Well now we know for sure. 'Arry's day of reckoning - long overdue in the opinion of many - is scheduled for early January. He has already been signed off for 5 weeks to recuperate from the operation and it looks odds on that his gardening leave will now be extended to beyond the trial. Should a man of his age really be in work with the stress of a possible prison sentence hanging over him?
Unlike many bitter West Ham fans, I do not wish ill on 'Arry. We all know he is a dodgy geezer, but who from the East End isn't? Redknapp has been great value for all the fans of clubs he hasn't managed. True Bournemouth, West Ham, Southampton and Portsmouth have all found themselves in dire financial straits after 'Arry has been in charge, whilst he has built a huge pile of personal wealth, but so what? He plays football the right way and is always good for a laugh.
One thing's for sure, if he is found guilty, his dream of managing England will be over; and Tottenham will probably terminate his contract too. The stakes are high and it is hard to believe that the CPS would risk such a high profile trial unless they were very confident of winning. 'Arry's luck may have just run out. Sadly.
What do you mean, sadly? I am from the east end and, along with thousands of others, am not a 'dodgy geezer'. I am 72 yrs old and have paid income tax since July 1955. All these greedy bastard tax evaders are one of the reasons the economies of Europe are in such deep shit. And also, he did our club over and I cannot forgive him for that.
You are not a dodgy geezer? So you've never bought 'ooky fags or booze? The milkman never supplied your Christmas hamper off the back of a lorry? A relative never looked the other way whilst you walked out of a shop with stolen goods? Contraband goods from the docks never crossed your threshold? You should have a statue erected on East Ham High Street, Saint Anonymous!
Tottenham terminating a criminals contract? Don't make me laugh.
Surprising childish mouth for a "72 year old". I would also say it's pretty amazing that you can follow a blog at 72. If that is your age, touché for keeping up with the times
Hello mental patient.
Just thought I'd let you know, Scott Parker won man of the match, surrounded by a team of average players (England's second XI) against the world's best team, and possibly the best of all time.
All the best with the treatment at the clinic.
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