The "clever money" was supposedly on Man City's Onuoha but he now looks more likely to join QPR in January; one "useless black cnut" replacing another in the opinion of England captain John Terry perhaps!
So who are we trying to get and what chance is there of getting them? Pretty slim I would say, or else they would be at the club by now, training with the rest of the squad to build up defensive understanding.
It's looking increasingly as if we are going to have to make do and mend - not the best formula when every point is likely to prove crucial!
Using John Terry to hide you are a filthy racist. Shame on you scumbag
LOL so I am not allowed to quote what John Terry is alleged to have said to keep it fresh in people's minds just before he leads our national team out against Sweden? I should worry less about me and more about the FA! I quote what he is alleged to have said, they are allowing him to captain the country before they know if it is true or not!
For the record, although I do not believe that Terry is a rascist based on his alleged comments to Anton, I think it is wrong that he is captaining England whilst the controversy still rages.
Well you've contradicted yourself there = so you must be a filthy racist yourself then. BTW the way so we can set the record straight who was it who "allegedly" came out with these words?
Regards Terry....What are you if you have to mention someone's colour when insulting them?...that you even see it...register it, that they're a certain skin colour and different to yours? Surely that is a racist HF?
Isn't it John Terry who allegedly came out with these words?
Stani, are the organisers of the MOBO awards rascist? They identify the colour of skin do they not? Is everybody who refers to Obama as "the first black President" rascist? They identify the colour of the skin do they not? Was King being ironic when he referenced skin colour in the "I have a dream speech"? What about Ali, with his Nation of Islam rants, was he rascist because he saw himself as black? Why is it rascist to use the word black when insulting somebody but not racist to use the word black when not insulting them? Cnut is an obscene word all the time, so are all the other insults, why does this word black, alone, have this unique quality of being an acceptable adjective 99% of the time but the power to mutate every now and then to the convenience of witch hunters? That's black magic!
Saurez is alleged to have used the N word 12 times in a game. That is rascist. Terry used the word "black", a word Anton may very well use to describe himself!
That said, he should not be leading England in a meaningless friendly for the time being. That is bloody daft!
Thanks for reminding everybody about the Suarez Incident HF. I find it outrageous that everything has gone quiet on that front, and I for one hope Evra does not stop fighting. I am very confident Suarez made those remarks, and really disappoints me that because Terry is English that his remarks take centre stage.
I would like 'rascist' to be defined, because isn't Terry best buds with Ashley Cole? Madness I say!
Music of Black Origin..... erm, how is that racist? there have been whites being nominated and winning since the start. Elvis could have been nominated as his was Music of Black Origin.
BTW you've misspelt racist six times across two different posts. Have a word with Head Master as I am sure he would be happy to fit you in for a few primary spelling lessons.
Rascist - it's a special form of dreadlocked racism! Headmaster has given me a detention and six strokes of Peter Roebuck's cane!
Hope Headmaster lives in a bungalow then.
LOL I had to think about that one for a moment John!
You miss the point completely 0907. If black is not racist as a word when used in Music of Black Origin, then it is not racist when used in another sentence. Now, forgive me for using the word, it is only to explain the point, you would not have Music of Nigger Origin would you? Use the N word and it is racist, use the word black and it isn't, it is simply an adjective.
But Terry's excuse is he said "Blind". Now, isn't that insulting people with disabilities?
Yes but if a black man says what's up my ****** then it's not racist but if you say the same words it is. I've seen you have this argument before and you are being either intentionally obtuse or incredibly naive in wondering what the difference is between blacks saying it and whites saying it.
But the N word is offensive even in the mouth of a black guy. The gangsta types have claimed the word but it would never be used in polite socity.
I am being neither obtuse nor naive. The word black is an adjective. The N word is offensive. If there isn't a difference, why not have the MONO awards? It would be a throw back in so many ways
Actually no it's not just gangsters who use this word, you've obviously not ever watched Chris Rock.
What's up my ******? is often used as a friendly and jovial greeting amongst friends.
The problem is using the word black before any offensive word, if you do so then you know it will cause maximum offensive.
Personally I believe MOBO strengthens the idea that black performers are from a long line of victims, it encourages music fans to see discrimination and racism where there is none (in the music industry), for me it is needlessly divisive and reinforces stereotypes.
And black community leaders in New York called upon the younger generation to stop using the N word because they found it offensive. It has been adopted by a sub culture in the same way as the F word has been adopted, but the F word remains offensive. There is nothing wrong with the word black, although I agree that there is a lot wrong with the concept of the MOBO awards because MOWO awards would be deemed racist. You can't have your cake and eat it!
Ironically the Mobo's were started by a white guy and a black dude.
Ironic in the sense that a white guy thought, "I could make some money out of these black musicians" and then looked for a black face to front it up perhaps? Of course, it is all a marketing operation designed to make the mostly white company executives and their share holders money!
HF, you are my caucasian.....
[apologies to Larry David]
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