Sadly, because of Anton's petulance, I have to say that QPR got what they deserved. The decision to suspend the traditional handshake before kick off said it all. If one wasn't prepared to extend the hand of friendship, none could. So silly little Anton got his way and instead of being sat on a naughty step outside Mark Hughes' office, he was allowed to start and to sour the mood of the game.
And sour it he did. How could either side play with blood and thunder in the circumstances? The only way QPR were ever going to win this was by adopting the tactics used under Warnock. They had to crunch into every tackle, get into the faces of the Chelsea players and whip the crowd up into a frenzy. Had Ferdinand shook Terry's hand, that might have happened. Right would have been in QPR's sails, the decks would have been cleared of all the nonsense, and the scene would have been set for little old Rangers to sink the Plastic Armada.
Instead, an apology of a contest unfolded, which suited Chelsea down to the ground. Back in October there were 34 free kicks in the game, this time there were just 23; back in October there were 9 yellows and 2 red cards, today there were just four yellow cards. Right up Chelsea's street, whereas in October, it was right up Chelsea!
So, who came out of the game smiling and who came out looking a cnut? By allowing the controversy over name calling to smother preparation for the game, Ferdinand did a huge disservice to the team and to the loyal Rs who support him and the club. The guy's churlish petulance has been counter productive and, leaving aside the use of the word black, many QPR fans might now agree with Terry's verdict of him.
Ferdinand needs to climb back out of his own backside and think about the team and the good of the game, rather than about himself and the simmering rivalry between Terry and the Ferdinand family - which predates the "racist" incident. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela he aint, his campaign is just spiteful petulance in my book, and that petulance has just killed off QPR's chances of winning the FA Cup.
And cost me a fiver!
You don't know what your talking about you absolute dickhead.
Don't I? Then explain your opinion rather than throw insults. You sound as ignorant as John Terry!
you call yourself a west ham fan but all you seem to do is bang on about qpr, and the vast majority of what you say is crap, instead of having goes at qpr support your own team
Where is the attack on QPR here? I backed QPR to win the bloody Cup!
get over your hatred for us you twat. I am fed up of seeing your garbage under the heading of QPR news. You are nothing now and you are owned by 2 of the biggest clowns in English football in Gold and Sullivan. I have no beef with West Ham I couldn't give a toss what you think so please just stop all your rubbish about our club you are making yourself and all other decent West Ham look like mugs.
Do you think QPR were helped by all the nonsense surrounding Terry's name calling? I wanted your mob to win, I'd backed you to win the bloody Cup!
Guys, if you use the f or c word I can't publish your comments, so what's the point?
Just support your own team and stop bannging on about qpr all the time
All this hatred for West ham " We are nothing now and owned by two of the biggest clowns in English football " I would,nt mind the clowns money . Some people do talk utter shite
I don't even know why I am wasting my time with a reply. No more swearing from me but just kindly BORE OFF and stop talking about my club. You are clearly bitter because you have the low life owners over Fernandes.You are championship now and Sam Allardyce is your manger - haha! Maybe see you next season maybe not either way I couldn't care a less.
Its so boring. I swear Fernandes must have been giving your mother one or something for all this bitterness. Atleast we are playing the likes of Chelsea mate. Anton hasn't done anything wrong. You're supposedly West Ham and sucking off John Terry. You sound like one messed up little freak.
Every QPR fan is behind Anton 100%. We gave him a standing ovation at the end of the day today.
That was daft then Peter. Do you think this controversy helped your cause?
You should climb out of Terry's arse. Anton did nothing wrong and was actually a victim in this. He has every right to not want to shake Terry's hand, I think what you have written is very ignorant. I also did not hear one person even mention either managers today, so not sure where this QPR to demand the return of Warnock crap has come from.
Anony-mouse said
Nice one one Peter and the rest of your lads and lasses for supporting your man. West Ham fans supported Anton today too, as did all other decent supporters, I'm sure. Hope you stay up. COYI!
Oh right so it was anton's fault he was racially abused by terry and that the media turned this into a massive deal and it antons fault that he got a death threat in the post? He had a right to not shake that scummy hand terry. You're as bad as the chelscum fans booing him when he touched the ball
1737, it was tongue in cheek. Of course I don't think that QPR fans want Warnock back. If you survive the plague, you don't want to contract it again!
