Allardyce continued: "Even more impressive is this boy's durability. He is strong. Bloody strong. And can withstand the most crunching of tackles, even from a Swiss animal called Hadron, a cross between Billy Bonds, Neil Ruddock, Ron Chopper Harris, Norman Hunter and Kevin Davies. When you're hit by that guy, you know you've been hit!"
He joked: "Keiron Dyer would explode into a billion pieces! But not Higgs Boson!"
A double deal seems in the offing. "I like the sound of this Hadron guy too," Allardyce explained. "He is my type of player. Hard and uncomplicated. Early in his career he had a tendency to break down but that seems to be behind him now. If I could team him up with Higgs Boson, the result could be really explosive!"
But Higgs Boson is the number one priortity. "He could be the answer to everything!" Allardyce bubbled. "Higgs Boson would represent a quantum leap forward for a club like West Ham."
Didn't we already have eleven none entities on the pitch last saturday?
Non entities? Not sure about that. But there were certainly 11 cnuts out there, and sadly none of them were Brazilians!
which club does he play for
Come on HF.It's unfair of you to take advantage of your more gullible followers!1
Very good though!
John V P
Hadron FC in the Subatomic league over there I believe 19:49
can we buy him on ebay ?
he's referring to the atoms they are trying to collide in some big tunnel for god know's why.
you can buy higgs boson t shirts on ebay lol
No doubt we are currently a higgsless model, HF. It won't rival the tote - el sheite post but a nice try nonetheless!
Total shit or quantum physics, and the Headteacher prefers the former! A metaphor for bog standard state education perhaps mate? ; }
I'm a big fan of state ed as it goes, HF. Gives me a decent living. Cracking pension too!
LOL Rub it in to all those hard working private sector workers eh mate?
What? Heresy. Me? Wind-up? On your site? Mate.....
I still think the problem with Left and right back are the main concern.
This is a ploy for Twitcher to muscle in I presume? not a bad idea, If Sam starts spouting off randomn names we could tie Twitcher et al up in knots whilst concluding our business?I like the look of the Tongalese international striker Cowzarse Nbanjo, plying his trade in "Koodenitta" a small town in Tonga.
23:07 wind up? when I missed it. Don't you need a modicum of intelligence to do that?
Ah bless. We call ourselves 'anonynous' and then attribute one of my posts as being directed at one's self. It would be funny if it wasn't worthy of contempt. Still, it obviously did wind you up so goodie goodie.
19:41 quantum physics? Headmaster? you having a laugh? he wouldn't know the different between a quark and his elbow.
19:41 replying only makes you look silly - I have no idea why you rise to the bait set before you. Surely a master of head should know better?? Mmmwwwwwaaahhhaaaahhhhaaaaaa.
A Quark is an elementary particle. Join them together and they form hardons. Hardons come in many shapes, shades and sizes but the ones you probably know about are protons and neutons. As things stand, there are half a dozen different types of Quarks but there are probably many more which have not yet been observed. You can't isolate a Quark you see, it only exists within a hadron, so you can only detect Quarks through observation of hardons. It's a bit like trying to spot Keiron Dyer on the move; you have to find the ambulance first!
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