Well fortunately nobody was murdered in Liverpool, but an Asian lad was murdered just up the road in Manchester - and how wonderfully dignified and generous was the murdered boy's father by the way? Perhaps Dalglish should visit the scene of that murder wearing his Suarez shirt, just to prove that there is no link between the wearing of that shirt and racist offence? He wouldn't dream of doing so would he, because it would be hugely offensive and inappropriate. So, why was it appropriate to wear those shirts on a pitch in front of racist fans and a TV audience of millions?
Events at Anfield last night must put a huge question mark over Dalglish's future at the club. How can Liverpool FC condemn racism - as they must now - whilst leaving King Kenny in charge, given he gave "100% support" for Suarez who has been found guilty of racism? The wearing of those Suarez shirts was an even bigger error of judgement than the buying of Carroll for £35m.
Liverpool shouldn't have to sack Dalglish, if he has a decent bone in his body he will resign. And meanwhile Liverpool should resign their place in the FA Cup to prove to their fans, and the world of football, that they genuinely want to Kick Racism out of Football.
To all the Scousers mouthing off in the comments below, I carry this addendum, courtesy of CNN:
(CNN) -- The head of a football anti-racism group has called for the English Football Association to charge Liverpool with bringing the game into disrepute over the club's response to Luis Suarez's eight-match ban for using racist language at Patrice Evra.
On the day that Suarez issued a brief apology over the incident, Piara Powar, executive director of European football's anti-discrimination body FARE, spoke of his disappointment at Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish's attitude to the suspension.
"Kenny Dalglish's comments over the affair have been undignified and their reaction has damaged the club's brand across the world," Powar told the Professional Footballers' Association's official website.
Suarez gave 'unreliable' evidence
"This is a lack of respect for the governing body by Liverpool and the FA should charge them and manager Kenny Dalglish."
Powar continued: "Liverpool have been too keen to support their man and in doing so have whipped up a sense of paranoia amongst their fans."
"For the club to be so aggressively militate against what looks to most people a considered judgment from the English FA leads to a potential for anarchy."
The comments came after Suarez issued a brief apology on the official Liverpool website, saying: "I admitted to the FA commission that I said a word in Spanish once and only once."
"I told the panel members that I will not use it again on a football pitch in England. I never, ever used this word in a derogatory way and if it offends anyone then I want to apologize for that."
Suarez pointedly did not apologize to Evra, or mention the Manchester United defender in his statement, prompting Lord Ouseley, the chairman of British football's anti-racism group Kick It Out, to call the apology "lamentable."
"Suarez's attempt at a belated apology is nothing short of lamentable," Ouseley told the Guardian newspaper.
"I cannot believe that a club of Liverpool's stature, and with how it has previously led on matters of social injustice and inequality, can allow its integrity and credibility to be debased by such crass and ill-considered responses."
Although Liverpool decided not to appeal against Suarez's suspension, Dalglish has publicly expressed his disappointment over the ruling and questioned the FA's reasoning for its ruling.
Suarez's Liverpool teammates also courted controversy before it was announced, publicly supporting the Uruguay striker by wearing t-shirts bearing his name prior to the match against Wigan.
Article was s**t.. Thanks anywayzzzzz
LMFAO, is this because you are a has been team, who cheated to stay in the prem with trevez and just got ur desserts now, lol, hope you stay down,
get a life from the team that cheated to stay in the prem with the trevez thing LMFAO, plonker,
What an awful article!
so next time we hear chants of in are liverpool slums, is the ref going to stop the match, or next time we hear suarez being insulted it will be stoppped, get a life.
right now its easy to jump onn bandwagon and have a go at liverpool , but hey what about everton fans throwing coins at belemy this year what happened to them,FA did FA or man city goalie getting death threats because city stomped all over Man u lol. again FA did FA
typical one sided di#k
Wot a prick....!
possibly the worst article ive read about the suarez affair...or indeed any topic thats ever been discussed on the internet...or anywhere else in the known universe. Give up
Coming from a West Ham blog condeming another club about racisiam is laughable.
well said, you have just made it clear you are a complete tot.
