Why is it that Tottenham stitch us at every turn? They so nearly stole Bobby Moore and opened a running wound between the world's greatest number 6 and Ron Greenwood in the process. They took Peters. They stole Carrick and Defoe and Kanoute and Paul Allen. They sent us an alcoholic Greaves, a very ordinary Neighbour and a shot bolt Keane.
They shaft us at every turn! Except for Zamora and we gave that gift to Fulham!
Now you are talking! Why indeed!
Facts are not your strong point are they!
We are paying half his 40k wages and have a break clause option in January to send him back.
Get it right will you.
kevin in mcr writes..
looks like we won't be seeing montano in claret and blue just yet- he's going on loan to swindon, reports the local paper there!
You really are yellow livered big girls blouse, grow some balls you pathetic coward. Take it on the chin like a man. You really are a disgrace to West Ham, the East End and manhood in general. You make me puke.
BTW was J. Bruce Ismay as relation?
I was married to a woman like you once, all she did was bitch, complain, whine and moan. Nightmare attributes for a woman and unforgivable in a "man"
Its enough to make you weep. Is it that our club is always in such a desperate state for player's that we sign these one sided contracts? Surely we were not that desperate for Bentley?
Some of your girls were on tottenham bloggs trying to say otherwise.Facts are he got crocked as a spammer so you lot pay, it's only right.God how the Brady bunch have brainwashed your fans.Sell ur house to rent WTF,Now you have not got a say in redoing the o/s for football fans retrack seating forget about it cus you have to ask ur landlord to decorate, naming rights gone,hf does talk crap but he can see what these fools are at.kev
What does anyone say to this?
Pathetic post... really tragic.
I think something should be done about the rubbish you spout - you are obviously a very ill and sick minded individual - what pleasure do you get out of all this? Please seek medical help as I feel sure anti depressants or perhaps a frontal lobotomy would offer you some respite and for those around you a great deal of comfort.
LOL what an outpouring of bile. And why? Because West Ham look stupid again and there's no way out of this one, so shoot the messenger!
Actually CC, you need to check your facts. We pay £40k per week as OUR 50%! As for the break clause, can't you read? I say "until January at least". Derr.
AJ, what exactly provoked that? Please explain.
Ask 18:46 and 19:29 reckon they know what I'm on about - just a shame you can't see it. I wonder if you could take part in an experiment for me, can you find an equivalent blog to this one, either another West Ham site or perhaps one for another team?
Ask your other personnas AJ, why would I do that when I can ask you?
Of course you can't find a site like this anywhere else on the web, that's what makes this site special! And that's why you can't stay away!
Special as in special needs - you sound pleased with yourself, rest assured I won't return.
LOL AJ won't return, but his other personnas will. You are trapped in the Game and always will be. And boy does to wrankle with you!
game, what game? is there only one distractor here, i think not.
The Game you are trapped in AJ. And using lower case letters exclusively does not mask your identity I'm afraid.
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