Oh dear God. So Anton's form has been affected by the Terry controversy. The brave lad is going to "face up" to Terry when the teams meet and the former Hammer can "handle" the meeting.
Anybody would think Terry had raped him or murdered his loved ones. Stephen Lawrence's mother was "affected" by the murder of her son. Stephen Lawrence's mother "faced up" to her son's killers. Stephen Lawrence's mother "handled" the trial.
Ferdinand suffered a little bit of name calling. Big bloody deal. He made it into an international incident by crying wolf. Now we are expected to swallow that he is suffering anxiety attacks over the prospect of meeting Terry on a football pitch in front of 20,000 witnesses, three officials and the World's media. What a twat!
Gabbidon reckons Ferdinand's form has suffered. All I can say to that is that Anton must have been called a "F****** black c***" at regular points in his career because his form has never been consistent has it?
And to think I used to defend the guy against his West Ham critics. Now I feel nothing but contempt.
how would you like it if you was racially abused some people find it hard thing to go through this disgusts me why would anyone Wright an article about this!!!!!
Wow. Where to start. It seems to me to be newspaper trash sensationalising a story. It seems to me Anton has been nothing but dignified throughout and it only got to this after members of the public made a police complaint and Anton was questioned. And nowhere have I read any comment from him either criticising Terry or expressing concerns about this upcoming match.
And that last bit about how he must have been called those names because you don't think his forms ever been consistent: contemptable. By making that comparison You show yourself up to being both racist and stupid.
You really are a small minded prick yourself mate, how would you feel to have your family abused by chelsea fans but then again keep posting shite like this I'm sure you wont be too far from being named a racist in a paper sometime soon.....People like you should not be allowed out in Public
hf what the fcuk has this post got to do with westham ok your sport of winding qpr supporters up is getting fcuking stupid after this post one thing anton would do a better job for us at the moment than faye whos been mainly injured this season would have and what has your picture got to do with antons loss of form
You seem to be basing this all on words that the press have used to describe the situation rather than Anton himself? Which seems a bit misguided. Surely you should really be directing all this anger at the press for being overly dramatic? A point which in itself would be ridiculous.
Also the man received at least one death threat, I'm pretty sure that would affect even the least dramatic of drama queens
find me one quote in which Anton himself complained. all that has happened is a journalist asked a teammate will he play and that team mate said yes. not a story. he cried wolf? what anxiety attacks?
What a west spam site supporting John Terry ahh
Oh dear you still don't understand racism do you old boy? but you never will you white, working class, fat bellied nincompoop.
HF...think u have taken one step to far with this one. I expect u will be seriously berated after this.
Irish R - Galway
Do you have a job? Or a life for that matter?
Obviously racist comments dont bother you then, from which I must draw the conclusion, you are one yourself!.
Well, a lot more people will be feeling contempt today. For you. Anyone not already fed up with your jibes against another team will now know what a small-minded bigot you are. Racism in football not a big deal? A c*nt is a c*nt whatever the skin colour, and your name can be added to that list. Get a grip, get a life, get a girlfriend, whatever it takes, but enough of your sad, pointless bile cluttering up the web and popping up on my browser as "news". Sending this as anon just because you've taken up enough of my time already. Loser.
Tasteless artical,as usual inocent party gets slated by people like u,Ferdinand is the incent one here,why dont u start on the one accused of racism. But its ok as i can guess whos side your on for reasons other than football.
You come across like a jealous child. Do you not think that Gabbidon was asked by the press 'What is Anton's reaction to the game against Chelsea and prospect of facing JT?' Gabbidon reply 'He can handle it!'
Im sure QPR will see you again when we are both in the Championship next year.
Until then concentrate on your own team, we were about 8 points clear at this stage last year with a 'one man' team.
You talk some sh!t on here. Terrys an utter cu&t and Ferdinand has said f@ck all about it.
YOU are a retard.
Anton hasn't actually accused JT of any wrong doing. The complaint was made by a spectator. Anton wasn't aware of the incident until afterwards and he then asked the FA to investigate. The incident hasn't been helped the media making a lot of it to sell papers. The media have come out with the ridiculous comments that you refer to, but this is the England captain and that's why this is such a big story.
It's good to see you're consistent in being a complete knob. Your own rules state "A few rules: no racism, no obscene language, and nothing that could see me or you in court!" and yet you repeat the racist slur (complete with obligatory asterisks) and state that this is nothing more than 'name calling'.