Why do u have to link the death of dat young boy to Anfield's case. Sorry to say,dat's bad of you. Every1 knows Racism exists bt I'm sorry ur article didn't drive home any point... Though i don't know d boy,bt i sympathize with his family.
This comment is a load of bollocks
What a prize gobshite. Enjoy life under fat Sam and his awful football. You've found your level in the championship, let's hope you stay there.
This just shows how much knowledge you have
I'm not even going to mention the Tevez affair because
Like this situation it ain't worth talking about enjoy
Life in the championship
Ah nothing like a bit of stupidity on a Saturday from one of those kneejerk reaction type writers who seem to believe everything written in the press.
Are you auditioning for a job with The Mirror? I mean you seem to have the same "quality" journalism skills.
Not so much of an article more of an incoherent rant linking completely unrelated stories, insulting the memory of a dead man, libelous comments against an entire city. Perhaps you should remove this rant and issue an apology for all the offence you have caused.
I can offer some advice too, perhaps start by reading the FA report on the case, then reading articles and statements by Merseyside police and look at the whole matter objectively.
This blog is arrogant, dangerous and also incites racial hatred, I am sure that Google log ip addresses etc of authors, it'll be interesting to see if they pass the matter on to the police.
i really think you need to get some help because you seem to have some seriouse proplems, to link what saurez is supposed to have said to somebody getting murderd is just sick.
soul man.
o f@#k yourself you stupid prick
What a waste of bandwidth this blog was...
Does your mummy know you're using her laptop???
You'll go to bd with no supper if she finds out!!
Just a side issue but I do believe that Suarez was neither charged or convicted of being a racist. But hey that may not matter, let's just hang the fella anyways, now where did I put that rope.
Just a bit fed up of idiots like the author of this piece jumping on the bandwagon to promote their own agenda
Eh? I thought yous was a racist hf
U never heard anybody say a racist comment? Do me a favour. Get a life saddo.
Can't believe you would involved a family who is suffering the loss of their children...hats off to you mate.
When you read the articles, evident and double standards between the Suarez case. You can see why kenny back suarez. The only part of suarez's evidence that the commission believes is that he admits to saying a n word. Yet fergie stated that suarez said it 5 times, evra reckoned it was 10 times and yet the final report states 7 times - huge differences there. Obviously the commission never read the book - the boy who cried wolf - because this the 3 claim someone has made. But on his part third time lucky i guess. Finally a member on the commission, sent racist emails from his FA email late in 2011 and yet the FA didn't fine, punish or sack him.
And Im you wish all that happens before the 11th Feb, don't you? What a sh#t article! Your website background is black - you definitely are racist!!!
What a waste of bandwidth!!
Does your mummy know you're using her laptop?
Dreadful. Who are you to be calling for teams to be expelled from the premiership? Conceited Numpty. how about expelling west ham from the football league for failing to control their fans when they fight with milwall and cause damage in their local community?
HAHAHAHA! You are just as guilty as we are, you signed Macherano and got nothing, but we got fined! Do you seriously have no braincells? I know scoucers are dumb (that's assuming you're not a glory supporter from Surrey), I don't realise you were that dumb!
who ever wrote this pile of @hit is a village idiot!! if this totally biased article is anything to go by, i would trust the idiot who wrote it to write a birthday card! Lmfao!!
Anything else, asshole? You are living proof that absolutely ANYONE can have a football blog.
Half wit
But you support Terry and his racism HF. You see this is what happens when you do not take a hardline approach against racism like Liverpool have not. It is why Terry's racist slur should be condemned by everyone. For an intelligent guy, your inability to see beyond your own nose is perplexing.
What a wank stain!
Lol, coming from a West Ham fan! One of the most bigoted gang of chumps you'll ever see!
what utter utter shite...stick to singing Im forever blowing bubbles mate. As a writer of serious well balanced articles you stink big time
You complete prick! That's possibly the worst thing I have ever read. It's untrue and pathetic. Get your facts right before you start spouting more b#llocks.
