What is Allardyce doing to the guy? Nottingham is OK, but fancy sending him to Swindon! And it gets worse! Now it is international centre of culture, Dagenham! The local branch of the BNP and the English Defence League will no doubt welcome him with open arms !
Poor Montano. If I was him, I would be on the first plane back to Bogota!
You can still get a decent pie and mash in Dagenham - all part of the learning curve. It'll be Southend Utd next with a plate of cockles and a bowl of jellied eels. Luverly.
LOL Then off to Burton for some real ale, down to Bristol Rovers for some scrumpy and up to Macclesfield to learn how to give the wife a slap when he gets in from the pub! The lad will grow up British despite his Colombian roots!
Let's hope no Scots clubs show any interest...........poor lad not ready for haggis just yet
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