There have been those defending Ferdinand, arguing that he hasn't stirred all this up. Well his reluctance to shake Terry's hand nails that lie. What a stupid, vindictive, irresponsible, petulant arse Anton is showing himself to be! But are we surprised? Remember this is the man who was put on trial, with his mate, for setting about a guy outside a club to protect his £64,000 watch.
And now Anton has received a bullet in the post! He has already hired £30,000 worth of protection so what's he going to do now? Best not drive past any book depositories on the way to the ground Anton mate!
John Lennon, John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King and...Anton Ferdinand. Three greats and a goofy goon!
This has all got ridiculously out of hand and Ferdinand only has himself to blame. He should have offered a handshake long ago and nipped this nonsense in the bud. Instead, he climbed up on his high horse and made himself a target for hatred and vilification. Let's hope he doesn't learn in a painful way that sticks and stones really do hurt more than names ever can!
oh dear! Another load 'o sh!te
so lets get this straight,what you are saying is its alright to racially abuse someone,and if you are the victim, you are in the wrong.is that your point? please i would like to know where you are going with this..so in your desperate attempt to upset rangers fans yet again you are willing to run a blog that condones racism..well done bell-end you have reached a new level of utter stupidity
get your facts right knob face, anton is at a hotel with the rest of the team and will be arriving at the ground in a coach with everyone else... So the rest of your post is not very valid...
I know you're a West Ham fan with a hatred for all things ex-hammers, but really?!! Are yOu serious? If a player genuinely believes that another racially abused him, why SHOULD he shake his hand? You're as bad as Sepp Blatter. Too low, too far, and for a West Ham blog around a fifth of all of your articles are about QPR.. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I actualy liked your blog thinking very Tongue in cheek although very informed
Buti this is just stupied you arc just trying to get to get a reaction but you know what your not worth it
The only thing I will say is that Anton has not done anything wrong and can hold his head up high
That's the third pop you've made at a black man this week!
What an awful load of pathetic vitriolic babble. Big mug.
Are you having a bloody laugh, what the hell has Anton done wrong? This is just an embarrassing article.
Some decent posts have been made on this blog. Unfortunately a few facts have been wrong with some posts and you are losing a bit of your edge with this 'gutter post'. Your post in itself adds to the situation getting out of control. you are worse than Anton and JT! Judgement should be reserved until JT has his trial out of the way. I hope the quality of this blog continues, so please avoid qpr related stories that are non stories. keep with the facts.
I can't wait for all this to backfire on you hammerdfan. Do hope your own supporters don't find out where you live when it does. I bet the closest you've ever been to the bolyn is Stamford bridge. COCK
Another pile of guff HF.
The fella has been racially abused. Not been called a nasty name RACIALLY ABUSED. Was that his own fault? Suppose you think it must of been for being black, eh? Then a bullets been sent to him in the post. Must of been his own fault, right? So he's hired security worth a few quid. The man wants to stay alive. People found out and he hasn't blown it out of proportion , he just values his own life see, the press have. I'm sure that's his fault as well then?
You need a life, slating QPR while being a WHU fan isn't getting you far.
To the rest of the REAL WHU fans good luck this year hope to see you in the prem very soon.
HF...what the hell?! I mean seriously what are you on about? The guy was subject of racist abuse from (arguably) the worst person in football and Chelsea fans and you're saying he deserves it and brought it on himself. How exactly??? He hasn't come out and called Terry a scumbag like we all know him to be. Why should he try and rectify the situation? Surely as the aggressor and the one in the wrong that's Terry's job.
This article is an absolute disgrace and you are as well for writing this article. To say someone who has been subject to racist abuse and death threats brought it on himself and that he deserves it is a despicable thing to say. I hope you're ashamed of yourself. I think you'll find 99% of people will agree with me on this one. You've shown yourself to be an ignorant moron. Well done HF, finally confirmed my suspicions that you really are just an idiot with a crap blog writing b*llocks to make himself feel big. Shame on you, you disgrace.
Oh and by the way I know a lot of real hammersfans all very decent people. Bet your the one at the back of the bus giving it large but never quite make it to the stadium. Your boring knock it on the head for your own good you flange.
You really do talk utter bollocks hf because Jt is a model bloke isn't he and that's what England get to call there captain Ferdinand is a cock and could have handled it better but let's not forget that you have probably stepped in things with more moral rights than that piece of shite
No it is not alright to racially abuse somebody. Which is why Suarez collected his ban for using the N word. Terry called Ferdinand black. Like I said, this has got ridiculously out of hand. Of course Ferdinand should shake hands. It's not as if Terry has shagged Anton's girlfriend!
Careful AJ, Anton thinks calling him black is racist.
Get mummy to pick you up homework to be done before you can be a keyboard thug.
STOP! I'm Allergic To BallShit!
This is a disgrace HF. I'm dissappointed, I mean i come here to get that bit of pessimism to counter the unbridled optimism of some qpr blogs, however this is just disgusting.