Hammersfan, you are a complete moron.
What a stupid article!! Liverpool stuck up for a guy that was accused of making a racist comment, without any evidence or witnesses. If you see that as condoning racism, then you're just a total idiot. As for if somebody was killed in a racially motivated attack in the same city, what has that got to do with Dalglish?? This article stinks of bandwagon jumping!!
Stormontherig west ham didnt cheat to stay up and Tevez was a factor in us staying up just as rob green mark noble and zamora were also factors so get a life and piss off
you sir, are an idiot.
Get a life you moron.. The actions of individuals arnt representative of Liverpool fc just because he was sitting in the kop. What you've just said is the same as saying that because one Muslim is a terrorist all Muslims are now terrorists. People like you blow things out of preportion. For future reference keep your idiotic extremist thoughts to yourself you f**king idiot
What a crap article.
Suarez has been found guilty based on allegations which have been heared by the FA. Their reasoning is based on Evra being a credible witness. Whatever happened to due process? If there is reasonable doubt you cannot convict? What real evidence has been given?
Under these circumstances we - club and supporters - have spoken out against this. The process should be run as a proper legal process and then we would have accepted the outcome. As of now the chances is that an innocent man has been convicted - that can never be good.
Linking Liverpool and Suarez to all the other serious sh1t suggested in the article is just stupid.
What a tit
LOL Typical Scouser response, all knee jerk, no brain!
Huge difference Stani. It all comes down to context. Anybody, when in a temper, can say something they do not mean. If you haven't, you are a saint. Dalglish had time to THINK, but he still decided to offer 100% support to Suarez - who has been found guilty - and to order or condone the wearing of those shirts.
The failure of stewards to eject the offending fans on the night also says a lot. I have experienced the same thing twice myself. Once when I reported a guy at Wembley during the England v Scotland play off game for making a Nazi salute during the National Anthem and then verbally abusing and threatening an Asian guy sitting behind him - nothing was done by the stewards and, as I think I've told you before, The Asian guy had to leave (with his children) before the end for fear of his life. And a second time at Stamford Bridge when I had to endure the most revolting anti Semitic abuse aimed at Ben Thatcher as an ex Spurs player (playing for Man City at the time) and of Wright-Phillips. On that occasion, stewards were sitting on the toucline right in front of this animal and did absolutely nothing despite Kick Racism Out Of Football messages all around the stadium.
I reiterate my belief that JT is not a racist, he was angry with Anton and let fly. He did not use the N word, had he done so, he would have been a racist, he called Anton black, and Anton considers himself black. Had he called Anton a "f******g c**t" he would not be on a charge. If he had simply called him black he would not be on a charge either. So to charge him for using a combination of the same words is absurd. Suarez did not called Evra black, he called him a N****r.
What a bellend you are
Isn't Bellend back at Liverpool?
What an unbelievably dimwitted response
hahahaha HF congratulations hf even more people that hate you... you know one day one of them is going to find you, don't you?
Dave says,
Honestly HF, this is way way over the top. Typically, you have used an extreme strap-line to draw the punters in and then write stuff purely to provoke and be sensational. Well congratulations, from the response you'll consider this a successful post.
Are you really trying to link the death of the lad in Salford to Dalglish (admittedly) stupidly allowing his players to wear those t-shirts? Do you really, really, really feel they should be booted out of the FA Cup?
FFS, stop this- you've seen people's reaction- you are going out of your way to incite and annoy fans of clubs that we have no problem with.
I agree with Stani- your understanding of racism is at best patchy. Some of your posts on the subject, such as your blinkered, defence of Terry don't sound anti-racist to me. I'm going to be kind and hope that that's just down to muddled thinking on your part. I hope that's right.
Fans of Liverpool- HF's views are not those of a typical West Ham fan so aim your comments at him not the rest of us.
