Speaking after the long journey back to London, Allardyce said: "Some managers might seek to make excuses. They might blame the forwards, or the keeper for making a terrible error, or the missed penalty, or Sears for missing a sitter, or claim that it was a difficult match with difficult opposition, but how would that help?"
"The simple fact is that we were playing against a poor team from the third tier of English football managed by a complete clown. Any team I sent out there, if properly prepared, should have won that game comfortably."
"You simply can't keep making the same old excuses. The truth is, the owners backed me and allowed me to build my own squad. I chose to sign Carew and Baldock, our front two today, and it was my decision to sign Lansbury, the creative midfielder in the side."
"So how can I lay the blame at any door other than my own? I have built a one dimensional side, a side lacking width, pace and imagination. That's not the players' fault, or the fault of the owners, that's my fault. We have been rubbish for seven games now and the belief amongst the fans that our poor play, even when winning, was simply down to a question of gelling has been disproved. To be honest, we have only played well in a handful of games all season, the rest of the time we have ridden our luck. And our luck has run out."
"I also made the decision to rest Rob Green and play Boffin today, even though Rob has already had a holiday this season when injured. He didn't need to sit this game out did he? And I knew Boffin wasn't good enough, which is why I signed Almunia on loan when Rob was injured. No, the decision to leave Green on the bench was stupid, crassly stupid, and I've nobody to blame except myself for that."
"So I hold my hands up. West Ham have a great Cup tradition and I have let the fans down, just as I did in the League Cup. I am trying to get things right but I must admit that, tactically, I am at a loss what to do. I know one way to play and that one way, direct, long, down the middle, isn't working. But who knows, if we keep trying, it may all click and we may start scoring again. We have to hope so, don't we?"
Dave said
You should have taken my advice and gone to the doctor. He may have been able to help you.
How come Swansea can dominate possession in the Premier League and we can't make three consecutive passes in the Championship? Even if we do win promotion, how can we even compete with the likes of Swansea and Norwich not to mention the other 17 teams we have to play with?
No HF, is absolutely right. This team is rubish and our manager does not seem to have much of a clue how to build a team that can pass the ball, create chances, not to mention score goals, and basically make watching West Ham United for the fans an enjoyable experience again.
We may have gathered some points but let's not fool ourselves we are coming straight back down with this team (even if we do finally make it up to the Premiership).
One thing Sam may have been right. We probably do need 25 players after all...
hahahahahaha 22:57 you sir are brilliant! that is laugh out loud funny - thank you.
I was literally in tears of laughter reading this. Class!
Hello mental patient,
Dave makes a valid point. I actually "lol'ed" after reading it.
Get some help.
Thanks 23:45 and 01:02.
Yes, I enjoyed writing it! Glad you enjoyed it.
HammersFan Comes Clean and says "Yes, I do write anonymous posts on my own blog"
anyone read today's Sun? they reckon QPR could be in for Zola.....God help them!
Kevin inManchester writes..
yes re- another post he does pick the team and he did buy the players .. as I recall we were all cock a hoop with his summer dealings .. they've turned into turkeys and of course that reflects on his judgement but we haven't got the dough to do anything other than take a chance of kids.. our fabled youth system isn't up to it.. or bargin basement buys .. they are in the bargain basement for a reason .. I don't agree that BFS is one dimensional, as I have said many times before he's a pragmatist- at Bolton with the likes of Ochocha, Djorkaeff Campo and Anelka - he didn't play route one. Trouble is Nolan and Noble can't be relied on to pass the ball a la Swansea because they are essentially hustlers and we have no alternative. I don't say he is the best or the worst just the best we could have hoped for given the task ahead-- promotion to the Prem League.. if we get there then that ushers in a whole new set of problems but let's concentrate on one step at a time.
Warnocks free now, why dont you go for him! Might suit your style of football better.
You do tend to slightly go on about him.
Still however badly youre playing you are still up there chasing and lets face were never going to win the FA cup. No distractions anymore youre too big for the championship.
at least 25 players needed - keep Green, Collison and Tomkins and flog ALL the others they are all completely mediocre or too old and slow, slow, slow. Send all the loanees back, and invest in the team. But the porno 'saviours' will NEVER do that - no class, no VISION, no respect.
a very sensible statement from 15.07 I concur with your vision totally
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