Not only has Fernandes signed Taiwo, he has now signed Nedum into the bargain! And this one isn't on loan! No sir! QPR have splashed the cash to buy the Man City nearly man, forking out a massive £2.5 million to secure their man! £2.5m! Think of that! £2.5m! On one player!
How much did I say Fernandes would spend in this window? £5m wasn't it? He is half way there!
Hang on, it's just occurred to me, Taiwo and Nedum. Put 'em together and what do you get? Taiwonedum. Or Tweedledee and Tweedledum! And, as time will tell, that sums up the defensive ability of these guys! Never mind the quality, check out the price tag!
Fernandes is shopping in Primark!
Premier league?? Where are you?? W@nker
You're so jealous. Keep reading about Rangers - expect a couple more signings.
Fernandes and Mittal are the real deal!!!
we could sign Messi from Barcelona and you would still have a moan about it, you nob!
Why dont you crawl back under that rock of yours. You need to get a life mate. I really dont care how much or how little is spent on players just as long as the R'sss stay up.
long term Fernandes will not be there, Mittals will take over and then you wont have a reason to follow QPR, Warnock will be gone and so will Fernaneds , u will be more upset about that than QPR fans.
God you're clutching at straws now. Give it a rest, your schoolboy rants at Fernandes & QPR don't mean anything to anyone apart from you and a few biting QPR fans. Concentrate on our team, no need to worry about anyone else.
I have a can of Sprite you can buy - normally 59p but to you £10.75, cash only ;)
your obsession with QPR is getting worse, look at your blogs every other blog is QPR. u need so see a shrink or just start supporting QPR, I actually think you are turning into a QPR supporter. we will welcome u with open arms.
Haha this is your most ridiculous post yet. So if we are offered Onouha at £2.5M we should refuse this price and give them £10M just to appease your weird fascination over price tags. its called shrewd business. something west ham know nothing about after paying £9M for savio and then letting Ba leave for free. Your opion means nothing, and your club is one of the worst run in premier league history.
Very funny. Keep 'em coming.
What an absolute p*nis.... You've clearly got way too much time on your hands. Still a good few days to go, more quality will come our way.. You R'SSS!!
At least they are signing better players than they already have. January window is notoriously bad unless you want to pay overinflated prices for people who are not playing.
Think you should be worried more about West Hams lack of any signings or interest in anyone half decent apart from jelavic who has no intention of joining so you can bid whatever you like for him.
Why not try a £100m bid for messi!
Vs having Gold and Sullivan - It's Fernandes every time for me! Sore loser methinks.
Hope your enjoying The championship Sonny Jim!
You are quite strange really if you think that splashing out £7million for a Scottish jellyfish is value for money!
you should know by now HF that the price tag means nothing...dare i mention Demba, Paolo Di Canio, the resigning of Dicks...or conversely...Andy Carol...Savio...
Great signing the price tag makes it even better. Fernandes has never claimed to go on a spending spree.
No no HF! You were starting to gain some respect and then you blog this piece, seriously, you actually believe this!!!
Shopping @ Primark. Come on now!
I'll explain it to you so. What is wrong about buying so called fringe or non first team players. AC Milan and Man City are not exactly small fry. One a European force for decades and the other a future European force for decades. Players that make 1st team in these two clubs are of serious quality that only QPR and West Ham can dream of. The players not breaking into a first team are not primark quality but surplus Marks n Sparks to continue your sarcasm. By the way Taiwo has made a handful of starts for AC and 3 champs league. Whats wrong with getting a player like that. Whats wrong with getting players in on loan first without spending a small fortune on a player who may not turn out to be 'all that'! I doubt Taiwo will be a flop, quite the opposite.
One last thing, Jelavic is doin well in scotland, a weak league and 7m is rediculous money for an unproven player. My point is it is your opinion but it is wide of the mark. Sry HF and you were doin so well. A non gR but a real and realistic R.
Irish R - Galway
Man city fans reaction say it all 'what a bargain.....savic is shit what are we doing....good player wish him luck.' Very happy with this signing and come on HF you'd take him for WH.
you're giving it the biggun cos you've been linked with a 7 mil move for jelavic.
Wont happen, Mug!
How can u say all this crap when there both good players especially tiawo,
You know nothing about football,all u wanna do is take a pop at qpr,
Well qpr are a he'll of a lot better club than west ham.
TW@T.....concentrate on your own sh*te team.
Why dont you worry obout your own team always talking about fernandes and qpr.
Either Fernades bullied you at school or you're a closet R. Maybe both?
And how do you know it was 2.5m? Paper reports/rumours? Great source to base your blogs on!