What a bull shit read that was written by a proper bellend
Firstly, if someone abused the Oldham lad they should be thrown out. I don't think any of us have a problem with that. But what we saw tonight is just the beginning of a new era. I hate to say it but the can of worms has truly been opened. History will prove that the FA truly botched the Suarez/Evra case by being uneven, inequitable, preferential, and naive. All this could have been diffused by a clean handling of the case where both players were admonished equally with offsetting bans. The puritanical media and it's reductive PC ethos has also made things a lot worse. You just can't arbitrarily scapegoat one player, one team, and act like racism only exists at Anfield. You can't conduct cases based on hearsay, probability, and allegation. You can't politically blackmail a club, player, manager through media defamation and discrimination. All these things cause backlash, tribalism, entrenchment, and racial profiling. When Liverpool capitulated to the pressure, and certainly after Suarez submitted an apology, the FA should have made a statement that the matter was closed, that Evra's slurs would be dealt with, and that any discrimination against Suarez (who by their own definition is not a racist) will not be tolerated. Their lack of leadership and moral equity has just exacerbated racial tensions around the game. The media should have been satisfied with its pound of flesh, it's immigrant scapegoat, and stopped beying for more blood. Former players and Alex Ferguson should have just kept quiet and let the situation diffuse instead of stoking the flames further. We now have a league where any player can be accused, convicted, and defamed just by allegation - and where teams can start using the race card to gain competitive advantage like diving. Every team in the country has a minority of idiot bigots for fans and all it takes is one moron to incite a fresh controversy.
Honestly Dave, read with a little more perception. Of course there is no direct link with the lad's death in Manchester, but would Dalglish wear that Suarez shirt if he visited the site where the boy was shot? No. Why? Because he would understand that to associate himself with support for somebody who used the N word would be deeply inappropriate in the circumstances.
Well the circumstances are that we live in a society where people are still murdered because of the colour of their skin - 18 years after the death of Steven Lawrence - and THAT'S why Dalglish should NEVER have offered 100% support to anybody who uses the N word towards another human being. To condone / order the wearing of the Suarez t shirts was disgraceful - as I said at the time, BEFORE the murder in Manchester. In fact, on the night the offensive shirts were worn, I asked how Dalglish would react if there was a racist murder over the Christmas period. He should go.
As for the FA Cup, I call upon Liverpool to resign their position in the competition, not for them to be kicked out, just as I called upon West Ham to resign our place in the Carling Cup after the Millwall game as a way of utterly disassociating the club from the scum that "support" the club - and I do not mean the decent fans obviously!
There are bigger issues than football here.
Typical sh!t from this site.
And btw, if everyone (none Liverpool connected) thinks the FA got it spot on, why ??
If the FA is the governing body of English Football, who is governing the FA ?? or as their report suggests, are they a law unto themselves !!!
Stinks a bit dunnit !!
Whats next ?? Colourful armbands when an ex pro dies (just so we don't upset anyone at all !!)
The world HAS gone MAD... the only useful statement on this pointless site...
Interesting points TKP. I disagree, but it is good to have an intelligent reply!
You disagree HF to TKP's comment ??
Please divulge !! If your able.
Firstly Suarez has admitted using the N word. Secondly, Suarez only apologised belatedly. Had he come out immediately and said sorry then I would have sympathy. He didn't. Thirdly, the media went for the non immigrant Terry more than they did for Suarez. There is an attempt by TKP to suggest that the media were driven by racism and I strongly disagree.
As it happens, I also believe the PC agenda has gone too far myself, which is why I defend Terry. But Terry did not call Anton a N***** did he? There is NO excuse for that!
Can I have the time back I spent reading this drivel?
Have you read any other sites or done research on this RACIST campaign or not ??
Suarez DID NOT say the N****r word to Evra, he DID in fact use the N*g*o word which is not an offensive AND EVEN LESS RACIST in the country that he comes from..
Eg, If a 6 year old child came up to you in the street and called you a TW@T because you had for instance Red Jeans on, what would you think.. Would you be offended that a 6 yo knew such a word ? used this word to an adult ? would you complain to their parents ??? IS THIS WORD AN INSULT TO YOU !!!
