He continued: "People forget what I'd done up until that point. When I took over, the high seas were just a dream. We were in port. I steered us out of port. I steered us through choppy waters. I got us to where we were and you have to admit that hitting those rocks was unlucky. It could happen to anybody. All I need is more time. I have the backing of the owners. The owners have been brilliant so far. And the crew are behind me. And the passengers love me. And..."
You animal. Don't you know people died? What will their relatives feel if they read this? You are a disgrace to humanity. You are sick. Mentally ill...
Ok this is a new low for you
I can take all the disparaging comments about other people but you seriously need to look hard at yourself after writing this!!!
Its absolutely disgusting, with people still missing from it
Sort it out idiot
Calm down, calm down, the owners will build a new ship and buy a new training ground and Lord Admiral Tevez and Bosun Cahill and Midshipman Peinaar and Able Semen Samba will sort it all out!
And Captain Hughes of course!
I laughed and I support QPR.
To the idiot who keeps posting advice that I will not publish, why don't you take it yourself? There's a standard reply to people who complain about TV programmes - don't watch them! Nobody MAKES you visit this site do they? Exercise choice!
Well...having responded in the past to your various negative blogs about all things QPR, and actually bothering to type out constructive arguments...this just takes the biscuit.
It pretty much confirms what kind of individual you are. An extremely sad person who resorts to all sorts of lows to gain attention - it's quite sick that you obviously get off on this.
Your blog isn't even remotely amusing - you claim to be a fully fledged adult, with a family etc - well I hope they're aware that you think using a distaster where the families of 40 people don't know whether they are alive or dead to make a boring repetitive unfunny jab at Neil Warnock is acceptable.
It's lucky that you're able to hide behind a computer screen to be honest.
Stick to talking rubbish about football - at least that way you're not making sick, highly offensive and upsetting comments that way.
Have a think about what you're doing for christs sake. Instead of being cocky and chuckling next to your keyboard, perhaps you should consider apologising for once, and removing this disgusting blog. At least then you might resemble something like a human being.
Calm down, calm down, the owners will build a new ship and buy a new training ground and Lord Admiral Tevez and Bosun Cahill and Midshipman Peinaar and Able Semen Samba will sort it all out!
in relation to that, it may well have all been funny if you didnt use a disaster that is still ongoing where lots of people have lost their lives
Its not right, even if it is probably the cleverest thing you have posted since I have been looking at your site
you can keep making jokes, but I think this article was written in very poor taste, even compared to the rest of your posts
Hughes gonna sort it out then ! With 40 people missing ! sound like our squad. 7 new quality players needed, hopefully not the dredges from the sea bed. U R's
fcuk warnock fcuk qpr funny post hf coyi
HF, you know I'm a fan of your blog, but I'm afraid this is completely in bad taste. With 3 dead, 17 missing and the captain arrested on suspicion of causing their deaths, be a big man, apologise and alter this thread to take the mick out of Warnock without linking it to this tragedy.
I disagree mate. I have stood by lifeboats in the middle of the North Sea with a 7 month pregnant wife, and when the first rescue ship arrived and we saw it was called the Posiedon, we had a good laugh in the midst of the tragedy. To see report, follow this link:
All humour is in bad taste to some degree.
Thought it was quality bit of writing hammersfan, as much as i hate those west ham mugs who live in the past still gotta say well in. This is the problem with this country today, to many spineless people who've jumped on the PC wagon. My advice is get a fcking life and av a sense of humor. Up the R's
Sorry you can't see the difference between some personal humour when caught up first hand in a situation and using an ongoing tragedy to poke fun at a third party. I guess by that standard, if you've lost a close friend or family member to cancer and at some point there was a light-hearted moment, you would find it OK to then laugh at all poor people afflicted with the illness? At times you do yourself no favours at all and you lose all the morale high found you claim in your other arguments
You see Travelling, different people, different opinions. There was a storm in a teacup when Jimmy Carr made a joke about how the war in Afghanistan was helping our bid to win medals in the Paralympics - and the war was ongoing. Soldiers jumped to his defence, saying they thought the routine was funny and pointed out the black humour shared by the soldiers themselves.
You cite cancer. Did you never hear the Derek and Clive Live album (Cook and Moore)? The cancer track was hilarious. See Jim's taken up darts. Cancer? Cancer. Of course, it was potentially mortifying for relatives of cancer sufferers but there you go. Still funny.
Instead of objeting to my article, how about pointing the finger at the News media, who will be making money out of the tragedy, reeling in advertising revenue on the back of blanket coverage and sensational front page pictures.
