Who the bloody hell does he think he is? Sam Pot, the commander in chief of the Khmer Rouge and Blue evidently! Who pays whose wages exactly? Who shelled out to attend last night's game, Allardyce or the fans? Who keeps the club alive? And when Doctor Evil is sacked or buggers off to pastures new, who will still have West Ham in their hearts?
This is our club, not his. And I, for one, am sick to death already with the way he is trashing everything our club stands for. Perhaps he would have a case if we were sitting at the top of the table playing in the fashion of Southampton. But we are not. We are no better than we were last season, we are just playing crap opposition.
Last night's performance was poor, but the substitutions were disgraceful. Why the hell was Diop sent on in place of Sears when we needed a winner? Wasn't there a young goalscorer by the name of Hall sitting on the bench? Why was he ignored after being called back from Oxford? Bloody Allardyce hasn't even got his arse down to Oxford to watch the kid play. Too much trouble apparently, that's why he asked Jim Smith to check him out. Funny, I remember a certain Joey Beauchamp complaining about the journey up the M4 and how do we feel about him? Well it seems Allardyce finds it just as daunting to travel in the opposite direction!
Idiots, including Allardyce, are pointing to the shot count and trying to claim that we were unlucky, but how many difficult saves did James have to make all night? One? Two? If you have a generous interpretation of "difficult" perhaps! And who made the best save on the night? That would be Rob Green wouldn't it? And which team was hanging on at the death, desperately trying to keep out corners? Well it wasn't the side at the bottom of the table was it?
If Allardyce thinks that was an "outstanding performance" last night, then he should be bundled onto the first train heading up north as soon as possible.
Were ManUre boo'd when they lost to Citeh? of course not.
Bloody hell! Sorry! I didn't realise that Balotelli, Aguero, Dzeko and Silva were playing for Bristol City last night! I thought they fielded a team of yard dogs! Shit! So Bristol City didn't start the night at the bottom of the Championship then? I take it all back!
He is right to criticise the fans. We are appalling with our non stop moaning (look at this blog over the last few years for non stop moaning). We offer very little vocal support except the booing. We've had a crap team for years and its going to take a while to sort out. Sam has come in but he couldn't really assess the squad until we had played a few games ie well into the season. He will now know what we need and, hopefully, he'll make a few much needed signings after Jan 1st.
What the last few years has confirmed is that our academy players are not as good as some fans think they are. Sears, Noble and Collison are simply not up to it. The only one who stands out is James Tomkins. How on earth was Noble the 'man of the match' last night? he was terrible.
What cobblers! The fans respond to the team's performance, not vice versa. They backed the team until Baldock was withdrawn, then they voiced their disgust, quite rightly in my opinion. I don't approve of booing players, but I do support booing an inept, unimaginative substitution. And don't get me started on Diop!
So Allardyce needs half a season to assess his squad does he? So you are sympathetic to Grant presumably?
Booing when you're second in the league means we are classless and we don't deserve to go up. A team who would be happy to be second should.
Balotelli, Aguero, Dzeko and Silva all play for City - they beat Manchester..... Manchester weren't boo'd when they were beaten by City.
You reply doesn't make sense 2028. The point is, if you are hammered by a team full of great players, you have no reason to feel aggrieved. When you draw 0-0 at home to the team bottom of the old Second Division, there is good reason to be disgusted!
The performance last night was piss poor. For Allardyce to dare to use the word 'creativity' to describe our play in his email to fans today is nothing short of an insult. Creativity is exactly what was missing. The desperate final 20 minutes of pumping hopeful balls into the hapless Piquionne and Cole was a lamentable spectacle.
People who bang on about being 2nd are deluding themselves. Yes, we are. At the moment. I'll tell you this though, on current form we are categorically NOT the second best side in this division and I will repeat yet again my pre-season prediction that we'll finish 3rd or 4th in this league come April 28th. I have seen absolutely nothing to make me change my mind.