Now, move across the water to Dublin, and suddenly this is not an offence AT ALL... YOU IDIOT (not you, this is the Irish meaning of the word)
So, with this in mind, only a stones throw away, to ANOTHER (mainly) English speaking country, in my opinion Suarez has been taken to the cleaners and made an example of by an antiquated organisation of pro Man Utd good-old-boys purely on what... probability !!!
Methinks the next major campaign needs to be
Typical Liverpudlian paranoia. The world is always out to get a Scouser. Suarez has apologised - far too late - and you don't apologise for something you haven't done. And Liverpool aren't appealing. Funny that.
Tell me, were Liverpool right to wear those t shirts? That's what this is about!
I believe that they WERE right to wear the T-Shirts... in support of an INNOCENT colleague !!
You see, and southerners will not get this at all, we above most KNOW what injustice feels like, for 22 years in total... and STILL counting.
These things will only unite us together in support of one of ours..
Because we are not English... WE ARE SCOUSERS.
In English judicia, isn't the individual "Innocent until proven Guilty" ??
So why did Suarez not receive the same ??
Are the FA not English, under the Queens rule??
IF probability is the defining point of a trial then our country is in more trouble than the muppets in Parliament are trying to land us all in..
LFC & Suarez DID accept the punishment, and released the statements WITHOUT accepting the decision made by the kangaroo court and to my mind they have made the right decisions all along.. and as I said before, YOU just wouldn't understand what solidarity is all about.
So, trial by media is at it again, and judging by the speed in which you vetoed my last post and responded with your own, your as bad as the rest of them !!!
His wife is black FFS - it's the same N word he uses as a pet name for his wife. The meaning is different in his home country have you not been listening?
And the award for least educated fans goes to...
Have you read the Suarez Report from the FA ? Where in that does he say he is a Racist ? In fact, im pretty sure you will see them say that they do not deem him to be Racist, as does Evra. So please, educate yourself before dribbling shit on the Internet.
Suarez apologised if his comment caused Offence. Not for being A Racist. I find it hard to believe that people, like you, are so thick.
"Because we are not English... WE ARE SCOUSERS."
So typical! Happy to live off benefits paid by the English though!
Thought this was about T-Shirts you mug !!!
Typical response though, I'd expect nothing else from a racist southerner !!!
IF you are fortunate enough to have worked consistently since you were 15, like myself, then you are a very FORTUNATE individual indeed.
I pay THROUGH THE NOSE with my taxes to enable people less fortunate than myself in order for them to survive, without ANY PREJUDICE, as well as all the immigrants coming into our country, whether it be for asylum or study.. without ANY PREJUDICE...
So in fact, Mr HammersFan, with your consistent abuse on this topic, I say YOU are the RACIST one here, AGAINST LIVERPUDLIANS...
It was you who claimed that Scousers weren't English!
It is a fact that unemployment in Liverpool is higher than in most other areas of the UK. Bootle 9%. Liverpool River 7.5%. Liverpool Walton 8.1%.
Where I live it is 1.7%.
So I reckon I am funding dole for a separate nation based on YOUR claims! Give Liverpool its independence I say! Fund your own unemployed!
Also pay to imprison your own criminals whilst you are about it! Higher than national average rates for burglary (13.2% v 9.6%), criminal damage (19.4% v 12.7%) Drug offences (15.9% v 4.2%), offences against vehicles (9.4$ v 8.2%), robbery (2.1% v 1.4%) and violence against the person (16.3% v 14.8%). Great "community"! The majority of the victims of those crimes will be Scousers of course! One great big family that pulls together eh?
Is it "racist" to quote the stats? That is YOUR SCOUSE NATION!
21.50 "his wife is black FFS" unfortunately you let all your scouser chums down who accuse HF of being uninformed
Oddest black I've ever seen, but there again I guess that she's blonde and very white doesn't quite fit your your Liverpudlian spin of the situation!!! Lets hope he doesn't use the N word as his pet name for the Mrs or maybe its used in irony!!