Why Peter? You agree with Anton refusing to shake Terry's hand do you? The club want him to, but petulant Anton is putting himself first, ignoring the fact that this could stir up trouble in the crowd. Why? Why not shake hands and have done with it? Because Rio resents Terry replacing him as England captain perhaps? Perish the thought!
Ferdy can make things right tomorrow never mind shaking the horrible pricks hand a nice two footed challenge and end the the wankers career and do us all a favour you attack Rio hf after every thing terry has done than man is a complete c**t grow up u tosser your giving hammers a bad name
And Anton is a model professional and human being?
Compared to Jt he's a fucking saint hf don't be a cock all your life give me one positive coment on jhon the helmet terry then cheat on your wife the mother of your children with your team mates wife and we make the c**t England captain bravo
And what about you cf? What are you trying to stir up? There is no history between our clubs only you. Every other day since we got in the prem you have piped up on my news feed. Why?
Come on you prick ansewer the post or has your gay lover dragged you of to your dungeon your a helmet mate
I'm no fan of John Terry. But I'm no fan of whining twats who seek to exploit a situation and blow it out of all proportion either. Remember that Ferdinand has been in court himself, and he wasn't just name calling! But then he was defending his £64,000 watch so that's alright then!
As for the anti QPR allegation, I would be writing this if Anton was still a West Ham player.
Oh my god HF! u really have ballsed up this time. I could have defended most of ur blogs and chose to understand what u try to do here but tjis is indefensable. Your own blog rules state the following on the righthand side of your page:
'A few rules: no racism, no obscene language and nothing that can see me or you in court'
I dont know what to say! I'll leave it to the others to say. I will not bring myself to say what is actually on my mind but seriously you have to admit you are completely wrong here. I am dumbfounded!!!!!!!! I can only think you really do live the hatred thrown towards you. Your head is in a bad place and you can not see it. Your qpr blig entries are more frequent than ever. Maybe you are just morbid by nature and enjoy all this negative attention. I am not bothered by this article and actually have enjoyed previous entries nor have I ever hurled abuse in your direction as I am totally comfortable in my own opinion and thankfully the majority agrees with me. I do not know whether ro feel sorry for you or just ignore you. You represent West Ham and if I was a supporter I think I would just pretend you do not exist. You yave come off the rails and become ignorant in your views. Its sad really, you had much more to give but doubt it anymore. By the way, anton is offended for being called a fcukng black cnut not just being black and the way society and morals are now it is wrong, end of story. Please return to your entertaining sarcastic view of football, that is why I loved reading your blogs.
Irish R - Galway
Answer which post 0009? By the way, can you please supply your name and address so I can refer you to the MET for homophobic abuse and cultivating hatred for gays? Tell me, why is it wrong for Terry in the heat of battle but ok for you mindless idiots to hurl foul mouthed abuse on here? Too moronic to understand the double standards involved perhaps?
The point is, he wouldn't have objected to being called a fcuking cnut Irish; how could he? Warnock called him that after every game!
People like you are the worst of all trying to stir up a rivalry that isn't there. Finish school and get a job with the daily mail you mug twats like you make me angry you got as much bottle as a Tupperware factory #cyberthug
Anony-mouse says
Quinn Park Ranger, Peter and the rest of you R's.
My West Ham mates are 100% behind Anton and not just cos he's ex-West Ham. And not just cos Terry is the kind of 'man' that he is. HF does not represent my club or it's fans. If he stated these views in any West ham boozer I know, he'd soon be told to shut the f*ck up. The only ones who'd agree with HF are racists themselves. I'm not saying HF is that way inclined himself. Only he could tell you that. But it seems to me that the majority of people who share his views on this matter would be proud to call themselves racist.
Good luck to QPR tomorrow- hope you stuff them. Even more, I hope Anton conducts himself with the same degree of dignity that Wayne Bridge did when confronted with Terry the other year.
Fresh out of the boozer guys?
Lol! I actually did laugh out loud to yiur response. Thats the sortcof sarcasm/humour I am on about. Totally agree with qpr pete that you uaed to provide a natural talent for pesimism to out way the annoying optimism in qpr blogs and the media. Please, let this one ly and return to your better self!
QPR v scum chelsea tomorrow. It does not get bigger than this for us Rs or gRs as you AFFECTIONATELY call us!
Irish R - Galway
Hope you win mate. I've had a fiver on QPR to win the Cup. Heart not head guided me!
Yeah what boozer? Your not old enough
5 to win cup, not games gone crazy but more like HF is gone crazy. Frwsh out of pub too so typing nit up to scratch! If we played them next week end, maybe an upset but tomorrow not so sure but u will be on vipstand.com just in case!!!!
Irish R - Galway
Anony-mouse says,
Fresh out of the boozer? No. Just disgusted by your post. And I've just seen the picture you used to illustrate your Ilunga post. What the f*ck is that all about? It's not the man himself, so why exactly have you used it?
To the untrained eye it could look pretty racist, but as you always maintain that you are utterly opposed to racism, their must be an explanation. What is it?
