West Ham are close to signing a top Portuguese international. OK, it is only Luis Boa-Morte but it's a start isn't it? Ronaldo was coming but Jose talked him out of it at the last minute!
How much are we offering Luis do you reckon? Ten Midos a week would seem fair to me given Boa's stunning cameo against Man City on the last day of the season.
Perhaps we could pay him a Boa Bonus for every goal he scores? That wouldn't cost us much based on his previous 80 appearances in a West Ham shirt!
I'm surprised Sullivan didn't come out with "we interviewed Jose Mourinho for the vacant manager's job" before Mourinho went to Madrid. It woulda gone nicely with the Henry bid.
I think Boa was kept at Grant's request which maybe a good sign i.e. the manager is showing he has some degree of power over the owners. There was no way Boa was gonna stay after he verbally spanked the classless Sullivan after the City game so Grant must have had some say.
What must Boa morte been thinking lately
being bood by the fans ,winning back the fans support,mouthing of Sullivan at the end of the season.
and after all that he gets a new contract
boa gone from zero to hero??
Yep, it's gotta be a new contract for Luis Boa-Messi!! The guy looked back in shape and back to form against City!
OK, it was a dead rubber, but his overall performance was quality and the run and finish for his goal were sublime!
Boa is class shame to let him go for nothing. Hope he signs
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