Well the guy is Swiss so perhaps he is just a little bit cuckoo! The man who famously started out in football as the President of the Zurich Brown Shirts has put his jack booted foot well and truly in it this time. With Suarez charged for allegedly repeatedly using the N word to Evra and Terry under investigation for calling Anton black - just want to sit those two alongside one another for context - Mein Fuhrer Blatter thinks racism isn't an issue in football and can be resolved by a hand shake at the end of a game!
Never mind the monkey chants on the terraces in Spain! Never mind the unbridled racism that we are almost certainly going to witness in Poland and the Ukraine this summer! Never mind the Kick Racism out of Football campaign! According to Blatter, 'During a match you may say something to somebody who is not exactly looking like you but at the end... it's forgotten.' And what might that something be, I wonder? Nigger, monkey, Pakki, coon, wog, Juden pig? They can all be forgotten with a handshake can they? What planet is this guy on exactly?
Blatter was born in 1936. He lived through the Second World War. I know the Swiss were happy to act as the Nazis' bankers but you would have thought that he might understand that racism is slightly more serious than simple name calling in a game. I have defended Terry but would want to see Suarez thrown out of English football if he is guilty of directing the N word repeatedly at Evra. There is NO place in the game for that sort of foul, malicious, premeditated racism.
Septic Bladder should go. This wasn't a gaffe, it was the sincerely held view of a racist.
It's nothing new - Blatter's brain got damaged a long time ago. The only glimps in that regime which is called Fifa is the fact that he's already pretty old and may not have too much time left. Thanks for nothing, Sepp.
Hypocrite so-called 'Hammersfan' (SpursLover)......
Blatter and you are cut from exactly the same cloth!
Always a good way to bring out the anonymice - attack racism! Just wait for the BNP responses when somebody reads the Dagenham post to them!
Why?.....I doubt whether they're gonna cancel YOUR membership AND sponsorship in a hurry!
Gonna? There's a BNP spelling!
Ah yes, the old Fanny soapbox subject again. Some of the best paki jokes I've heard have come from my Indian work colleague. That's not racism apparantly. Nor is it racist for me to tell a joke about the Englishman, the Irishman or the Scotsman. But for Terry to call Anton what he allegedly did IS. Factually, none of the adjectives Terry used were correct. Anton isn't black, he is brown. Impossible for him to be. c*nt either as c*nts are useful. Useless us debatable but that isn't the issue here anyway.
As for Blatter. Here we have a man with a history of shooting his mouth off before putting his brain into gear. It's actually people like YOU, with your pious, holier than thou attitudes that keep the flames of racism burning.
LOL So I am both a racist and a firebrand preacher against racism! I am a complicated guy it seems. For your information, I have defended Terry very much along the lines that you set out. There is no defence for Suarez if he said what Evra claims, nor for Blatter.
By the way, an Indian making Pakki jokes is extremely racist. Report him, he should be sacked!
Why should I report an Indian for making Paki jokes? I laugh, same as I laugh at the UK jokes. They are JOKES FFS. Same as the jokes that go round when national disasters happen. Some make you groan like the one YOU thought hilarious about a man eating crocodile.
Never called you racist either. I just said you fan the racist flames
Why? Because of the enmity between Indians and Pakistanis which may well mean that this is not a joke. I don't find man eating crocodiles funny, I find Boa eating crocodiles amusing because of that time when they couldn't work out if the crocodile died eating the boa or if the boa died eating the crocodile.
Sepp Blatter did say racism is restricted to the terraces on the field it's "just" part of the competitve naturte of the game (bit like trying to break a guys leg in a tackle) then after the game all friends again
If Saurez did use the 'n' word it's not considered racist where he's from Bit like it's not racist if black people use the same language to each other
On the other hand Terry knows full well that interjecting black into the insult is considered racist in this country Is he defendable because he's white, English, the England captain or just because he's an arrogant twat who thinks he's above the law and I take it Saurez should be sent home because he's a foreigner so shouldn't be here anyway?
Did I say Suarez should be "sent home"? Don't think so Deane. I said "thrown out of English football" which is very different. He knew full well what he was doing if he used the N word twelve times towards Evra. Evra's reaction to the first time would have told him, had there been any doubt. How can you seek to defend this Deane? And how can you compare one outburst, using the word black, with the premeditated and repeated use of the N word?
not defending anything theres no place for it anywhere in society whether it be black, nigger, fat,chink and on and on and on but of course the easiest way to get rid of it is to not rise to the bait if someone has those views they'll jump on any reaction and the most effective way to isolate these people is to ignore them
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