Now Satan only knows why Allardyce would be involved in this spat between two Russian oligarchs. According to the Telegraph "There was uproar in court as the allegation was made and the judge, Mrs Justice Gloster briefly adjourned the hearing." And I should think so too. Doctor Evil hasn't got where he is today by sending threatening texts to friends of Russian billionaires!
Poor Sam, he should be focusing on the game at Coventry and on finding a kiss me quick for nothing centre half; the last thing he needs is to be implicated in a court action that clearly has absolutely nothing to do with him. Dear God, before you know it, he will be arraigned for crimes against humanity in Cambodia!
he was very active in Cambodia in the '80s. I think it's time Pam Pot was brought to book.
On the CB front (I write here because you haven't made a direct blog in a while about the subject) we should aim for Sol Campbell, yes he's past it, but to come off the bench he would do a job and the Championship isn't speedy at all. He would do a job for a short term deal, 3 months, and then sack him off
this post has no hits because it deserves NO hits....its my birthday today and guess what
, yet again welk, another pointless post, tell me again...your reason to associate yourself with WHU?
No hits? It's the fifth most visited thread on the News Now board! How old are you today? Tell me, why do you keep visiting the site?
Fair question... deserves a fair answer - WHY DO YOU ASSOCIATE YOURSELF WITH WEST HAM?
Because I was born in East Ham maternity hospital! Now, what is your reason 0947?
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