All Brits are safe and accouunted for - that's the big story here because Brits are worth more than other nationalities in terms of selling news. The first question I was asked by journalists, who tracked me down to my hotel room after the ferry fire I was involved in - a terrorist attack by an Animal Rights group - was, "Did any Brits die". When the answer was no, most of the interest disappeared.
I think exploiting tragedy for revenue is far worse personally.
No 14:14, the problem with this country is there are too many illiterate morons like you who think this kind of thoughtless behaviour is OK. It is your type that jump on the bandwagon of calling my words PC, when I just see them as a respect of other human beings. Just as your friends who rioted in the summer, to those that mug old people for a few quid or those who deceitfully claim benefits illegally, none of you see what is wrong in the morality of these actions as our society slowly decays. You say get a life, unfortunately for several people on that ship, that has been cruelly taken from them, but I guess it's given you a giggle.
Don't expect you to understand, but it is interesting that HF riles more people with his thoughts on other football clubs than he does with jokes at the expense of human suffering.
HF, in the middle of me writing this you have posted again. I agree with your comments regarding the media and there was that great sketch on Not the Nine O'clock News where the news about Brits around the world diminished in severity until they got to the "and in other news" point where they revealed the rest of the worlds tragedy. I still think you are wrong regardless but I do acknowledge that you respect people have other views and will therefore respect mine. What disturbs me more is that your views attract support of the likes of 14:14, who are the type who wish ill on you and yours just because you post something negative about his beloved football team, but then post support for you in the, to me, tasteless thread
As I say mate, different opinions. I have used this blog to criticise the hissing from our fans at Tottenham games, but I couldn't help laugh when Bernard Manning denied being a racist, insisting his father had died at Aushwitz. There was a pause for the audience to digest the information before he added, "He fell out of a watch tower". Bad taste. Offensive. But a joke! Nobody died because of it, just as nobody will die because of this thread.
I think it comes down to intent. When West Ham fans hiss there is genuine malice attached. When Manning made his joke, he wasn't laughing at the Holocaust, he was laughing at those who critised him because he wasn't politically correct. I objected to a lot of his openly racist humour, because that seemed malicious to me, and had he made the Holocaust joke at a BNP convention, I would have judged it differently. It's a difficult area.
Stani objects to anything that appears to poke fun at Asians and Muslims, but is happy to propagate the Jewish Club theory in relation to Avram, Israel and Jews. That is double standards to me, but he argues differently. Different opinions and we have argued the toss on here and remain internet friends. We disagree here. But life would be boring if we all agreed on everything wouldn't it?
True, but at least you have the intelligence to respect that unlike the greater majority of morons you attract here. Off travelling again next week to East Coast US. . . . . Come on you Packers!
Enjoy mate.
Dave said,
Congratulations on stooping to a new low. You should be proud. They're still finding bodies- show some respect and restraint.
Are they? I knew the Rs had lost again but I didn't realise the gRs had taken it so much to heart!
Dave said,
Can't stop yourself can you?
Oh go find a funny bone - and I'll hit it with a sledgehammer!
Dave says,
Call me old fashioned but I don't find a puerile post having a pop at Warnock and linking it to newly drowned people remotely funny. What a kill-joy I am, eh?
Anyway, if Travelling Hammer can't convince you, then I'm not going to bother to try.
Bye on this one.
Ferry passenger? classy! did you have your caravan in tow? mmmwwwaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaaa
You know no boundary's do you? what is wrong with you? why do so many ask the same questions? when will you find your lost moral compass? do you actually care for anyone? why are you so bitter?
2024, no tow bar on the company BMW I was driving at the time. Women who are 7 months pregnant aren't allowed to fly, thus the driving holiday through Norway. Not recommended. Norway in late summer / early autumn is boring. Still, the trip home made up for it in terms of excitement.
2031, I think you are the bitter one. Day after day you come on here to attack me. And why? What has happened in your life? What did Fanno do to your self esteem when he was on the Org? How many debates did you lose to him? How big did that chip grow on your shoulder? Big enough to sink a ship?
23:26 sorry chump but I've never been on your precious .org - pretty happy with my life, it's yours that I detest with every fibre of my being... and if you want to know why fanny then look at your original post as an example of your utter contempt of anything that is decent. You sicken me to my very core.... adiĆ³s mug.
What nonsense. And the "fanny" is a giveaway. Poor, sad, defeated from Orgland.
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