At £8m, the price is just about right, and 'Arry is playing hard ball over Corluka just like he played hardball over Robbie Keane when we wanted him as part of the Parker deal, before Tottenham swapped their focus to Van der Vaart instead. You can bet your life that the wheeler deals are revolving around in 'Arry's 'ead and e's thinking, "They wanted £12m for Parker back then, so even if we pay £8m for the Tomkins lad, we're in effect getting him for nothing, given we got Parker for £4m in the end."
"If only they had listened to that Hammersfan geezer and sold Parker before they were relegated...in fact they might not have been relegated then and so we might not now be in a position to poach Tomkins. Funny the way things shake themselves out and the way West Ham always end up being shafted!"
Will 'Arry let us have Corluka on loan in the end, or will we be given Bassong as a poor second best? We all know about centre backs called Song at West Ham! Or is this all paper talk? Allardyce has said we won't sell Tomkins...unless the price is right of course!
Hang on, I can hear Scotty Duxbury saying something about the days of us doing business with Tottenham being over. Apart from when we have a player Tottenham want to buy of course!
So, can we organise a revolt if Tomkins is sold? Should we launch a Twitter campaign telling Gold that season tickets will not be renewed if this deal is done? Would he take a blind bit of notice? I doubt it, but we could try!
I have an idea. Give them Tomkins for giving us Parker back! How about that HF!
And I thought you were a secret Spuds admirer. Perhaps I should apologise...
In my book 8 million pounds is fantastic money for Tomkins. The boy is good, but not that good. He is way too slow.
sav alvin martin was also slow and so was bobby moore they werent bad defenders
Well done HF - I take my hat off to you - let's all twatter @DavidGoldWHU and tell him what we think!
Future England captain? Thats the kiss of death then. I temember you lording it over a certain fat arsed tosser.
We should keep hold of Tomkins at all costs... but they're welcome to Arse'ole. Funny... all of a sudden everybody seems to want Piquionne!
i heard 2.5 mill
dont blame 'arry, it is all levy, 'arry wouod give money to w ham if he could (altho did they not ask him to leave?). anyway, pleased the small blip is behind you and that you are back on course to return to the top level/ the improved form of some other teams means you are no doubt all a bit worried but even tho no doubt not pretty, big sam will get you back up
Hello dave! I hear you have a blog now. Want me to carry a link?
As for Anton, be careful, he objects to people insulting him! And he is playing in the Prem when all is said and done! I would still have him back!
You can call Anton fat, arsed, tosser, useless, c*nt. Just dont call him black! Had my blog before you. Haven't updated it for years.
I'll call him black. A black genuis of a defender. Bet he doesn't object to that! Odd that! Just shows that the word black isn't, or shouldn't be, the issue.
They were talking about your blog on the Org. Thought you must have relaunched.
Anyway, good to hear from you. Hope you and the family are all well and in good spirits. Best wishes for the New Year.
Genuis eh? You're slipping. Happy New Year to you 'n all. Maybe we'll sit for a pint at a game sometime.
Yeah would be good. I'll buy of course! ; }
Have you heard from Pete lately? The email addy I had for him is dormant.
I don't give out phone numbers or emails Fanno. Try the Org. Pete looks in as you well know.
I didn't mean you to. I haven't seen him on the Org lately, but then I don't look in very often these days as you've probably noticed. If you are in contact with him, ask him to drop me an email or a call if you would. I tried to get in touch to offer a free ticket for the Reading game but couldn't reach him.
Don't know enough about Tompkins, but £8m sounds a good price for anybody playing at our level. That much money (assuming it was re-invested properly) would surely get you three decent Championship players (I hate the word Championship to describe the Second Division).
But anyway... three sensibly acquired players who knew this level of football would maintain and get you promoted. And you're working frrom a position of strength - take the (possibly over-inflated) money, get some more players, get promoted, take some more money, buy better players. Welcome to the world of the 'Championship' wannabees...
From a Leicester fan... (who has seen it all go tits up)
Oh, and if it's ' Arry's money you're taking (which it's not obviously, cos all of his money is in affshore account) then take it, but make sure the cheque has cleared before you hand Mr Tompkins over.
Just my opinion :-)
Rob 8 million would barely get two players of the quality we need.
That's football nowadays I'm afraid. Man Utd prey on Spurs, Carrick and Berbatov for example. There's not much loyalty when it comes to the players...it's only us fans (I've been a Spud for 60 yrs) who love our clubs. It's all about money and the lure of Champs Lge football for these guys. It's not'Arry or Levy you should be pissed off with but your own board. It's a fact of life that WHU don't have the financial clout of THFC in the same way that we can't compete with the Manc clubs. We are gonna lose Bale and Modric at some stage....sad for us but true. All you can do is carry on wearing your claret and blue mate and I shall wear me old white and blue. Keep the faith and F*#k em all!
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