Ha fair enough. I retract that part of my statement
Whoever has time to write this drivel has way too much time on their hands. You know what you are. It starts with the word Bell and Ends in the word End. Twat
Ha fair enough. I retract that part of my statement
You still don't get it do you you cretin.... the difference between "name calling" and racist abuse. You are a small minded ignorant moron.
is this the same fella wayne bridge refused to shake hands with for shagging his missus the same fella whos dad sells sniff the same fella whos mother is a shoplifter cant blame you anton the geezers a first class mug with no morals
I've read a few of your posts, and only now do I realise you're more of a QPR supporter than I have ever been, I just wish I could have written so much about the team I love, thanks, and love you :)xxxxx
Hammersfan dick. How can a man shake the hand of another 4 days before the other is going on trial for racialy abusing the 1st. You can be such a twat. Focus more on your team and less on ours you sad little man. Oh and next time don't back us to win anything we don't need your support.
1932 sticks and stones...Racism is so much more than name calling. That's the problem. In this hyper sensitive world we now live in, we lose all sense of perspective. What Terry said was insulting - just as you have insulted me - but so what? Am I bleeding? Have I been denied a job because of your insults? Am I being persecuted by society at large? Do I have to accept your insults as gospel because their are underwritten by laws? The answer in every case is no. Ferdinand turned an insult into a racist incident and did so, I believe, for very ugly motives - vengeance for the Ferdinand family because of Terry's reinstatement as England captain. I am no fan of John Terry, but I am not prepared to join the Skimmity Ride of phoney moral outrage. If John Terry is a racist because of three words said in passionate anger, then a hell of a lot of people should be taken to court for precisely the same offence. And Diane Abbott should be in court too for her racially offensive remarks about white people.
2058, why can't he shake his hand exactly? Because the gesture might show that Terry is not a racist perhaps? A racist might not want to shake a black guy's hand after all. Ferdinand is just trying to fuel the fires. His refusal to shake hands was disgustingly petty and vindictive. The other players were willing to shake hands with Terry apparently, including Wright-Phillips. But then SWP has shared a dressing room with Terry and so probably understands that Terry is not a racist. What do they say about actions speaking louder than words?
Hf u are asking did all this bollocks influence the result of the game no it didn't sturidge the cheating diving Chelsea scum bag did realistically the difference in class between our squad and there's is massive and we go to the game and get behind the team in hope but more times than not the better team wins and they are the better team as much as it pains me to say it so the answer to your question is no I think all this shit with Rio had no influence on the result and I don't blame Rio for not wanting to shake terry the wife shaggers hand I doubt many players in country would the way the horrible c**t conducts himself lol come on u rssssss
Why can't he shake terry hand? You are opposite to being smart.if somone racially abuses you one day I hope you go and shake his hand few weeks after and apologise to him too for the colour of your skin!
You have gone to far on this one. Enough is enough some of your 'stuff' could grace the early days of the sport.
So you find Diane abotts comments "racially offensive" yet all terry was up to was a bit of "name calling",Interesting perspective that only a complete moron could come up with,and how is any of this Anton's fault when the police investigation came about because of a complaint from a member of the public NOT anton!!! Get real u prick!!!
When I said "only a moron" I was wrong "only a moron or a racist moron" is what i mean't.
2355, you missed the "If". I don't think Abbott should be in court, but I don't think Terry should be either. In fact, I don't think that stupid foul mouthed woman on the tram should have been in court either. We live in a free country with freedom of speech. Some people will exercise that freedom to say some pretty foul things, but that goes with the territory I'm afraid. I'd much rather let those idiots have a voice than give our police and the government the creeping powers to silence the individual.
We should be very concerned by the attack on the Press at the moment for that reason. What is really troubling is the reaction of you guys to any opinion that differs from your own. Your first and only resort is to abuse and aggression. You chuck around words like racist, failing to understand how that belittles the term.
And what is so revolting about all this is that the positions taken are so tribal. Had Terry been wearing Hoops and Anton been dressed in black Plastic, Terry would be receiving 100% support from you gRs. And you know it if you are honest!
Anon-mouse says
QPR mark was spot on and you did'nt answer him.