And MAD-KOPITE, the nation has great sympathy for the 96 poor souls that died that day. Terrible, terrible human errors and incompetent decisions were made that day, but that does not isolate Liverpool in grief alone. West Ham play at Hillsborough tomorrow and I am sure all decent fans will cast a thought to those tragic events.
Well done, Mr copy & paste...
Thought you had an anti-Liverpool agenda going on, pity I wasted my time on such a pathetic article.
I feel sorry that you are not intellectual enough to submit a valid argument regarding your initial points, but then that's why your on here hey instead of a real site..
Therefore, I'll not service you with any more of my thoughts, goodbye, good luck & fuck ya !!
Racist or not hf, you are a lower to middle class, Daily Mail reading, over weight, white, middle aged bigot.
23.00 I do not read the Daily Mail!
LOL well researched TH! And I agree 100% with your Hillsborough comments.
This to me sounds like the confused opinion of a bitter supporter of a championship side.
Not only does this not involve your club, players or supporters im 100% positive that it has nothing to do with crime or employment rates.
Yet again when faced with facts about a subject another ill educated southerner resorts to "googling" crime rates to prove a point that is widely know throughout our city.
So congrats for making yourself look like a top class "bell end" if you would like to copy and paste anymore BBC figures you know were I am!
Taraa La
First off this is one if the worst articles I've ever read!
So jt calls af a black c*nt and that's not racist? You're an absolutely deluded bellend!
I'm sure you are aware that suarez and evra were conversing in Spanish and what does Negro mean in Spanish let me think....black! You prove and disprove yourself all at once your opinion is worth fuck all go and do us all a favour and play in heavy traffic!
Dear Mad-Kopite, is it the law that we can only discuss the issues of the football team we support?
Also, why do you stereotype southeners? how very uneducated you are!
I do not give a f*ck what the word means in his own country. When he signed those immigration papers to allow him to work in our country, he was agreeing to abide by UK laws and adopt our cultural ways of thinking. It is not good enough to just say that it does not matter because it means different in his home country. He was not in his home country when saying this word. I live in Australia. When I signed those papers I agreed to abide by the laws of the Australian government. Saurez needs to revise the papers he signed before thinking about opening his mouth again.
Dave says
As you claim not to be a bigot there is only one other explanation. As you sound rabid you must have rabies. Why didn't I realise that before. Your various rambling musings were a result of you being bitten by a huge, slobbering, diseased not to mention unfussy pooch.
So get to the doctors now HF! Judging by the level your illness has driven you to every last second counts.
I wish you well.
stopped reading this article after the first couple of paragraphs.
cant believe you started linking dalglish and wearing a suarez shirt to a murdered boy.
what a clown!!
I'm not surprised you gave up. It must take ages to sound out two whole paragraphs!
Typical Eastend cousin marrying idiot.
As much brains as a jellied eel.
Atleast get your facts right before you write utter drivel!!
Even for a biased, mindless and baying West Ham supporter that article smacks of under achievement.
Firstly you claim more than once that Suarez called Evra a 'ni**er'. This is categorically incorrect and the whole world and his wife know it to be.
Suarez admitted to using the word 'negro' which simply means 'black' in his native language, Spanish.
Would you expect to be called a racist if you described someone as 'that black bloke'? No, and you wouldn't deserve to be.
Secondly, Dalglish made the decision to don those t-shirts to show Suarez that the whole country isn't a biased shower of cretins that take accusation as fact (much like your good self).
To write an article that is so inciting when you've clearly not even taken the time to read the FA reports, and to learn whereof you speak is damning, and you yourself are guilty of being offensive in the extreme (not to mention printing libel about Suarez, which he would be well within his legal right to sue your arse off for).
Now you're piggy backing off the gutter press and claiming that Dalglish and Suarez are guilty for one fuckwitted cock making a nasty statement to the lad Adeyemi last night!
Honestly, do you ever visit the planet earth?
There were near 45,000 people in the ground last night and one cock-end is enough for you to label all of the Club's fans as racist? Even the Sikh, Indian, Pakistani, Black and East Asian ones?
