Dear God, could they look any more like Del Boy, Uncle Albert and Marlene in that picture? Olympic Stadium? Menage a trois! Lovely jubbly! He who dares wins! This time next year we'll be billionaires! Mange toute. Mange toute.
Note the way they are getting a feel for the astroturf guys!
Astroturf and the view...
What the hell is she doing? Looks a right twat
Looks like she's been spending too much time with Kevin Nolan to me; I suppose he's got to justify his salary somehow!
I think it called 'posing' Stani
I think it called 'posing' Stani
LOL Marty, terrible picture of them both doing the chicken dance during coitus!
You can say that again John!
Nice one Stani its Karren giving me the shakes
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