It's simple really- If you call some one a 'f*cking black c*nt' you are being abusive. Can we at least agree on that? The words 'f*cking' and 'c*nt are abusive aren't they? Agreed? Good. Well, bearing that in mind, if the person who uses those terms then throws in black as the third word do you think they are being a) abusive, cos to them being black is a bad thing to be included in the insult or b) just being descriptive of a person's colour. If you want to maintain this position of saying its B) then ask yourself why would someone feel the need to throw in the word 'black' in an insulting phrase unless it was an issue to them, unless being black was deemed as being a bad thing to the person uttering the phrase.
If I stood opposite you in a pub and called you a 'f*cking ignorant sh*t for brains c*nt' that would be one thing, but if I prefaced it with the word 'white' that would say something about my attitude to your colour. I would be being racist not descriptive, as I wouldn't need to describe your colour as you'd be stood in front of me and be fully aware of your own colour.
Understand? No. Didn't think for a minute that you would.
I understand fully, but so what? It was an insult man to man. He was not standing in front of a microphone making a political speech. They were words spoken in anger from one man to another. Big bloody deal! The whole thing has been blown up ridiculously because the Ferdinands hate Terry. If anybody other than Terry had said it, there wouldn't be an issue.
Anony-mouse said
Why do you have constant pops at Anton who did nothing wrong, whilst you give Terry an easy ride? What is your motivation HF?
And Terry didn't look angry to me as he opened his mouth. He looked calm and deliberate. And if he said those words then he committed an offence, no matter what you say.
As for the the Ferdinands' hating Terry- why are you trying to drag Rio into this? He's a top man to most West Ham fans, myself included and has remained dignified and quiet during this. I hope and expect that he's supporting his brother in private but he's not mouthing off about it, so reel it in HF cos you're looking an even bigger bell-end than ever.
Oh well that Liverpudlian was only making monkey gestures in the heat of the moment, got a bit carried away in the excitement of supporting his team - nothing racist - just a harmless bit of banter. Right hf?
Why is it Anton's fault? Why should JT always get away with doing stuff like this? Anyway, it was a member of the public who reported it to the police, not Anton so get your facts straight!
The problem I have with football on the issue of racism is that there is an attitude that it isn't really a problem. You see it with Liverpool and their t-shirts supporting Suarez and with the view that somehow Anton needs to 'man up'. Hammersfan, like you I do wonder whether the R's fans in general would be so vociferous if the boot were on the other foot. I'd like to think so but ....
By the way, the reason we QPR fans get so fed up with your blogs is because they appear as 'news' on our news feeds - bloody annoying but not actually your fault.
Anyhoo, thank you for putting your hard-earned on the Hoops. A schoolboy error to be honest but thanks.
A fair point 0401, and if you have followed the debate through other threads, you will know that I have sought to get people ejected from both Wembley and Stamford Bridge for racist abuse of players and fellow spectators. I am not an apologist for racism and would be fully supportive if Terry had been sent off for what he said. THAT would be appropriate.
My issue is with the way this has been blown up out of all proportion and with the hypocritical motivation behind it. The abusive woman on the tram should have been put off the tram. An abusive fan should be ejected from a stadium. Terry should have been sent from the field. No problem with any of that. Each would learn that punishment fits the crime and the punishment and response would be appropriate and situation specific.
Brilliant article in the Telegraph. I quote:
"Any FA Cup tie that is preceded by the arrival of a letter and a “malicious package” containing a spent shell addressed to one of the participants is bound to depart from the narrow sporting issue of which side might progress to the fifth-round.
This malevolent intervention by an anonymous crackpot relegated the football itself to a mere sideshow – and both sides played accordingly for long stretches."
Like I said, by allowing this business to take centre stage, Ferdinand undermined QPR's chances of winning!
what has Anton done? apart from refuse to shake his hand?
Got to say I loved the phoney rumours of WHU linked to Tevez yesterday evening. F'ing hilarious
Some things are bigger than football,like standing by our player and fighting bigotry. I believe Diane Abbott is a racist, racism must be fought in all it's forms. No the other players were going to snub him to, lies do not make an argument valid HF. I would not support a racist, I have wanted player out of the club for off the field stuff before. All of these arguments fail to wash mate.
And your final point about the telegraph, the article does not blame Anton. He did not cause this circus, in fact he has released one statement in three months and it was about a paragraph long.
So Peter, how do you feel about Barton being at your club? Some things are bigger than football? Really? And you support this guy's employment as your captain? And Anton shares a dressing room with him? And shared a dressing room with Bowyer (whose signing for West Ham I opposed!)? Hypocrisy?
