Why wouldn't he? Why does a bit of violence towards women matter? She no doubt asked for it, just like Evra asked for it from Suarez. In fact, Alex Ferguson probably paid for the girl's entry into the club and gave the Rossers a call to tip them off. And the arresting officers were, no doubt, Liverpool hating Mancs, or Cockney sons of bitches with a deep imbued revulsion for the good people of Merseyside.
It is all a fit up obviously. And the nightclub had design faults and wasn't fit to host the event. And anyway, the punch wasn't a punch, it was a slap, and culturally slaps in Middlesbrough, where Downing was born, do not mean the same thing as in the rest of the United Kingdom, a slap is in fact an expression of affection. Meet somebody in Smoggy Land and you slap them as a friendly greeting!
Downing is innocent even if he did punch the girl, and I am sure he can rely on Liverpool FC and the club's supporters to back him to the hilt. Let's face it, nobody in Liverpool is ever guilty of anything, are they?
get a life man all of ur artiles are just buullshite
Shut up u nonse, same old shit from u. Are u a hammer or manc ?
This article completely shows what a retard you are.. Comparing a word used in South America and a slap???!!!! Wow great!!!! UK people losing the head!!!!! So you know south american language better than south americans as indians know english better than british!!!
What a dick you really are!
You aare a disturbed FUC*KER!!!, go play with your willy.
Glass houses...
John Hartson ring any bells?
Why?! What's the point?? You foolish person!
Some Minds are Small and some are big, yours as small as my di.. !
jealous that Liverpool are PL and your not? Are no reason to put us down. Ronney liks hock... so what.
i dont care. West Ham plays like crap ! so what ? I DONT care ! BUT YOU should focus on that , Not on
Mindless and bull.... things !
da Costa would be more up to date. Or Bellamy. But he's at Liverpool now!
i totaly agree with you, funny but to the point post.liverpool can do no wrong in there fans eyes,its embarassing.
Its an ambitious New Years Resolution HF, but I admire your target setting! You should be able to publish the book on "Insult taking" by early march in my estimation?
not a liverpool fan but even to me you seems to be a) completely mental and b)a grubby, little angry man who revels in inciting anger and outrage in your audience. is this the only way you can get people to listen to you?
It's true though HF, just look at the gerrard situation. Anything that any Liverpool player ever does will never matter to a liverpool fan. They're very shortsighted and ain't very clever
16:00 nail on the head, I salute you
Good stuff. Funny, clever and makes a good point about the current Liverpool management's blind eye and the results of it. Remember when Liverpool fans couldn't accept Barnes when he signed and the abuse he kopped from his own team's fans? Mmmm, who was the manager then?
If there's no actual evidence whatsoever to support the allegations, then why not wear the shirts.
The Suarez case was political bullshit and you know it. The only so called evidence was the accuser's word and the accuser has previously been banned for giving an exaggerated and unreliable testimony in a somewhat similar case.
Without the Heysel/Hillsborough reference your article could have been slightly amusing but now it just shows you're a complete tw@.
No reference to Hillsborough whatsoever.
hmm...looks like some people don't understand sarcasm, unfortunate too, because this is funny! haha
"If there's no actual evidence whatsoever to support the allegations, then why not wear the shirts. "
Does it matter there is no evidence in this case? We are talking about domestic violence; whether or not you believe Downing, until allegations are proven false, then shouldn't be supporting this in any way/shape/form.
No one has proven Joe Paterno knew about what happened at Penn St....I guess it should be ok that we all go out with I Love Joe Pa shirts........no! Figure it out people...or is this a typical UK thing?? (Honest question)
good grief how many more shirts lfc producing? Did they really do Dobson & Norris ones?
I see the fan is being villified whereas the cheating, diving Suarez is supported!! Talk about double standards.
You are living proof that any asshole with a computer can write a football blog. Crawl back under your rock and take your computer with you.
hahahaha u faggot...
BREAKING NEWS!!! west ham fans to wear milwall shirts at next home game to show they are all *****'s. this is your blog man, and this is about as real as you get! start talking about your own club and the er... rubbish football your playing. no premier league, no fa cup, no prospects, no money no, chance of promotion. food for thought!!!
any shirt is better than a west ham shirt. ask milwall fans!
this fella who posts all this shite is just a keyboard warrior...
Hammersfan knows that Liverpool supporters are particularly loyal and vociferous in their support of the Club.
So he posts tired article after tiredarticle trying to wind us up to boost his page-views.
Because once his pageviews start going up he can sign-off the social and be self-unemployed!
LMFAO, again another plonker,its got to be fergie, west ham short memoriers, ref assult, treves ilegal playing lol, glass house, no matter what you think, stop the drugs mate, not good 4u.
Do West Ham still exist?
I can understand why people find this article insulting but I think it's absolutely hilarious. It's satire people! I'm a pool fan and look at the way we have become a joke because of our players. The article was interesting and I can see where you're coming from. In this rate players will f**k up and Dalglish will back them up. U never know...
Good idea especially if it pisses you off lovely boy
Good idea - logical and sensible strategy
Have you done a 'Justice For Heysel' blog? As for lfc can't see anything wrong; it's the same at evry club. btw in next round of FAC MU can play in red & LFC are to play in white boots, sox, shorts, shirts & pointed hoods.
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