You really ought to think more before you waste your time typing this bawbags, because aside from my previous point about it being extremely offensive and inciting hatred, it shows you up to be a real dull-witted oxygen thief.
Also, don't get me started on West Ham and racism. Have you ever heard the phrase "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"? Because it applies to you, lad.
For your information:
"West Ham fans have a tradition of violence and hooliganism.[43] Their ground, Upton Park, has also witnessed racism amongst fans and here football hooliganism originated amongst bovver boys in the 1960s.[48] Sympathisers of the National Front have handed out National Front leaflets outside Upton Park particularly following the launch of the National Front youth newspaper 'Bulldog' in 1977, and have successfully sold club memorabilia carrying 'NF' slogans and motifs"
Really, honestly, and for your own good: pipe down.
Liverpool fans are not racist. (I've been a match going supporter since I was 13, nearly 20 years ago and I've never heard a single racist chant in all the time I've been going, oh and I sit next to a bunch of Asian lads who seem pretty comfortable)
Luis Suarez is not racist (even Evra and the FA acknowledge this in the 115 page report you're too dumb to have read).
Is that enough? Will you admit that you're a shit-stirring, no-mark now?
No, doubtless you'll ignore all the points I've *proved* you wrong on and make some glib retort, or, maybe, you'll just delete my post. (<-- that's the most likely option, eh)
Oh, and bringing up a boy's murder to further your stupid, asinine point makes you a real nasty piece of shit. Kudos.
So that's Tottenham, QPR and now Liverpool supporters ticked off, who is the next team on your list of team supporters to piss off?
This is hilarious, firstly suarez wasn't charged or convicted of being racist...secondly your quote of .. To the scousers mouthing off .. Is derogatory and therefore could be taken as racist and finally if you go to the game I'll bet your one of those racist idiots that thinks its funny and original singing .. Sign on sign on... Racism isn't just about colour you tit
The racism story is planned by ManU back up team that want to make 1) problem to suanrez who can help Liverpool become effective team again and 2) make Liverpool fan that are around the world and may be more amount than ManU fan not to support the Liverpool . Therefore, would liverpool think carefully and consider to better manage with the media, TV broadcasting right around the world and strategies to let people around the world know that we,Liverpool is team for layman poor guy and simple people who want to watch football from TV
The clowns were liverpool football club for wearing the t shirt in the 1st place
shut up! you over the top cry baby idiot.
this fella' is an absolute knob
in keeping with your (errr...) article. i call upon you to take down this website, resign from the internet and immediately give yourself a spanky bum bum. after which you can go back to junior school. i here your local school has a new hopscotch in the playground.
What a di*k,but anicase how stupid are u?
Dalglish is a coach and its his duty to
Stand by his player,so if messi should have
The same ALLOGATION! Held against him
Tomorrow u gna say! Barca mst do the same?
Anicase u hav jst waisted ur time writing this
Sh*t know 1 gna do what u think! What u said I
Like a fly being at a pet farm! U ther
But u not reali ther!
LFC have made a huge mess of this whole situation, I am a newcastle fan but have always liked liverpool. I can now say they are my most disliked team in the EPL. Of course the Carroll and Enrique sagas have contributed to this dislike but how the club has handled themselves over this issue has made me lose any respect for them whatsoever.
Racism is wrong and has to be dealt with.
Suarez initially denied saying anything, then makes up this rubbish about a non offensive race related term.
Suarez and LFC should have admitted the truth the next day with an apology to Evra, and condemning racism, people may have then accepted Suarez's version of cultural and language confusion and he may have even got off the charge.
But they continued to lie, continued to show no respect for the seriousness of the charge or the impact this can have on a victim.
Unfortunately Kenny is destroying LFC IMO, he is way past his due date in both his football knowledge of players, tactics etc and also in what is acceptable in socially today.
Sack him and your club will prosper.
I have to agree with Stani. You're lenient view of the Terry/Ferdinand issue contradicts your vociferous response to what has been going on up in Liverpool.
