But the OS is making excuses already, warning us all that Pompey are on a "fantastic run of form at home" with five wins and two draws. But check out who they have beaten on that run! The might of Barnsley, Doncaster, Forest, Coventry and Watford! Big bloody deal! The two draws, to be fair, were against Southampton and Leicester, but neither have been setting the world on fire of late have they?
This is a big, big game. Another disappointing performance will set the seal on our demise. We are struggling and the pack are closing up, even though they are all no better than average. It's time for Allardyce to prove himself. We need to win today. He has a big squad to pick from. If he hasn't got a replacement for Taylor, that's his fault - he's had more than enough time to source one. So, let's see if Allardyce is all he reckons himself to be, or if he is just another Avram, but with a tad more belligerence.
I don't know who you are but I'm glad you don't support my team. You sound like one of those supporters who cannot be satisfied with anything less than a win every week by a huge margin, and anything less is failure for which someone (and we can tell who from your post) has to carry the can.
You're second in the table, you could go top. I could wish that for my team. Stop Whingeing before you've actually been beaten.
Tom writes
13.24: this is what happens when you still live at home in your 40's with your mum...you become bitter, even at your own football club and spend your days churning out about 3 blogs a day on average which in the last 6months have been only about west ham i'd say one in three at best...he'll disagree of course and something just as annoying but hey thats why we all come back i guess!!
Try to write something positive to appease your detractors about what was presumably a struggle to put away a 10 man team! It's three points after all, COYI
Dave says,
You must be choked you miserable, miserable man.
Bet you're gutted that the seal wasn't set on our 'demise' as you ridiculously put it? And that you're irked that the closing pack didn't close in on us. Those things would have cheered you up wouldn't they, cos you could have said your favourite words- 'I told you so'.
We won- yessss. COYI.
ps. Come on. Be predictable. Moan that we should have put away a ten man team by more. Go on. You know you want to.
Don't worry 13:24, he clearly has some sort of emotional disorder which I've seen other people comment about on this blog.
There's your win HF. Very happy with that. Was never going to be an easy game seeing as Pompey are quite impressive at home, but we got the goal and saw the game out. Good tactics by BS, lots of people, me included, would have gone with two up front and hall out wide. Onwards and upwards!
The win today was pathetic. It was another scrape by victory that leaves us all hanging by the nail on whether or not our club can do it. Hammers are do good at barely scraping by then falling apart at the end, when it's too late to fix. Remember last year we had rumors of oneil taking over and then we had the 4-0 victory against Manchester. If we would have lost that game grant would have been sacked but no we won.
HF does a good job of not looking just in front of him but the overall picture, something OS fails to do. This team is doomed for the prem then doomed for relagation.
Can we please get some proper R/L backs!
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