To think that there have been calls from West Ham fans for JD to be given the job at Upton Park! This is a man who has repeatedly been found wanting when managing plumbers and road sweepers, and the knuckle draggers amongst our fans seemed to think he could motivate millionaires!
What a joke!
Good luck to Julian Dicks at Dorchester Town. He was an inspirational player and that will always be respected by West Ham fans.
Time to pick on our heroes of the past again HF?
He's just trying to make a living like everybody else, if he's found his level in management, then good luck to him. Be happy for him, don't slag him off, it's pathetic really. It shows you in a bad light HF (no surprise there then).
Mind you having Dicksie or Di Canio as our manager at UP would be a disaster, won't happen though.
Steady on HF, the guy is a West Ham legend. As a player in our colours, anything not in claret and blue was the enemy, including the ref! He played his heart out for West ham and we loved him for it.
In seasons gone by he has been as frustrated as the fans with the totally inept and passionless displays of our team and the grim performances of our last 2 managers. I agree he is not the solution, but don't call him a joke for wanting, like the rest of us, an opportunity to get to Chadwell Heath and kick a few too-comfortable, highly paid arses. Do you think Wally Downes has been our saviour then ? Every game this season I see panic in the rear ranks when a corner or free kick comes floating in. Jules for defensive coach I say.
The joke comment relates to the idiots calling for him to be made manager of West Ham, not to Dicks himself. I wish him well at Dorchester, but the belief amongst our fans that the likes of Dicks or Di Canio can manage us, based on their heroics as players, is misguided in the extreme. Even Billy Bonds struggled, and he is one of my all time heroes!
Any previous suggestions I've seen regarding Dicks or Di Canio have always been to suggest that they would be part of a back room team of managers and coaches, they might not be great tacticians but I suspect they would both be good motivations of men.
Something I suspect that you would be awful at if the reactions you receive on a daily basis on this blog are anything to go by.
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