But the request was rejected and Samba was told his services were required until the end of the season at least - in line with a contract that HE signed. So what has he done now? Only come out and said that Blackburn should sell him or he will throw games if picked.
OK, he hasn't used those words exactly, but how else do you interpret his reported words in The Sun: “Blackburn need players who are 100 per cent for the club — and I’m not." That is a threat. That is a warning that he will coast, that he won't show commitment, that he will, by implication, help the opposition to win.
He added: "“I’m at the end of the road here. I’m not going to change so, for their good and mine, they must sell me now.” Look at the threat implied in the words "for their good...they must sell me".
This is a time for the clubs to unite on behalf of the sport and the fans. No club should touch Samba. No group of fans should welcome him to their club. This is an appalling betrayal. Blackburn fans have idolised this man. The club has made him very wealthy. In fact the club has made him because he was a nobody before Blackburn gave him the chance to play in the Prem. And how has he repaid the club and their fans? Despicably.
Rot in the stiffs Samba! Stand firm Blackburn. And all the other clubs should make him a pariah. Asking for a move is one thing, threatening a club in this way cannot and must not be tolerated.
QPR again you really are a sad little man yawn
maybe his choice of words was wrong. BUT when he was signing his new contract he was told the club were investing in the future and they were ambitious there was no need to leave. so where are they now,how much money have they spent, he was lied to by the club .so is it fair that he then has to spend the next 4 and a half years there??
he also signed a new contract on the promise of the club adding new players to the squad which they haven't so fair play to the lad to stand up against liars!!!
My West Ham friend, once again jealousy rears it's ugly head. It appears as if you are starting to panic that QPR might indeed stay up against all the odds.
Chris Samba, come on down to Loftus Road big boy!!!
Well on the other side of events he states that he was made promises in regard to strenghthening the side which hasn't happened
If this is the case then he signed the contract based on falsehoods presented by the owners and if you renage on promises then why shouldn't he be able to walk away
Blackburn would get a good return on their investment and he will have given 5 years good service to the club.
I suppose you wouldn't want him at West Han either then!
You wouldn't be saying a word if it was you getting him.
hughes made samba the player he is...not blackburn. they made him promises they couldnt keep ronaldiniho ha ha.....come on you hoops!!!!
I'm surprised you havn't blamed his behavior on QPR!!!!
if you could be bothered to read the articles you write your crap blog on, you would have seen he was made promises that the club have not kept. That is the reason he wants to leave.
Mate your a disgrace to the human race, another black player you are slagging off - Then again your other post's on Rio why am I not surprised.....
I'm a QPR fan but after reading that discraceful article yesterday about not giving 100%, I totally agree with you. Let him rot in the Reserves. He was too money minded to sign an extension, he should honour his contract!!
Not like it hasnt happened countless time before, the players are the ones with the power not the club. I also think he holds the manager who brought him to the PL with more regard (Mark Hughes) than Blackburn themselves!
samba did sign a new contract. this was due to being told balckburn were going to sign world class players/ they never signed anyone. that is called misrepresentation in law. in life anyone can breach a contract.. this leads to compensation. qpr have offered 14.5 times what blackburn paid for him. this is adequate compensation.
my god you really don't get it do you?The reason he signed an extension to his contract was on the condition and promise that Blackburn would strengthen their squad and would be a top ten force,well the the chicken selling Indians have broken ALL their promises so why shouldn't he want to move on.It's normal to want the best from your career.I would suggest you read facts before going into nonsensical rants....doughnut.
what utter crap you talk.do you actually understand or even read about football? ...no..I thought not.IF you did have a slightest clue you would know all about the BROKEN promises made to him by the chicken selling indians.they were quoting ridiculous names they were going to sign,all of it complete bullshit.All they have done is sell phil jones for 16 million and spent not even half of it on very suspect players.why should he stay at a club with such little ambition,and more to the point why should he work for people who blatantly don't understand football and are proven liars.IF you must have a rant, at least understand what you are moaning about.Doughnut.
my god you really don't get it do you?The reason he signed an extension to his contract was on the condition and promise that Blackburn would strengthen their squad and would be a top ten force,well the the chicken selling Indians have broken ALL their promises so why shouldn't he want to move on.It's normal to want the best from your career.I would suggest you read facts before going into nonsensical rants....doughnut.
Yeah coming out publicly is out of order. still i wouldn't turn him away.
Must say I don't agree with everything posted on here but you spot on. What a disgraceful way to act towards his fans, teammates and employers. As the captain he's got to shoulder some of the responsibility for their league position (although history and upson tells us this is unlikely) and instead he's looking to abandon them when he's needed most in order to add a few more pennies to the bank balance. Disgusting.