Let's just all get behind the team, moan and boo if come the end of the season we don't get promoted,
Got to agree with Hammersfan. I think the boos were directed at BFS and they way he is making them play. Hoof and Hoof all night long....not good
City at least tried to play football and were much the better team
The tactics last night were appalling and the substitutions - lost for words, sears playing on the left ...and to your point you are totally wrong about Noble and Collison, over the last few games, both Noble and Collison have been outstanding..Noble man of the match last night. Suggest you go to a few games instead of watching on the telly
Good holiday HM? Spot on assessment, and same to 2135.
The fact is West Ham are shit, and as long as idiotic fans go on about how we played well and how we have a team spirit things won't change. We went down last season because of players not giving a shit and playing bad tactical football. This time round we have players who are willing to battle but for 2 reasons its gone tits up and they are. 1. Sam doesn't have the tactics anymore to make a team a winner from game one. 4-5-1 at home, 4-3-3 with 2 players out wide who can't cross. Sam needs to take his pissing head out of Nolans ass and realise he is shit and should be dropped, the man should never have been made captain. Reason 2, he plays players either out of position or players who are shit. We don't cross, we haven't had a good crosser of the ball in years, same with someone who can flick the ball on off his head, cole is shit at it and Piq dear god he shouldn't even play football!
Someone said Collison, noble and sears aren't good enough. Bullshit, Noble has been a brick in our midfield ever since he made his debt against Brighton in the FA cup. Now he gets played in the wrong role. Collison is coming back from near enough 2 years out, he will take time, but he's better than Taylor but again Sam doesn't know what to do with him, Sears is shit, standard.
We are the manchester Utd of the championship, best squad best players, however we have a Graham Taylor for a manager, clueless. He had the players at Blackburn and Bolton to do his tactics, he didn't at the toon and failed, he doesn't at Upton park and will fail.
When we play shit, we tell them that they play shit, and rightly so.
Also the reason Utd fan's didn't boo is because most had already got the train back to London before the final whistle
He has every right...freedom of speech and all that. A right that you use regularly.
3rd or 4th? - happy days! I like a play off me.
Mind you, when you look at that Leeds result tonight, it almost makes you grateful!! FFS - 76% Blackpool possession !!
LOL Great last line 2143
2146: I should add that I also predicted we'd bomb in the playoffs, mate!
HF - if you call 10 days in Malawi (link school) a holiday, mate, then hell yes!
Freebie trip to Africa? I count that as a holiday. If you don't, you should change your name to Werrity!
Oh my, just someone else who is part of the West Ham setup that you don't like! I'm being very serious now when I say that I REALLY DO NOT KNOW WHY YOU SUPPORT WEST HAM with your continual bitching at just about everyone. Is there anyone you like at West Ham?
If Sam HAD moaned or bitched about the fans he would have every right to. We are SECOND, we have a big injury list yet, we are still SECOND but no, that's not good enough for idiots like you is it.
As it happens though, he didn't criticise fans, what he actually said, and I quote "Was it harsh? Absolutely, 100% yes. That's what fans can do if they feel we haven't won a game we should have won. But they can't be disappointed with the performance."
That is hardly a criticism is it, he is actually saying that we CAN boo if we want so like many non-journalistic qualified and part time amateur blog writers like yourself you have once again decided to put your own spin on things.
Shame on you yet again and as I have said many times before....go away and support another team. You can hardly expect West Ham to be Barcelona....even in this division you idiot.
@DavidGoldWHU "are the rumours true we have to pay Bentley wages for rest of season.” No that's not true DG
Wrong again HF
Now I'm worried, I have stated the exact same views on another site....;-)......the thing that is really begining to irk me is Allerdyce's "stat stance" every game. Can someone send him the works of Mark Twain please?
It wasn't those comments I was referring to Col. Keep up! It was his comments about fans moaning about his style of football BEFORE the Bristol City game when he suggested he had turned things around. No sign of a turn around on Tuesday night was there? How did Grant's team perform against Championship sides? Played three, won three, and none of them were bottom of the table!
07:57 what does he, who does he like?
He is right to criticise the fans. We are appalling with our non stop moaning (look at this blog over the last few years for non stop moaning).
Hear Hear 19:30
only reason manure weren't booed was because all the glory hunting twats that call themselves supporters had left long before the end
CoolCol as previously mentioned Stoke are in the premiership and play the shit football you like also get good support from morons so you should fit right in
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