF your point was and I quote "the world cup is boring" Why are you watching it, if you believe its a tiresome and boring activity. That my friend MEANS you dont like it. You then say your going to watch the france mexico world cup game. Mmmmm that makes you a hypocite, its quite simple really.
Nope. It might make me a mug, or a fool, or a football adict, or an optimist even - but it does not make me a hypocrite. It would be hypocritical if I criticised others for watching the games and then watched it myself. It would be hypocritical if I blew a vuvu whilst watching the game. But watching the World Cup does not, in any way, make me hypocritical. As I thought, you don't actually understand the word.
Hypocrite: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion and a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs.
Wrong, you say its boring which means you dont like it. You give your readers the impression and belief that you find it boring which again! means you don't LIKE IT. If you don't like it why concern yourself with the france mexico match which you are most likely going to watch. That mean's you DO like it and find it not boring and are very much looking forward to watching the match. The topic is now closed mr hypocrite.
1844, I have the power to decide when the debate is over. If I choose to do so, I can simply moderate out your comment. You can't do that can you? I find work boring sometimes, that doesn't mean I don't work! Sometimes I find a book I'm reading boring, that doesn't mean I give up on it. Sometimes my wife bores me but that doesn't mean I get a divorce. Sometimes life can be pretty boring but that doesn't mean we commit suicide. Idiot!
Oops, that comment didn't make it through! I am officially closing you out of the debate and there is nowt you can do about it! This isn't censorship, that would make me a hypocrite, it is simply that your last comment was so idiotic that it did not merit posting.
Idiot!! that's not nice calling me a mentally deficient person. I still love you mate. Come on Mexico!!!!
That's better. I couldn't censor that expression of affection and admiration! I agree. Come on Mexico!
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