Of course, we are not blameless as a club in this respect, poaching Pardew from Reading in a very similar way. But Pards struggled in his first season, his betrayal of his former employers seemingly hanging like an albatross around his neck. Hopefully the same will happen to Pearson.
There will be those quick to point out that clubs show no loyalty to managers so why should managers keep faith with clubs, but it is the Hull fans I feel sorry for. Pearson was doing a good job, getting more out of the team than anybody could reasonably expect. Now the players and the fans will feel deflated at the very least, and possibly even betrayed. I suspect their promotions chances are dead in the water as a result.
Will Leicester now go on a winning run? I hope not. Pearson and Leicester deserve to come a Roy Cropper in my opinion and sink without trace.
your story is so like a west ham fan. wanting the olympics stadium as your next football ground, stealing pardew back not so long ago yourselves and fans that walk away when you drop to the championship. it is about time that people realised leicester city's credibility and charm in this league. clean it up and give the premiership a real run for its money rather than clubs like yourselves that last 5 games into the premiership and sink further from there. i hope that west ham really dont go back to where they dont belong this season and i can see that happening. lets face the facts, if leicester dont go up this season then we will still have money, faithful fans and a quality football side, however west ham will lose half its decent players, more than half its slowly decreasing fan base and it's so called credibility...
Sad that he's gone, but actually most of us on Hull City forums have very high hopes for Nick Barmby. It's still the same team, the player's won't all turn shite just because Pearson left, the future still looks bright :)
you dickhead!!!!!!!
Grow up idiot!!!!!!
Seems we have you worried! You should be., Firefox
With respect, HF, I think that's nonsense. You've pointed out the obvious anomalies yourself, so no point in me repeating those.
Whilst I understand the general point you are making, in the context of the modern game, thoughts of loyalty and feelings of betrayal are consignments from a bygone era. The modern epoch is littered with selfishness and mercenaries and isn't about to change anytime soon, I'd say.
23:10 a special prize for posting the only literate reply
2306: don't sour grapes make your eyes go all squiffy? You can obviously touch type.
Touch a nerve did he, the nice Mr HF?
2306 saying we have a decreasing fanbase and walked away from the team when we have the best attendance record and best away support in the league is when your argument crumbled. Sorry boyo but leicester has charm and credibility? I don't see it
The Leicester fan above obviously doesn't realise that we're taking 7000 fans to Coventry tomorrow. When was the last time they had more than 3000 at an away game?
The utter stupidity of that comment by the Leicester fan makes me laugh. First and foremost, the majority of hammers fans don't want the OS. Secondly, every team has a drop in attendances if they get relegated. We still have the largest gates in the C'Ship by 5,000. Lastly, the arrogance of the comment sums up Leicester fans. Deluded.
Thwe world is full of West ham Dick heads
who cares,,its football,,West ham will hopefully be where they belong,,league 1,,most fans are plastic fans and i think pearson will do well at leicester,,i think leicester will reach playoffs,they know how to win,,stopped southampton,brighton,derby,give it till new year or next season leicester will be prmiereship to stay,,,watch out man city lcfc are on THE way
Not very intelligent responses from the Leicester fans sadly. It seems that a little bit of money turns the fans of a club into arrogant, gobby, insult yelling knumbskulls. Let me ask them how they would feel if a rival club in the same division poached their manager?
Speaking as a Leicester City fan, and hopefully not a numbskull (without a "k" at the beginning) I was slightly surprised to see Pearson come back. On the other hand, when he was with us before, I really thought he would stay for a long time: it was thanks to a REAL numbskull - our previous owner - that he left.
I think you have to realise that the game has moved on, and club owners - whether porn merchants, as in the case of West Ham, or Thai businessmen, as in the case of Leicester - want success NOW. Most City fans would have been happy for Sven to stay - after all, we're not that far behind West Ham - but that's not good enough, and we have to live with that. Constant change is here to stay, as they say.
I don't think you will get your wish. Pearson is a great man manager, and will sort out the wheat from the chaff very quickly. And he has left an excellent side at Hull: I have a feeling that they will be competing for a playoff spot at the end of the season as well - along with 15 other teams, in all likelihood.
This is not about my club is bigger than your club!
For info, Leicester took 5,000 to Coventry, that`s all we were allowed as it was the opening day of the season. The fact that West Ham are taking 7,000 is brilliant, as a Leicester fan, and a true football fan I think that support like that is amazing and love it!
Back to the original point... reading this blog does sound like arrogant bitterness. Suggesting that it would be ok if it was a Premier League club! Leicester are a big club, we have pot loads of cash and more ambition than Hull, its as simple as that.
I don`t think that anyone other than a Hull fan should be bitter about this?
I wish West Ham luck this season, but please, lets have some more intelligent articles than this drivel!
First of all, the whole basis of your arguement is that leicester poached Pearson from hull, yet your a fine one to talk when you poached pardew. Your a hypocrite. Any Pearson walked away from Leicester after bein the clubs most successful manager in it's history and clearly didn't want to. Mandaric let him walk whilst he sold the club to the new Thai owners.
Secondly your not as big a club as you think you are. Leicester are just as big. Just cus you provided a big percentage of the 66 world cup squad doesn't make you any bigger than Leicester. As for Leicester fans being deluded, your not exactly ripping up the championship yourselves, red hot hammers the favourites to bounce straight back up! Have a word. Yeh we got a bit of money from the Thai owners and we got a bit cocky so fair comment, but we've been through more managers in the past 10yrs than I've had hot dinners n that's a sad enditement. So havin 20m to spend, a former England manager at the helm and Thai owners with a passion for the club we expect big things. The same must av been said when your lot came into money no?
