It sounds very much to me as if Mummy doesn't want her darling Nedum living too far away from her and is worried about the big bad nasty Smoke. What sort of 25 year old guy has his Mummy as his "representative" speaking on his behalf, for pity's sake?
Nedummy has been in talks with QPR but a stumbling block appears to be the diamond encrusted teddy bear he is demanding and the insistence that Farley's Rusks be added to the menu in the QPR canteen. Nedum left the last meeting in tears and had to sit on the naughty step outside Mark Hughes' office for twenty minutes before his tantrum subsided and the meeting could continue.
Just what you Needum when you are looking for a defensive powerhouse to lead you in a battle against relegation!
I think you should check things yes his mum is his agent but part if the reason he wants to stay close is she has cancer
his mum has cancer you fooking prick!!
If reports are correct, his mum has cancer mate.
Instead of mouthing off you plank do your home work His mum has cancer and wants to be with her something any son would do.
Cancer or not, his mother is still his representative. Anyway, it is making the deal look iffy!
Oh dear - talk about writing before thinking!! As a few people have already pointed out, his mum has cancer and he has previously refused moves away from the club that would have taken him away from her.
Do the honerable thing and apologise and you might just save a little bit if face.
This isn't a site, it's a shite.
ignore them HF. yes she unfortunately has cancer but that was hilarious.
You complete and utter tool - remove that post at once! If he sees it, he'll sue you. I for one will give you until the end of the day and then I'll twitter a link to him.
Your comment at 8.28 sums you up. No grace, style or humility even after what the posters had told you.
Most of us would have just put our hands up and said 'sorry guys- i got that one badly wrong.'
Feel free to twatter him. I stand by what I said, it is very odd to have your Mum as your representative. Look at Anelka when his brothers represented him! And as for Mum having cancer, how does that relate to her representing him and speaking on his behalf? I would have thought that he should be telling her to rest up and speaking / negotiating for himself. He is 25 ffs, not 12!
You always stand by what you say. You never back down or admit you're wrong. These are problems for you not strengths. And because of that at times like this you truly look like a complete twat.
You really are a sick and twisted individual, no wonder you're so hated. #sicko
How does his mum having cancer effect it what if its is terminal and she wants to spend the remaining days of het life where she is what's her son going to say don't be selfish mum its all about what is good for me. Hf grow up you sad pathetic prick you truly are a cock
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