O'Brien, of course, is an ex Bolton player so, no doubt, fancies linking up with Allardyce at West Ham Wanderers. By pure coincidence he is a centre back and we are crying out for cover for Tomkins and Faye because of the injury to Reid.
Leeds will be reluctant to aid our promotion bid but with the Championship equivalent of a Tevez affair developing, Grayson will probably be happy to just get him out. Expect a loan deal until January and a free transfer move as soon as the window opens.
Why free?
Bates is mean enough to leave him in the reserves or sell him to anybody but West Ham if he suspects Sam's tapped up his player.
he is ex bolton but was signed by sammy lee. he's never played under big sam.
lone him out to bradford
let him rot
Where do I say that Allardyce signed him? I was very careful not to. However, Allardyce famously had dossiers on players and he would have been earmarked whilst Sam was at Bolton. He will also know the Bolton boys. Joety O'Brien, Kevin Nolan and Matty Taylor are old muckers.
Why is Bates described by Pattaya Rag as mean to leave him in the reserves? Frankly players like this should be sacked and blacklisted by the FA and if I was a Hammers fan I wouldn't touch this cry baby with a bargepole.
But some club will pay Tevez £100,000 a week to play for them, won't they? It is a shame that a no mark like O'Brien can show such disrespect to a great club like Leeds, but that's where we have ended up sadly.
Leeds have conceeded more than most this season and AOB still cannot get in the team.
There is a reason for that (and ask 99% of Leeds fans) ... he's absolute gash! Totally lost his pace and confidence.
West Sham are welcome to him - it will not 'aid' your promotion bid. It will help destroy it.
Happy days.
Players don't just refuse to play for no reason
I'm a hammers fan and would welcome any defensive help . But soon football has to clamp down on footballers sulking and forcing clubs like this . Man up and get on with it ! You take the big wages so take the pain ! . Us fans fork out nearly 30% of our wages each week to go and watch you . I only get 1 day a week off , 60 hour week all for a few hundred quid a week . I wish I played for a club and got thousands a week , who gives a crap if it not the club I want to play for , play out contract and move on .....
Footballers use to be connected to fans but now they are further away than ever .
Right rant over !!!!!!!
Well said Graham, but part of you, like part of me, still hopes we get him. We need cover! Mind you, if that is then used as an excuse to sell Tomkins in January...
WH fans...you really don't want him...pace and confidence is non existant
LU fans...we'd love to see the back of him i'd like us to get our money back from his fee and wages
All fans...disgraceful that any players can engineer a move by refusing to play......the FA should clamp down on players breaching their contract by refusing to work. Players doing this should be banned for six months then maybe they'd think twice.
Bates.... make him rot in the reserves..oh i forgot, we don't do reserve games...just let him rot!
....another clapped-out has been.
When is Allardyce going to start using his 'tactical genius' [his own words] on our academy products. Stuff all these one-time Bolton players paast their sell-by date.
ACADEMY products deserve a try-out soon, surely. Or are S&G pressurizing Allardyce to gain promotion ?
gateman E7
I hope they're bloody pressurising him to get promotion.
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