Lastly and the whole point of this article is, don't open ya mouth and criticise another club for doing something that your club has already done in the past. Nobody should wish another manager to fail but with big sams record it's only a matter of time before he does! Onwards and upwards for the foxes now boys. Ya been warned! Blue army!
To the fan who asked when did we last take over 3000 to an away game. I think we've done it twice this season.
As for the article, I don't understand it. Leicester themselves have been the victims more than once of a manager being poached mid-season from a team in the same division. West Ham themselves have done it, so you guys are in no position to criticise us.
If you don't like LCFC, just say it, rather than making up petty reasons.
Who cares what you think. Keep your concerns and moralising for your own Club.
george in thailand are you gary glitter in disguise
Don't think the money turned them into knumbskulls Hf, it is far more deep seated than that.
i fully agree with you 100% i couldn't agree with you more,that pig ill mannered man who stonewalls everyone who wants answers should not be allowed to man manage players i truly hope Mr no personality ends up with no promotion,then the sack.
I had no idea how thickle and deluded Leicester city fans are! West ham belong in league one and Leicester are destined for the prem! West ham have an ever decreasing fan base! Take a look at the league table, the attendance records, and the score when we last played you!
Bit of a spiteful piece HF. When West Ham nicked Pardew from Reading i didn't think 'right no more jellied eels & trips to Margate for them!'
It's sadly part of the game for managers & players to come & go to where the money is, and for you to suggest a club & it's fans should be condemned to failure for something your club did, is more than slightly hypocritical.
Can't say i,m overjoyed that foreign owners hold Leicester's purse strings & i for one is not crowing about our spending power, it's still got to be spent wisely.
And to 00.25 we took 5,500 to Cov & we asked for more, but they didn't want us to outnumber the home fans! but if they're giving you 7000 you must be special...
Can't let George Thailand get away with that crap. The wanker can't even spell! The world is full of West Ham fans for sure and here in Australia we are as strong as ever.
Sorry about the World Cup qualifier on Tuesday too you tosser!
One point HF - you say Pardew struggled in his first season, possibly as a result of his transfer. The guilt must have gotten worse as we performed very badly the season after (we finshed a lucky 6th as opposed to 4th in his first season)
Plenty of vitriol from the Foxes, nasty creatures when cornered -I tend to shoot any I find on the estate. Used to enjoy the weekly hunt too.
In reality we all work in the market place and it is in our best interests to secure the best deal we can for our labours regardless of loyalty. What is loyalty, a gold (plated) watch after 25 years?I am lucky in that I have worked in the same industry for 44 years, and in that time I have left an employer for pastures new and a few extra quid, and on the other hand I have been shown the door when I had tried my best, so it's a dog eat dog world out there and I for one wish Pearson all the best.
I can take your point about what you say, but why shouldn't Pearson have come back? As a Hammer I'm guessing you don't know too much about the cicumstances under which Pearson left our club in the first place. It was always clear he never wanted to go, but unfortunately Mandaric didn't see Pearson as the man to lead us forward and wasn't going to offer him a contract extension. Now with new ownership why shouldn't he come back? He wants to be here and I for one am delighted. I felt it was harsh sacking Sven, but if he had to go, Pearson returning is brilliant news for us. Your petty comments about wanting to see us fail are just plain stupid. I think I sense a little jealousy that your own Del Boy and Rodney owners don't quite have the gusto (and money) that ours do but I still wish West Ham well in their promotion bid - obviously hoping you finish below us. COME ON LEICESTER!!!!!
They would just buy a new manager fing like init HF.
Quite a reaction! Personally, I still hope Pearson fails and I would introduce a rule that you cannot poach another club's manager in mid season and, should a manager resign, he shouldn't be allowed to manage another club until the season's end. That's my position on this, regardless of the club involved. I do say in the article that we did the same with Pardew!
Clez, didn't Brooking harvest points before Pardew's arrival? But his second season was pretty shite too it must be admitted!
From a personal point I'm chuffed to bits that Pearson has gone as we now have a guy in charge that was born and bred in our fair City and will give LOYAL service to the club and its fans, how many other clubs can say the same?
C'mon you 'ull
12:09 you'll notice he hasn't replied to you.... lallalalala fingers in the ears time for HF
Knumbskull - what the hell is that? another spelling mistake HF? Surely not? I mean that would make YOU look a numbskull too?
Looks like those primary school spelling lessons with Head master aren't going too well.
I have to say HF your new tactics are a great idea. Start slagging off other teams and their fans - you sure get a lot more replies to your posts than anything you ever post about West Ham. Surprised it took you so long to come up with the idea though.
It's very gratify to know it's not just Hammer fans that think you're a Dick Head, I wonder if you could get people from every team in the league to call you one? I know QPR fans in their droves have called it the way Leicester fans see it too.
Three replies to the one thread in the space of 14 minutes, and a fourth reply elsewhere - such a busy bee!
Knumbskull is such a great spelling. I know it is an error but I think it is better than the original. It sums up the whole KUMB editorial team!
I did in fact reply to Clez. See my comment at 1659.
And yes, posting on other teams does trigger a reaction doesn't it? Bit like when fans chant about the opposition at a game. But what puzzles me is why you keep returning to a site you profess to hate. I NEVER visit WHTID and only very rarely check out an article on KUMB, and never LEAVE A COMMENT because I find the articles so boring for the most part. So why do you keep coming back here?
Pearson is a discrage to us. One minute he say's he could never turn down a contract offer from a team like hull, the next he's off back of to him wickle mummy city of leicester !
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