Right im finished here, gotta get some online MW3 in before the kids wake me up at 7am!!! Hope you take my advice HF, dont want to have to ignore your blogs from now on!
HF, you claim double standard from people writing abuse towards you but you fail to see your own complete lack of moral standards in this case. Your comment - and don't try and deny it by saying that's not what you meant - was that Anton wouldn't mind if it was just "fcuking cnut" so why does he get upset at this. What you're alluding by saying that is that by simply placing the word "black" in there it is not racist and he shouldn't mind just as much as if the word weren't there. That clearly demonstrates your ignorance, stupidity and quite frankly is pathetic. Of course it's racist you utterly disgusting ignorant fool. Terry's use of the word "black" is intended to be a negative one, he isn't just pointing it out. Alongside the two other derogatory words, every word in the quote becomes an insult; i.e. you're a "fcuking cnut" (insult), "black" (insult). The fact that you have the nerve to write this vitriolic bile and then try and defend it speaks volumes about the kind of disgusting, disgraceful, pathetic excuse of a blogger and human being you are. I hope you at least have the common decency to apologise for this post. You claim Anton is dragging the issue on but you are making light, and even excusing racism, which is extremely wrong on your part. Fact is it was a racist comment by Terry, whether you're too stupid to realise or not.
Well said Anony-mouse...good lad!
Proper human being, sticking up for his club and clearly stating what we all know to be true that no fan of QPR, WHU or anyone else for that matter agrees with HF in his racist views on this incident..
HF; not saying you are racist, probably reckon you're not, but you need to get yourself in order chap. Ignorance by idiots like you is half the problem and for you to defend it is totally unacceptable. Admit you made a mistake, apologise and move on...you are letting yourself and your club down.
Wow a closet Ch*lsea fan, true colour came out at last.
JT is a knob jockey and so are you (in fact your probably the horse).
Those who believe he said "blind" probably are, how many more times will this racist scum gain support from ignorant plebs such as you???
Interesting that not one person is able to actually give a valid reason or argument to how terry was racist and the reason they can't is cuzhe wasn't racist at all. To all them fans who called this post a disgrace or utter nonsense come back when you know what racism is and can put up a valid argument
im black and very offended by this blog,so i will be reporting you for racial hatred..bit of luck they will shut you down.even your fellow supporters are embarassed by you.time to give it up. there was no need for saying what you did.i know you was after a reaction, well you got one.hopefully you will be hearing from the authorities very soon.
What you guys seem to be missing is that the club want Ferdinand to shake Terry's hand. So is Fernandes a racist? Is QPR a racist club? Is Mark Hughes a racist?
They all know that this is very dangerous. They understand the fourth dimension of time which you guys don't seem to. Stupid things are said in the heat of the moment. But time heals wounds. Dear God, they shook hands in South Africa after apartheid, but Ferdinand won't shake hands after a spat on a football pitch. What does that tell you?
Introduce some perspective and you understand why I think that Ferdinand is being stupid, vindictive, irresponsible and petulant. How much time would the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa have spent with a complaint about being called a F black c? They had much bigger issues and handshakes were exchanged!
0125, what happened? When did you become black? You weren't black last time you posted a comment! Are you a photo negative Michael Jackson? Do you now share your bed with ninety year old women? Do you Sun Walk forwards?
0036, the photo is about how the guy plays like a woman. The song is about an unfaithful lover. We call him Rita. Therefore the picture of a TS.
Nazi Scum!
Thank you 1029, you make my point perfectly! The murder of six million compared with an insult hurled on a football pitch. Perspective? You have no sense of perspective.
You are a disgrace and one day someone will find you and when they do I'd pay good money to see it.
1044, you can't see how this puts you on the side of the thugs threatening Ferdinand can you? Idiot.
You complain about the "anonymice" but who are you? HF, Fanno, Fanny, Scott Tracey? looks like you're hiding to me. Let's see you print your name and address, stand by your convictions and stop hiding behind the anonymity of this blog. Coward.
No doubt you'll bleat on about your family, so why not a least your work address? I'm mean you've got nothing to hide and I am sure your employers will agree you've done nothing wrong?
11:07 slightly skewed argument - you more than deserve it, he surely doesn't. I so believe in Karma and when you get it, I'm sure you'll get it big time.
None of you seem to know what racism actually means. Calling someone black is not racist. Use a fcuking dictionary for chrissake!
Fred 00:47 already explained it.so sticking your fingers in your ears does not help your argument. No HF the club did not want him to shake his hand, it is your theory and one that has been disregarded countless times by the manager. I for one wouldn't shake the hand of anyone I didn't want to and reports that the whole team was going to snub him makes me proud. Finally, 15:00, he didn't just call him black moron. Learn how to spell before calling for dictionary usage.
Racist; a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others. So by adding the word black to the words fcuking and cnut you are enforcing the idea that a black fcuking cnut is inferior to a fcuking cnut. I once saw a white chap go completely berserk when called a white cnut by a person from an ethnic minority, up until the point the word white was used he was cool. So it works both ways.
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