Attention whore!
Concentrate on your own club and the porn queens, who are after cashing in on selling Upton Park, thats what you should be worried about.
Nobody knows what was paid for sure. I have a hunch. I suspect that there was a proposed deal whereby Man City funded half his wages until his present contract expires. That would be 40k per week for two years. That would be closer to £4m. Instead, a deal has been struck whereby no fee is paid at all in settlement of the wage contribution, a release clause has been inserted so Nedum can bugger off if you go down, and Fernandes is working on recovering £3m to compensate for the wages if and when he departs. On top of that, City will probably take 50% of any uplift in value should Nedum be sold at a value about the "book value" of £2.5m or £3m.
Nedum doesn't lose out, City get him off the wage bill, QPR hope to recover losses on wages by selling him, City stand to get some money back in the future. Everybody's a winner!
Except Nedum isn't very good. 25 and not yet capped by England says it all. He hasn't "trained on" in horse racing parlance. You've bought yourself a new Anton!
As for Tiawo, he's gone over the top. He was a good player two years ago. Hughes may be able to restore his confidence and get him fired up but he lacks the edge that comes from playing regularly and he is only on loan so it won't matter that much to him anyway. Much the same as Wayne Bridge when he joined us last season! And Robbie Keane!
But time will tell guys.
Can't be bothered to read the other 27-odd comments so this may have already been said but I've noticed you're not on news now anymore, any chance that's due to your random obsession with QPR? This is the first time I've checked your blog for weeks and I used to be a regular viewer! Unlucky, it seems people are finally ignoring you and getting bored of your many, many posts that are unrelated to West Ham despite this being a 'West Ham blog'.
Mate you have lost all credibility with this post even if you had any already. Wet spam have done wot lately?
kevin in manchester writes..
Amusing and amazing .. don't you R's geddit? The more you respond, the more HF will write ; personally I find it all terribly amusing and if you think your club will ever amount to anything out of the ordinary then you are truly deluded.Perhaps it would be an idea for a genuine R fan to set up a sceptical website - that wasn't a lickspittle for your dodgey chairman/owner;
Your forever blowing hot air!
1545, I'm now sure which News Now you're looking at. Still on there. And a host of other feed sites. Try Googling - see how quicking the site comes up now.
so as i was saying, pure speculation which is worth absolutely bugger all.
I personally think he is a good player even if it is only 2.5m, yet you are raving because your supposedly offering 7m for a championship standard rangers player! Check out his international scoring raio for a better idea of how well he will do in the prem! good luck with that!
Taiwo we will see and Robbie Keane happens to be playing well on his LOAN agreement with Villa, everybody knows Wayne Bridge just wants to pick up his pay packet and not actually play football, even Mancini came out and said as much so poor arguement AGAIN there!
except you have to go to the QPR part of NewsNow to find his blogs amusingly enough!
15:45 here.
No links to the game's gone crazy on there, not for me at least. Like the bloke after me said you've lost all credibility. Kev may be right in saying the more you write the more the R's will respond but it just shows what little interest you seem to have in the hammers because every other post is about QPR! You're making us West Ham fans look bad and bitter that they're in the prem and we're not. Sort it out because yes, people still read your blogs but they're mostly R's abusing you and if you carry on they'll be the only ones left!
Where I've always been. Tell me, how do you find your way to the site if not through News Now? Saved to your favourites? Says a lot!
Not saved to my favourites, I was curious as to what you've been writing about lately. Like I said it's the first time I've been on here for weeks. I thought maybe your QPR obsession had blown over. Obviously I was mistaken! Turn your attention back to West Ham because 15:56's post says it all, you're on the QPR news now feed which is sad! Just change the name of the blog to 'The Game's Gone Crazy - The Crazy World of Tony Fernandes' R's' to top it off!
This is bizarre , why do you invest all your energy hating another team.
I live in ilford so am close to west ham, I was born and raised in west London and am a season ticket holder at QPR , however I grew up watching the likes of Clyde best, pop robson, billy Jennings , etc, I have always had a soft spot for west ham, unlike Chelsea fans you always seem intelligent and not bitter, however you are obviously not in that category.
Follow your own team' s fortunes and hopefully we can play you next year in the premiership .
You Rs !!!!!
newsnow QPR! Thats how you find your blogs!
I post to Twitter when ever I see your blog HF...this could be a factor!
Keep it up mate!! its hilarious I love the anon posts!
WOW I think I know you, Are you Q Block Pete?
I dont give a brass monkeys,what QPR are up to,lets just worry about us west ham,and what they do,because at the moment where doing jack shit,and that windows going to slam shut,mind your fingers
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