It's true. Even with Moore, Hurst and Peters in the team, we lost more games than we won. But we did win the FA Cup & the Cup Winners Cup under Greenwood, and the FA Cup twice under Lyall. Not to mention coming within a whisker of winning the most thrilling Cup Final ever under Pardew and reaching the Cup Winners Cup Final under Lyall, playing our part - a losing part it is true - in another 6 goal Cup Final thriller.
Yes Allardyce, the West Ham way is the losing way. But do you know, the fans were entertained. Unlike the Bolton and Blackburn fans who endured long ball bollocks to achieve what exactly? The West Ham way is the losing way, but at least it won friends. What has the Allardyce Way ever won? Any league titles? Any poxy little domestic cups? Any European trophies? Any admirers or friends?
Tell us Sam. When are the fans going to start singing "We are Fat Sam's Claret and Blue Army?" When are the fans going to take you to their hearts? When are the fans going to leave the Boleyn buzzing rather than muttering, "If it gets us up..."?
Anybody kidding himself that Allardyce has worked some kind of oracle at West Ham should take very careful note of key stats revealed in Saturday's match day programme. Based on games against the teams sitting in the bottom half of the table - the real shit of the division - our results, even before the victory over Forest, put us top of the table.
However, based on results against teams in the top half of the table - the shit that isn't good enough for the Prem - we sit in SEVENTH place in the Championship!
So what does that show? Well, when we come up against teams with a mere modicum of ability, we are found wanting! Based on a division within the division, we are only the seventh best team in amongst a mass of mediocrity.
The truth is, there has been no real change since Avram departed. If we were in the Prem, we would be struggling just as badly under Allardyce as we were under Grant. We couldn't beat Cardiff or Leeds or Southampton or Reading or Birmingham or Burnley. So never mind Man Utd, Unreal City, Chelsea and Tottenham, we would struggle against Wolves, QPR, Wigan, Blackburn and Bolton!
The improvement under Allardyce is a chimera. If you play against shit teams, you SHOULD win. The trouble is, we have to play shit-with-knobs-on teams before we can win, and even then we need dubious penalties and dodgy red cards to do so. How many goals have we scored from open play since the beginning of December? Where would we sit in a "current form table", leaving aside two narrow home victories against teams in the bottom three?
The West Ham way is the losing way, apparently. But under Lyall we won the FA Cup when in the Second Division and reached a League Cup final too. How have you fared in the Cups then Sam?
God help us if we do get back into the Prem. We will be a laughing stock. Welcome to the Academy of Football where players graduate in the long ball lump!
He has killed off the present, casts a shadow over the future and now, like the Big Fat Dictator that he is, he wants to annihilate our heritage and our past. Welcome to Sam Pot's Year Zero! And all you pragmatists should remember that in Germany the Weimar thought they could control Hitler until it was all too late!
Great read. After NUFC blogs, this one is my fav.
Cheers mate. Good luck to your lads for the rest of the season. If only Pardew was still our boss!
What a desperate post!
Killed the present?- we're top ffs. Saints are two down as I type, so things are no way near as bad as you want them to be.
And just when it looked like your post couldn't get any worse, you bring in the Weimar and Hitler! What the f*ck are you on?
These are the ravings of a mad man, and you have lost the plot in a big way. I'd suggest you stopped typing this nonsense, have a cup of cocoa and a lie down. You may feel better for it.
i agree with the winning way losing way stuff, just want to make things brighter:
the two tables combined spell consistency isnt it, we get the points we need to get, COMPARED to other teams in the league. they win against top teams, but drop points to rock bottom ones, equally worrying isnt it?
and since it is impossible to top both tables (or else we are still in prem), the current situation is a bit better than the reverse
Your head line talks about Allardycing bad-mouthing us, but bad-mouthing us is all that you do. For example today alone, you have said we are sh1t and that our players are cloggers and mugs. So it's OK for you to slag us off is it? That's how Millwall fans talk about us.
You're not West Ham.
I am West Ham. That's why I am opposed to Allardyce. You are not West Ham. You don't understand what West Ham is!
Great result at St Marys means we're 3 points clear. You must be choked.
maybe jelavic will help change your general miserable outlook
If winning is the only important thing why don't we all sod off and support one of the Manchester clubs like the rest of the plastic supporters. Football is meant to be a spectator sport designed to entertain and not the boring hoof ball we are playing. Other teams seem to be able to play winning football that entertains(unfortunatly including the Spuds).
Spot on 2200!
What, when he joins Liverpool Emlyn?
