We are told Terry is being treated the same as everybody else. If that is the case, why don't the CPS pursue charges against every supporter who yells racist abuse over the course of a game? And why hasn't Suarez been charged exactly?
And how do the FA explain that they have reached a decision on Suarez before charges are made by the CPS, whereas Terry hasn't even been asked to attend a hearing, but now faces a trial in February?
Presumably the FA will be handing over their Suarez evidence to the CPS and we will see consistency, with the Uruguayan charged, just like Terry.
Meanwhile, God help us all. Big Brother has arrived in a ridiculous way. I am utterly opposed to racism, but for the life of me, I cannot understand why Terry is allowed to call a Liverpool player a "fcuking Scouse cnut" with impunity but faces court if he calls a black player a "fcuking black cnut". The F and the C words are offensive, the Scouse and black words are not. Had Terry called Ferdinand a "N*****" there could be no defence. But he didn't.
Tell me, what part has Rio played in all this? Allegedly the deposed England captain has been stirring his brother up all along. So, the question has to be asked, are the courts simply allowing a footballing whore's vengeance?
Can't publish that comment I'm afraid.
As I understand it HF, Terry's case went to the CPS as a member of the public formally complained, which was not the case with Suarez. BTW, your Liverpool article posted previously will surely smash all your records for replies. Liverpool fans are the most passionate (and blinkered) I have ever met - so if your QPR and Leceister (and Southampton) 'baiting' (for that is surely what it is!) get 40-45 responses, this one is going to go nuclear!
Not baiting mate, honest opinion. As I say, my article will be lost in all the match reports and Liverpool blog responses to another disappointing result tonight. So, somebody has to formally complain about Suarez do they? Surely the FA should do that!
Come on HF - you know that as soon as you have found an audience who respond to your provocative posts (which I thoroughly enjoy), that you do like to carry on tweaking the tail of the tiger a few more times! Not a complaint by the way.
Re the CPS - I cannot pretend to be an expert on law, but from everything I have read, that is the key difference between the 2 cases when it comes to why one went to them and the other did not.
Whether the charge is appropriate or not is, I agree, in some doubt. What I do feel is that this person is an improper England captain. How he was ever given that accolade back is beyond comprehension. His involvement in anything like this should have been the final nail in the coffin. Shame on the FA and Mr Capello that he is allowed to continue. Further ignominy and ridicule heaped upon a nation that, in footballing terms, is fast becoming the poor relation of the European super powers.
Come on HM, Bobby Moore wasn't a saint was he? And what about Rio, Ooops I forgot a drugs test Ferdinand? And Bryan Race You To The Bar Robson? Did Tony Drink You Under The Table Adams wear the armband? How about Peter Ten Grand On Trap 1 Shilton? We are talking working class Brits here, what do you expect? I blame their headmasters!
; }
HF - harsh! Have you turned into a Tory MP or a hack from the Daily Fail? I'm used to hearing the ills of society blamed on the education system from those types, not from the respected intellect that is the HF!
Good points re the other ex-captains, I guess it's all about degrees though and My own view is that Mr Terry is one seriously classless act.
00:20 you dozy left wing pillock he is innocent until found guilty
HF - you say you are 'utterly opposed' to racism and then write an article like that? Tell me- are some of your best 'friends' black?
LOL HM, "I guess it's all about degrees though and My own view is that Mr Terry is one seriously classless act"; have the Joint Universities Board introduced a degree in spit roasting?
0557 I expect some of your best friends are. Please use your superior intellect and "black contacts" to explain why it is ok to call somebody a "Fcuking Scouse cnut" but not ok to call somebody a "Fcuking black cnut." By the way, none of my best friends are Scouse. There was this one guy from Liverpool I counted as a friend, but one night he had the wheels off my car.
The CPS has to act on a complaint from the public and the decision to proceed with a court case is based on the CPS accumalation of evidence. They must think there is a case to answer.
St John of Stamford Bridge, however protests his innocence a little too much with his ''determination to clear his good name''. Well, he would wouldn't he, what with him being upright family man with highest degree of humility and integrity. Ignore the occasional lapse into temptation with horizontal women and the odd bit of zig-zag line parking.
Other England captains have been less than perfect I agree, but Terry comes across as a particular odious individual who has a very tenuous assosciation with any truth. Once the court case is out of the way and Terry has paid his fine from the wad he carries in his back pocket let's hope the FA charge him with racism, bringing the game into disrepute and dragging the England Captains armband through every gutter that crosses his path.