You're wrong, you're hypocritical, you're unhealthily obsessed with another team, and you're a knob.
Anton hasn't actually accused JT of any wrong doing. The complaint was made by a spectator. Anton then asked the FA to investigate. The police are also involved. The reason the incident is so big is because JT is the England captain and the media are having a field day. The ridiculous comments you refer to (having to face up to JT etc) are media nonsense thrown out to sell papers.
As a Rangers fan as this may be a first after reading all your Rangers blogs this season, but I'll say it anyway..... I completely agree. Such utter nonsense and he should be ashamed of himself. Grow up Anton.
Everyone knows that John Terry is an ignorant thick twat, maybe not a racist but bigoted at least. As for the racial slur, i'm astounded by the amount of conversation it takes up, i was asked my opinion in a pub over Christmas and my view was that it was just name calling , its done in all sports to gain an advantage, but the white middle class left wing tossers i work with thought i had just eaten a baby by their reaction. ffs its name calling get over it.
What a terrible article. I hope you don't harbour any ambitions as a proper journo...
Agree 100%, Im a QPR fan and think the whole saga is a load of old bollcks and makes ferdy and the club look like a bunch of little pricks in the playground. We've all played football before or been on the terraces giving it yid cnt, black bastd,dirty irish cnt and so on. Who gives a shit, its all banter and chances are you'll be back in the boozer later aving a pint with such people. Just to let people know im of mixed race as they like to call it now, or is it half jack cnt ! Any how sums up our great country these days to much fcking PC. Fck off is what I say.
You really are a sad pathetic little man
Spot on hf never a truer word said the man's a twat if we don't sign some quality at the back we are up a certain creek with out a paddle
I think the writer has missed the point. Anton did not initiate the complaint. The problem is not the abuse but the death threats to Anton and his family by the nutters.
If anyone can recognise a slump in form it's Gabbidon.
Rubbish HF! Name calling? Racism isn't just 'name calling'. And he didn't make it into an international incident as he didn't even know it happened. It was a member of the public that reported it. And he received death threats too, so it's not nothing.
I'm saying nothing. Not even gonna mention THE watch. Oh shit. I just have.
Wow, where to start! First of all, I would have no problems whatsoever with somebody racially abusing me. It would be words. Look at the abuse I receive on here - and I have had to delete 10 comments using the c word left on this thread, not because I care but because children access the site.
Look at the abuse I am willing to carry. So what? I am an adult. I am a grown man. I am not going to go to pieces over name calling. And Stani, when it all boils down, that's what it is. Name calling. How pathetic! Please sir, he called me a c***. Please sir he called me black. Please sir he called me a F*****g Black C***. So what? Get a spine. Call me a f*****G White C*** and I won't care. Say white people seek to divide and rule, and I won't care. So what? Big nose. Sad arse. Wanker. Tosser. So what? Put White in front of any of them and so what? It is pathetic, truly pathetic, that words taken in the heat of battle can be so blown out of proportion.
How could this have been nipped in the blood? Ferdinand could have said it wasn't an issue. Simple. Has he? No.
Now on to the death threats. I have received them on this blog. Some sick idiots have threatened to harm my family too. So what? Has Ferdinand been attacked? Have his family been hurt? Sadly we live in a world where idiots post threats on the net, but they are idiots and are best ignored.
The comments on here reveal typical brainless hysteria. I am being accused of being a racist when I make a comparison with the Lawrence case and show what racism REALLY is, and when I carry pictures of white racists thugs who should be in prison. They are walking around unhindered whilst Terry faces court action. Does that not strike you as absurd and disproportionate? Diane Abbott can racially abuse all white people with one careless and thoughtless comment but does not have to resign from the shadow cabinet or Parliament, but John Terry faces court. Does that not seem absurd?
You couldn't be a bigger dick. End of.
So in your world, its OK to call people black c*nts. There's lots of racists who'd agree with you HF.
Did I say it was ok? No. Do i think it is worthy of fuss when said in the context of a London derby? No. It is a question of context and perspective.
2244, please send your name and address so I can refer you to the police. I am deeply offended by your comments and wish the MET to investigate you and press charges.
That's all well and good HF but the point is ferdinand released a statement about 4 or 5 months ago saying that he did not accept terry's explanation. that is the only time he acknowledged it publicly. This article you have picked was an interview with gabbidon where he was asked directly. Have a bit of common sense mate.
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