As if u really give a toss about samba the fellas had enough because Blackburn are full of shit just like yourself hf would love to have him at the rssssss hopefully will sign him then if we are really lucky you might stop posting this bullshit on qpr news sites u complete bell end
I disagree with your comments entirely. He is not the first player to want to leave a club and certainly won't be the last. He wants to leave a club in a relegation battle to move on to pastures new. You say what has he done for Blackburn, the club who made him? Well, he's given them a good few years of top rate football, he cost them £400,000 and is likely to earn them a good £7-8million plus too, most clubs would see this as a very healthy return and in their current perilous financial state, letting him rot in the reserves will just be 'cutting off their nose, to spite their face' so to speak.
Agree a contract should be upheld BUT and its a big but. If you sign a contract under certain conditions and those conditions are not upheld then the aggrieved party are entitled to make said contract null and void. I am no law expert but that is common sense. Henkys are hated by the rovers fans for the exact same reason Samba wants out. How can u blame him. He is in the prime of his career and feels he is now going to waste his undoubted talent and commitment on the false words of these rediculously out of touch owners. He will go, if not before wed, definitely in the summer. If I signed a job contract promising I would be given certain tools to do my job to the best of my ability and instead was given poor quality replacements and in some cases no tools to such an extent I could not achieve my goals and that of my company Iwould be gone and so would you.
Again, his conditions were not met nor any sign of them happening in the future so he can without bad conscience demand the contract be torn up and move on. Dont forget that yes they made hom wealthy, he is an investment and now the investment has peaked and its time to sell and cut losses, take the profit and look for the next one.
Simples !!!
Irish R - Galway
Your spot on !!! but Spurs won't give a shit and will sign him!!!!!!
1133, your racism shines through. It did not occur to me that Samba was black. Why should it? He is a player. His colour is irrelevant. If he was white, his conduct would be equally disgraceful. And for those making a comparison with Tevez, I agree. I would love it if he never kicked a ball again and ended up bankrupt after Man City sued him. It's what he deserves.
Look guys, put rivalry to one side. Let's see this as football fans, not fans of individual clubs. Samba's threats are totally disrespectful to Blackburn's fans, fans who spend hard earned money to support the club. And Tevez's conduct is disrepectful to Man City's fans and football in general. Somewhere along the line, we have to think about ethics, morals and decency and we have to think of ourselves as a "collective". If Samba and Tevez are allowed to trample over football and contravene the basics codes of the sport, then it will happen to our clubs sooner or later. Put aside parochial concerns and see the bigger picture. Hughes has said he doesn't want Samba now - and good on him!
1133, your racism shines through. It did not occur to me that Samba was black. Why should it? He is a player. His colour is irrelevant. If he was white, his conduct would be equally disgraceful. And for those making a comparison with Tevez, I agree. I would love it if he never kicked a ball again and ended up bankrupt after Man City sued him. It's what he deserves.
Look guys, put rivalry to one side. Let's see this as football fans, not fans of individual clubs. Samba's threats are totally disrespectful to Blackburn's fans, fans who spend hard earned money to support the club. And Tevez's conduct is disrepectful to Man City's fans and football in general. Somewhere along the line, we have to think about ethics, morals and decency and we have to think of ourselves as a "collective". If Samba and Tevez are allowed to trample over football and contravene the basics codes of the sport, then it will happen to our clubs sooner or later. Put aside parochial concerns and see the bigger picture. Hughes has said he doesn't want Samba now - and good on him!
A really pertinent article, HF. I think those posters accusing you of knocking QPR are missing the point entirely. I don't see this as an article that is at all derogatory in those terms. It is an article about contract honour, loyalty and player power.
I take the well made points about the owners failing to live up to their side of the bargain, although I doubt this is actually written into Samba's contract. Overall though, as in the Tevez case, I despise this sort of player power and agree with the setiments HF expresses wholeheartedly.
20:00 bum licky HM rears his ugly turgid turtle head in support of his chum HF.
Anonymous gets jealous because he isn't getting any bum action himself.
I'd just like to add that HF, in my opinion, is quite simply the best blogger on the internet. His witticism, intellect and forthright opinions make him a compelling read. I bow down and worship at the HF altar, I am simply in awe of the man. Praise be for his very existence and the fact that he allows mere mortals such as my humble self the opportunity to comment on his esteemed blog.
HM & HF - Bet one of them is named Nigel...
wouldn't disagree with your points in this blog HF, but don't care, i'd still love Samba. Headmaster, the reason he gets so much abuse is becuase he spends his whole life trying to upset QPR fans and slag our club off, when we have a hard enough time more often than not anyway!
23:03 will be offering your support as a headmaster to HF's Anton hand job post? I dare you.
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