Doctor Evil's understanding of the game is summed up when he boasts that stats show how we have got the ball into the opposition box more often than any other team in the division. That, according to Sam, is the mark of a good team!
To hell with the quality of the delivery! Never mind that there's nobody in the box to receive it! So what that 95% of the time the ball finds a defender with time and space to clear? It's statistics my friend, and even if you only find your own player 5% of the time, 5% of one hundred is better than 5% of fifty, so hoof the ball in as often as possible and eventually you will find a player from your own team!
It is the diametrically opposite approach of Barcelona. Watch the Catalans play and they treat the penalty area like the vagina of a goddess, only to be penetrated in moments of divine ecstasy. The ball is loved. A pass across the face of the box is foreplay. A pass backwards is titillation. A pass wide is a touch against the erogenous zones.
But Allardyce isn't interested in foreplay. Fcuk it. Get it in there. Knock her to the floor, rip off her underwear and give her one, then chalk it up on the bed post, burp, fart and chew on a pack of Wrigley's is his approach. And for those of us who have worshipped at the altar of Moore, Hurst, Peters, Brooking, Di Canio, Greenwood and Lyall, it is the ultimate desecration, the ultimate corruption of a thing of beauty.
But we are top of the table the Allardyce apostates will argue, like fathers who ignore the bruises on their daughter's arms because the boyfriend is a good lad who always buys his round. God help us!
YAWN!!!! Anyone would think your last statement of "but we are top of the table" would be enough not to write this post but no, not enough for u. U bring shame to our club and all them heroes u mentioned would be ashamed of u 2. U ain't a football fan your a joke.
Lol that cracked me up!
No, I am a football fan, you are the joke. Hope you haven't got a daughter, you wouldn't care about her bruises.
I'll be going out to do some shopping today..then im gonna have a few beers with my mates before going out tonight for a meal with the Mrs and then hopefully get my end away when we get home tonight!!
If you missed the point hf its that you need too get a life
As your on-line so much why not try a few dating websites im sure your mum won't mind if you go out once in a while
Oh yeah just too perk up your day some more when we get promoted bfs contract automatically becomes a 5yr contract!!!
Now pull back those curtains and get out into the world..your free crazy and bitter loaner GO GO
Hahahahaahahahahaha I bet your wife's vagina is treated like that of a goddesses, NOT. hahahahaha how we'd love to hear from her. Bet you're a limp dicked, balding, 50 year old fat bloke with a dodgy back and even worse knees. Mmmmwwwaaahhhhaaaaahhhhaaaa!!!
Wow HF!! Your comebacks are too good. People will feel out of there depth soon and stop commenting.
99% of 'Anonymous' comments on this board are shite. Mostly illegible, uneducated bile. Wish there was a facility to hide the anonymous comments so that I could sift through the rubbish.
Ah, the 'West Ham Way' again. Now, it's true there were some occasions when WHU played like that, in the distant past. Still, we are top of the table and we haven't played like that, mainly because as Phil parkes said, most of the team are mediocrities. Whether the Pornoids buy any quality players remains to be seen - I think they wouldn't know 'quality' if it was right in front of their faces.
Never mind the West Ham way, we are talking the Allardyce Way. As in most things in life, there is a middle way! That would be the Pardew Way. Or the Zola Way when he had Di Michelle in the team.
is tevez back at west ham?
The Zola way was crap too. Smaller squad was his 'idea'....the Pardew way was ok when it got us up, but also failed to deliver much and descended in chaos and shagging.,then he was sacked..... But that cup final was great, for sure, as entertaining a match as I've seen.
But then there were two or three with ability and even skill in the squad. For now, I'll stick with the Allardyce way, in the absence of anything better. My pref was for Hughton, but don't think he would have got on with the Pornoids.
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