"....explain why it is ok to call somebody a "Fcuking Scouse cnut" but not ok to call somebody a "Fcuking black cnut." if you can't understand a fundamental like that then I think you'll always be classed a bigot, racist or otherwise.
You do talk some nonsense sometimes HF
Only sometimes Stani? Funny the way it all always centres on any views on racism and Noble! It's a good job that Noble isn't keeping a promising young black player out of the team!
S0 1539, explain why F black C is rascist but F Scouse C isn't? Scouse refers to a specific ethnic group does it not?
16:23 truly pathetic and juvenile = grow up man.
HaHa! Hammersfan you are a moron. You say there's no difference between "F black C" and "F Scouse C" but there is a huge difference. The first is a racist comment, degrading someone based on the colour of their skin and against the law. The second is (swear words aside) a comment based on where someone lives and is not against the law. At most is could be conceived to be a xenophobic comment but it is not racist. Get your stuff right Hammersfan, so much of what you write is absolute garbage and now it's just plainly incorrect. And for the record I have no bias in this matter, as much as I hate the scum that is John Terry.
I am afraid that you are the moron. Try reading "Fanatics! Power, identity and fandom in football" By Adam Brown. I will point you to page 80, "a decade later we have found forms of racialised expression which are generically mobilised against fans from Merseyside with the intention of offending the regional Scouse identity and its associated perceived racial preferences".
C'mon HF, poor riposte...I expected at least a little bit better from you. I regret to inform you that this Adam Brown fella's opinion and UK law are two very different things indeed. I could cite countless law articles and journals to prove you wrong but it doesn't make you sound clever you'll be sorry to hear. Just admit defeat and respect will be given. However I fear your response will be predictably Ill-conceived as per usual.
Come on HF= this isn't difficult. Londoners abuse scousers, scouusers abuse mancs and the mancs abuse us. I'm not saying its nice, it is abusve but its NOT racist. Have you ever felt that you were racially abused when someone at an away ground called you a 'cocknet tw*t'? No, me neither. Abused? Yes. Just not racially.
You say you are utterly opposed to racism but you don't even understand what it means.
I suppose that depends on your definition of race. Yes I do feel offended when all Cockneys are labelled and abused. I can laugh at it, but know that it results in discrimination. I was raised in Somerset with a Cockney accent and was always criticised for my accent once at grammar school. Yokels could speak like Wurzel Gummage without censure, but I was picked up for saying Fink and Fought and Firty Free.
I had to change my voice to succeed in life. I would not be where I am now had I retained my Cockney accent. Is that prejudice? Yes. Is that discrimination? Yes. What is racism? Prejudice and discrmination based on the colour of your skin or your place of birth / race. If I was black and I was ruled out of jobs because of my accent and voice, that would be racist would it not?
Yes it would, but if you feel that you had to change your cockney accent to get on in life that's sad but still not racist. That's about you being ashamed of your roots and conforming.
And as for you calling your abusers 'yokels'- isn't that on a par with them knocking your London back-ground. By your own ridiculous definition of racism that's racist isn't it?
Stay West of London, with your nice accent and ignorance. You're not wanted in the East.
Why do you think I used the term Yokels? To make my point.
Nothing to do with being ashamed of my roots - as a child I jealously protected my accent until I was pointed towards Cambridge University and was rehearsed by a "consultant" brought in by Yeovil College to prepare me for the interview and entrance examination. I arrived for interview in a suit bought from a nearly new shop as that's all my family could afford and, on the evening before interview, dined with two toffs, one educated at Winchester Public School and the other at Charterhouse. Believe you me, I would not be where I am now had I retained my "full on" East End accent!
I have no idea where you are now, and I don't care
Changing your accent is a sad thing, that only a numpty like you would stoop to. I bet you change it back to a faux Cockney one when you make your rare visits to UP. You're even sadder than I thought.
It is still "Thames Estuary" so I pass on Green Street anyway. Far more convincing than the twat who played the lead role in Green Street the movie.
As for changing your accent being "sad", what a stupid thing to say. We should all strive to improve ourselves and the Cockney accent is not the best. My folly was in seeking to preserve the accent as a child, seeing it as a badge of honour.
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