Well actually Stanley, if there are any blue, green or orange players out there, then yes, they would be covered by Hansen's remark. I haven't seen any, but then I haven't seen any black or white players either. Which is why, if you strip away the hysteria, "coloured" shouldn't be an issue!
Collymore, of course, is riding on the back of the PC coat tails. Like Ferdinand, he is no more black than I am. If I bought a pot of black Dulux paint and, on opening it, found it to be Collymore or Anton colour, I would want my money back!
But then, as Aston Villa discovered, Collymore never came with a money back guarantee; although the money shot was always guaranteed in the back of a stranger's car allegedly - albeit at the expense of the upholstery given his accuracy when shooting!
Well if your gonna be that picky then I'm not really black at all more of a chocolate brown ,and your probably a pale pink rather than white so let's keep it real at least , as for stand personal life , it has no bearing on me whatsoever .
He is an intensely annoying pundit. He has a Brummie voice that drills through one's head and expresses his opinions in a way that leaves no-one in any doubt he is right, always.
It might do if your wife chanced to be in the same carpark! I'm not being picky, quite the opposite!
Stan likes colour, after all didn't he keave Ulrika black and blue.
shut up HF, you twat.
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