Racism in football isn't confined to one team or one set of supporters. West Ham has never been immune. So the best strategy to defeat it is a united one. In that respect, I don't think your singling out of Liverpool or your partial position (dismissing Terry's offence) is helpful.
I love the blog HF. But on this one your all over the place.
no fans can't sing, any incident will be related to racism. get a life
WHAT A PATHETIC ARTICLE!! Every Liverpool fan on Merseyside KNOWS the real truth about Suarez. He was set-up by Fergie and his cronies at the FA. How can Liverpool appeal to the FA when they are Prosecutor and Judge! Especially, when they ignore all Suarez's and LFC's evidence and side with a known liar!! Evra is even on You Tube calling Desailly a "Nigger" that is how offended he was about the word "Negro" pronounced Neg-grow the Spanish word for black. Unfortunately, idiots like you who know NOTHING about this case, automatically start siding with poor Evra!! Pathetic!!
FAO Liverpool fans - please don't take this as a West Ham fans view, take this as an idiot on his own who pretends to support West Ham.
HammersFan is a moron of the highest order and this article only proves that.
Let's not forget this is the same HammersFan who said Parker was not good enough for West Ham.
HF is a bit of a commical Ali. Totally oblivious to how much of a fool he is making of himself.
Now I get it, this is just a ploy by HF to get more hits to his precious blog in the hope it will appear on the Liverpool Newsnow feed.
Pathetic HF, truly pathetic. You are bad as the red top newspapers.
What is next? Phone hacking? You have prove yourself to be a fickle, arrogant, insensitive, egotistical bigot.
To the allegation that the use of the term Scousers is racist, I point you to the proud claim by Mad-Koppite that Scousers aren't English; and the comments certainly represent mouthing off!
This idea that Man Utd have fixed all this to put Liverpool down is absurd. If Man Utd wanted to engineer trouble for a club, their focus would be Man City, Chelsea, Tottenham or Arsenal. Liverpool are an irrelevance at the top these days, an irritating buzzing fly that has to be waved away from the top table occasionally. Look at how easily Man City swatted you the other night!
liverpool have made mistakes in the handling of this situation but pricks like you dont help the situation get back under your rock
I think the comments on here show why Liverpool mishandled the case. There is the stench of Liverpudlian paranoia. It is ALWAYS somebody else's fault. The world is ALWAYS picking on Liverpool. No matter what the facts, the Liverpool whine is sounded, like a squeaky air raid siren, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....."
0213, I have used this site to call upon West Ham to identify racists in our fanbase and ban them for life. In particular, I have called for action to be taken to identify those who hiss to simulate gas chambers when we play Spurs. A West Ham racist is as foul as a Liverpool racist in my book - it is NOT about the colour of the shirt!
You skilfully dodged the rest of my points. Well done. Typical of someone who knows what they're writing's bullshit I suppose.
*That* FA Cup final must have really fucked your coupon up, to leave you this bitter and devoid of common sense.
Jealous because we are successful and west ham are shite
Maybe you are psychic, and knew West Ham would need another route back into the cup, hahaha, resign from the competition? Should Bolton resign from the premier league for having to arrest 4 fans in 4 separate racist incidents last season? No wonder you only write blogs, don't give up your day job, or benefit.
Typical Scouser Chegsy? Down south, we sign off when we have a job!
Do me Favour and get a life, what a carp piece of journalism, you should write for the Beano !
Surely you meant the Angler's Times?
SAF is so afraid of KD, he decided to stay another 3years. simple. SAF would do anything he can NOW, just so mu can win moer titles B4 he actually retires. PERIOD.
Just read this, Hammersfan:
This is the worst web page that I've possibly ever seen - what a cock!!!
Give a monkey a computer and he shall write shite.
Point proven.
Awful article! All the way thru your responses you claim saurez said N****r! Read the judgement evra translated the Spanish word for black and came up with N****r. Never a bigger chip on shoulder seen!
Liverpool FC. Everyone knows have the worst
behaved supporters in the land. Just read their
terrible history. Read their comments in this list.
How can you possibly get a sensible answer to this article from the majority of this type of individual. Enough said.
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