Brilliant post!Why can't so many people handle the truth?Selling our soles for the premiership gravy train with utterly miserable performances week after week.And what should we expect when we get there?The same pitiful performances week after week after week!Look at the bigger picture people,in the long term Fat Sam's football philosophy is gonna set us back by about 20 years!
Never seen this level of football at West Ham,and i have seen some poor sides,yet we always offered more on the football pitch,and had our great days still.This current football is an absolute joke and in the long run will completely damage the club beyond repair.Can anyone honestly say they enjoy going to a West Ham game any more? Suffering this shower week in week out!
Kevin in manchester writes.....
sam was brought in to do one thing and that is get promotion at the first attempt. With half the season gone we sit top. Everyone has played everyone and whatever way you want to slice up the statistics we are top- QED we are the best team in the division. Granted next season, whatever happens, we face a whole new set of problems. time will tell if we have sold our soul or not but let's be realistic i don't see us winning anything soon. Still keep up the sceptism it's food for thought which can only be a good thing.
Cheers Wilki. I couldn't agree with you more!
Of all the things you have just listed here you're forgetting one thing. This is now, not 30 years back. Players are harder to come by and the transfer fees and wages are borderline ridiculous. The team Allerdyce has put together in a short space of time and got them top of the league is a great achievement. Maybe you should embrace another way of looking at football, with the players we have and debt the club still owers it is kudos to the chairpeoples and the manager and also the players for getting us to the top.
With 'fans' such as yourself bringing down a team which sits at the summit of the championship more then half way through the season is ridiculous.
34,000 paid good money to watch rubbish on Saturday. Tell me, why have West Ham got such a loyal fan base? Because, up until now, the club has stood for something. The Bolton's and Blackburns and Wigans will disappear down the plug hole over time but because we stood apart, because we were the Academy, we were always going to prosper in our own unique way.
Now we are just a Bolton or a Blackburn. We have lost our Unique Selling Proposition. And fans will desert us over time. Why stay loyal to a club that wins nothing and plays crap football? Before we attracted the romantics and purists, now we are derided and despised.
It is so sad that this new breed of West Ham fan has no sense of the club's values and heritage and no understanding of how generations of Hammers fans are being betrayed by the incumbant regime.
Well put HF!What worries me,and it really worries me is how can we attract our future fanbase if performances like this are the way forward for West Ham?Where's the romance in our football that will captivate and encourage our next generation of Hammers supporters?I'll tell you what will happen,we'll end up with the same level of support as the Boltons and Blackburns of this world.
Brilliant Post you manage to convey my feelings perfectly
Thank You
Well said HF. Great post which most Hammers fans will agree with i'm sure.
Its ok for part time fans like HF to moan about the football but for fans like me, who go to every game home & away, its just so nice just to win some games for a change.
Sam is 100% correct - the West Ham way is a losing way. We've always been fighting relegation battles in the top division.
Stick the tippy tappy sideways West Ham football up your wotsit.
Let Sam do the job that he has started. There are many players still to replace and it will take at least three years to get a decent team playing decent winning football. The West Ham way is hopefully dead forever.
Well done Sam - 2 points a game, as promised. West ham way = that was 30 years ago.....
Sure half this post was on ere the other day.....
I remember watching boring mundane football throughout the late 70s and into the eighties and things have only periodically improved since. He was right the West Ham way hasn't been seen consistently since before that time with only odd individuals showing what we were used to as a team style.
These days only the top teams with multi millions to spend can buy the sort of players who can offer that sort of football to any effect at all, the days of quality players sticking with lesser teams is long gone so the only way we will see the West Ham way again is if we become at least top 6 but that's another story and argument.
SITS - Boring football in the late 70s and 80s? From West Ham? Under Lyall? Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me but Upton Park used to rock. The place was so uplifting! Ordinary players played above themselves, good players played like Gods! Yes we lost more than we won, but we won and lost in style! Who can forget Dicks, Stewart, Ward, Devonshire, Brooking etc? God even Alan Dickens looked good in a West Ham shirt with a passionate home crowd behind him!
Look at our team in 80 and 81 and compare our style of play to the dreary stuff being served up under Allardyce! Why could Swansea play their way to promotion? And Newcastle? And West Brom? And Norwich? And QPR? You don't have to adopt the Allardyce way to win, plenty of clubs prove that!
And anyway, so many of you guys are forgeting recent form! Yes we have won our last three games, but two were against bottom 3 teams and one against 10 men. And we've needed three penalties to do it!
Is that pig in clothes allardyce? That's very funny. I like that.
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