Any truth in the rumour that Tevez is returning? Well Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, so any one of the current squad could meet our Messiah outside the gates of the Boleyn and give the Argentine a piggy back ride into the home dressing room!
Sounds like silly season to me but my aunt grew bollocks and became my uncle, so who knows?
I'm a West Ham fan, but also a proud christian. I find this offensive, saying that a normal human being can be like Jesus. The messiah didn't stamp his feet when things didn't go right for him!
No, he doesn't fit with Sam's 'strategy'. .....how could anyone evn think this has legs?
He hasn't played since September. He won't be match fit for some time. So what is the fuc2ing point?
23:49 a tevez that isnt match fit is better than cole, carew, baldock, piqman and sears put together and multiplied by 6 i dont think it will happen but you never know !
Proud Christian, I have amended the title for you. But for many, Tevez remains The Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, who, if he returns, "will lead his people home" and "take them to the new Jerusalem".
Mind you, 2349, I empathise with your views and 2132, he couldn't stamp his feet because his ankles were nailed to the Cross and his shins and knees had been smashed. Mind you, he did ask why his Father had forsaken him. And Tevez asked the same of Mancini when he wasn't used as the first sub!
I would like too sorry hf.. for all the times iv said anything out of order too you i can only apologize..you do say things a little extreme sometimes but least you don't chat half the sh*t that them lot do over at whtid!! Have you seen some of the stuff on there today?? Was never a big fan anyway but now I think there losing it..honestly!!
Anyway here's too our new striker!! The one that won't appear
Saw this on WHID "I am excellent at polemic and could engage in it very effectively here if I so choose, but I do not. I would not do that with fellow Hammers supporters. That would not be right or fair in my book." and I couldn't help think of you HF.
I'm not a Christian. I'm a proud atheist and I'm offended by the quasi-religious tone of this post. I've been crying into my cornflakes all morning having been confronted by your religious-inspired discourse. Tevez is not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy. Suggesting that he is the messiah presupposes the existence of a deity that he can be compared to, hence, offering an affront to non-believers like me...
PDC out by Christmas another prediction you don't talk about any more? could it be because he guided Swindon in knocking Wigan out of the Cup third round, and to 6 points off the top in League Two and into the Johnstone’s Paint Trophy semi finals.
10:41 tee hee
10:12 not sure HF would like a comparison with good old Iain even if Mr Dale is the better man.
He's still there it is true. Doing well in the bottom division. Only been sent off once and reprimanded once for swearing on the radio. The pot is simmering!
Anony-mouse said
AJ- I saw that WHTID quote yesterday and thought pretty much the same.
GF- What are you on about at 12.11? I'm probably missing something or have you been on the wacky baccy? Could be both those things combined I suppose.
Tevez was our Saviour, not the Messiah.
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