I care because...
Sad day this is.
John Terry is captain of England. He racially abused a player and should pay the price.
As my wife said " who would even think about racially abusing someone never mind actually doing it"
it tells you a lot about the man and the lack of credibility he has. He is a disgrace to England and mankind.
U Rssssss
HF (Jay), I can't speak for everyone, but many of us were and are unimpressed with the presence of the scouse jailbird (hope that's not seen as -ist in any way). I confess to a thought of 'well he's a reprehensible human (at least as bad as JT) but if it helps us then I'll ignore it'. But no, he's an embarrassment, chucking bottles on MOTD, cutting team mates' boots etc, etc. And not half as good a footballer as he thinks he is. How many of us would be bothered if he were gone by midnight Tuesday? My guess is few.
I also agree with you a couple of words spat in anger doth not a racist make; any more than perhaps calling someone a big nosed C makes one a nasalist; it's unfortunate offensive and wrong, but not proof of NF membership. However, Anton does have a right to continue to be narked, he was offended, and needn't shake hands with a bloke he might still thinks is a git!
Well said mate.
Keep it up HF your posts always make me laugh!
Sorry u lost a fiver, that was a stupid bet because Rangers dont give a toss about the cup.
Over the last couple of days Twitter had become full of QPR fans and supporters talking utter Ratspit kissing each others bottoms and agreeing with each others inane drivel and it became too much for me and I deactivated my Twitter account mostly for said reasons.
Its absolutely mind boggling the amount of biased comments and inept excuses for the QPR team being so useless, toothless and put simply just not good enough for the Premiership and never will be while we sign loan players and players who are nearing the end of their best but because we don't have the backing from the owners. As the transfer deadline approaches we will of course be buying the left over rubbish at over inflated prices because anything good we wanted just wont come here(loftusroad) because we look like real candidates for relegation and just can't match realistic wages in this money grabbing game.
I used to think the scousers were the biggest moany Minnies but the Hoops fans must now take that crown, Twitter was fun while it lasted but I'm going to leave it happily and let those self obsessed people revel in their own doom and gloom and biased needs, in over 35 years of supporting QPR I feel quite ashamed.
"I was born under Loftus Road"
Hammersfan i'd like to apologise on behalf of all QPR fans for my clubs existants. It's clear that some great trauma has happened to you during your life that involved a QPR fan or a QPR shirt. Maybe an ex-girlfriend who hurt you very badly was a Hoop. These things happen. You need to address your problem and get on with your life as best you can knowing that our horrible little club didn't mean you any harm. A good therapist might be able to help. Good Luck.
Im a QPR fan and I have to say I agree with the comments about sticks and stones.
If it was said by Terry, it was in the heat of the moment. Im pretty sure Ferdinand has probably insulted Terry as well, but just called him a cnut, so that is alright then, as long as he didnt tell Terry he was a white cnut.
Freedom of speech can be boiled down to the freedom to offend. Much as I love QPR the faschist thought police should stop whingeing and taking people who dont share their thoughts to court, as the freedom to say whatever you want to, is much more important than any football match.
Irritated Bean
Lets remember that John Terry has been accused of a racist comment towards Anton Ferdinand and it has been shown for all to make an opinion whether you think Terry is in the right or wrong here.The non shaking of the hands i believe in my opinion was correct and a good decision .
Reasons are do you force a man that has been called the so and so by Terry to shake the hand of someone that he has accused and has now made a complaint and forementioned is now under prosecution .Also would it be politically correct then for the QPR team for who the accussor plays for to shake the hand of the accused racist, it puts all persons in a spot where they show support for ferdinand by not shaking his hand or reluctently they have to no matter what their opinion.So the decision was made for them and a good call.The media gave this the bad press which hightened it all and thanks to Hughes and AVB when asked said the real story should have been on a game of football between two west london rivals.End of.
Politically Terry is a moron ,but as i sat and watched from the stands on Saturday he run the show and looked awesome ,Same for Ferdinand he was solid too and they both done what they are paid to do ,play footy.So fair play to both and two fingers to the media circus.
PS I was wearing my hoops shirt and scarf sat next to me dad before anyone says i can't have an opinion and was at the first game that kicked all this off !!!
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