Blackburn arrive under a massive cloud with manager Steve Kean looking up at an axe sharpened by disillusioned fans. But with QPR fans smug and Rovers fans irate, it might be sobering for all concerned to note that the gap between the two clubs is just 4 points. Blackburn are undoubtedly in trouble - they have only played one top team so far - Man City (and were thumped 4-0) - but that is one top team more than Warnock's charges and should they pinch the points at Loftus Road, QPR will be in big, big trouble. A share of the points will leave Rangers fans feeling reasonably secure but come the end of November, they might be singing a different tune.
This really is a shit or bust game for QPR. They go into the match on the back of that 6-0 tonking at Fulham so nerves will be brittle. Would you bet on Rangers to win? And if they don't, would you have money on them staying up? It could soon start to get so hot and bothered in the Bush that they will be diagnosing cystitis!
oooohhh, you are awful, HF - but I like you!
give it a rest on the qpr front mate.
Perhaps you should call this blog "QPR (and Occassionally West Ham) - The Game's Gone Crazy".
What is it with you and QPR. I mean this is becoming an obsession.
What's your problem Sav. You don't like the QPR threads, ignore them. I said I would follow QPR in the Prem this season because of Dyer, Gabbidon and Warnock and they are certainly making for a story or two!
bitter bitter man
Can I go on record as stating that i thoroughly enjoy the QPR posts? Can I further go on record as being in awe of the genius that is our host, Hammersfan?
May I also suggest that it would be wonderful if the word 'anonymous' was replaced with 'nondescript' or 'irrelevant'?
I thank you..... (Julian Clary style)
getting a bit pathetic now mate. all this b**locks keeps appearing on my newsfeed. Grow up, serve your time in the lower league im sure you will be up soon, let us enjoy ours whilst it lasts, because we dont know how long it will. Why go to the effort just to slag off other clubs who have no direct link to you. You may not like warnock, but theres no reason to bring us into it. Thanks. LoftusRoadLad
Not knocking you, saying it how I see it. Do you fancy your chances in the games that follow Blackburn?
A quick question for Stani or anyone else for that matter. Does anyone know the twitter names for Andy Rolls or anyone else of the medical / rehabilitation team at the Hammers?
Why, Turdsout, do the Rs team need it for advice on DYER?
HF, i reckon we stand a chnce seeing as blackpool managed to do the double over liverpool and beat spurs last year. Were in the league for a reason, we have to stand a chance eh? LRL
bore off eunuch
Maybe, but the trouble is, Blackpool went down anyway! I warned that they are the team to keep in mind as they were in the top half of the table until a good third of the way through the season. But when the wheels came off...
2202, can a eunuch talk bollocks?
HF, in defence of eunuchs, not having something doesn't preclude you from discussing it; take Louis Walsh and 'talent' for example; Allardyce and entertainment; Thatcher and compassion - oh god, I'll stop there......
LOL Dear Thatcher and her "If it isn't hurting, it isn't working". Sounds like anal sex with Adam Werritty!
Is QPR becoming the new Parker?
It depends on whether or not they start going around in circles Andy!
Not sure Turds. He's on LinkedIn so you can contact him through that but you may need to sign up
"I said I would follow QPR in the Prem this season because of Dyer, Gabbidon and Warnock".
That's weak, even by your standards. Why not write stories on every club with a tenuous link to West Ham?
"Not knocking you, saying it how I see it."
Get off your high horse. No one gives a toss how you see it.
Headmaster 21:15
'nondescript' ? please behave yourself. You'll be taking the rise out of Homefield next.
hf great post the other day i was wondering what if qpr had signed parker lol coyi fcuk qpr
0244, tenuous link? Dyer ripped us off to the tune of £17m over 4 years and blamed his injuries on the club, Gabbidon tweeted a foul mouthed attack on West Ham fans and Warnock led the attack over the Tevez affair. And there's Anton, of course, who generated mixed feelings amongst West Ham fans whilst at the club. Tenuous?
And if no one gives a toss how I see it, why do you react? Your reply shows how much you care!
"a surprise victory at Everton" - not really. History shows QPR to be a bit of a bogie side for Everton. Plus QPR were the better of the two sides. As for " and an otherwise easy start to the season" you'll find these so called easy teams all finished above west ham last season and QPR should have beaten most but for poor finishing.
Anyway, i understand that the premier league is the most desirable league in the world but you really should start focusing on west ham & the championship... Because if you don't it'll bite you in the ass. Bigger clubs than west ham have fallen foul to it Leeds, Coventry & Sheffield Wednesday to name just a few!
Well aware of that Lone Ranger but my posting a few articles a week on QPR is not going to better or worsen West Ham's results in the Championship is it?
As for all those clubs finishing above West Ham, that is obvious given we finished bottom. That's a poor benchmark to use. Second and third from bottom takes you down too.
By the way, we WON at Fulham, were denied victory at Everton when Piquionne was sent off for celebrating what would have been the winning goal and had a perfectly good winning goal scored with the last kick of the match disallowed at Wolves. So, but for bad refereeing decsions, we would have had more points than your lot from the equivalent fixtures - and we finished bottom! Even with the 4 points we were robbed of at Everton and Wolves, we would STILL have gone down.
I'm not smug. Perhaps you guys should wake up! 6-0 at Fulham and you are still sounding cocky!
we arent cocky at all, if anyone, its you acting as your clubs is a god send. get over the fact that QPR ar BETTER than you.
1031 - read that post. We're not cocky but we are better than you. Oxymoron perhaps? Better than us means you could finish second or third from bottom by the way. Go for it!
the tables dont lie man
Of course they do! Do you honestly think that Swnasea, Norwich and QPR will all finish above Arsenal? What a daft comment. Play easy teams, you pick up soft points. Start with Bolton's fixtures and you struggle. Look at the head to head result between Bolton and QPR, the one soft game Bolton have had so far!
and losing to Ipswich isnt an easy game..... oh wait, We smashed them twice last year. The table DOESNT LIE.
HF, as some of your readership seem to like complain about you writing about topics other than West Ham, how about winding them up further with a thread on the injustice of a half-Frenchman (conveniently labelled Irish) refereeing a world cup semi-final that includes the French! And then what's more that very referee is party to one of the worst decisions ever in international rugby or any other sport! PS and I'm English, so massive commiserations to all Welsh Hammers
the fact youve already lost 2 important games puts you a mile behind where QPR were last year. 19 games unbeaten should be a benchmark.
Try reading what I write about West Ham guys. I'm VERY critical of our start to the season and have been saying WE are in a false position based on an easy start to the season! The table DOES lie at this stage - for West Ham and QPR!
TH, it was a shocking decision, but New Zealand were never going to allow the Welsh to reach the final. They want to keep the sheep to themselves the night before the final!
Keiron Dyer, Danny Gabbidon, and Neil Warnock are legends in my eyes!! They've single handedly annihilated (and let's be frank here) a club, who, yes were once a testament to the top tier of English football but have since turned into a second rate, amateur club, run by morons, supported by the type of lowlife pikey who reside in those glorious council owned tower blocks adorning the barking road, and who run around terrorising the innocent football loving Joe public wherever they go. Karma's a wonderfully poetic thing ain't it!! I'm a QPR fan and love reading yr blogs....each one makes me more and more proud of my club and it's fans.....keep em coming, they're absolutely hilarious.....just like the second division club u follow!! Haha
Three guys have single handedly wrecked us? OK, Dyer may have had both hands amputated in the last week - anything is possible with that guy - but have Warnock and Gabbidon only got one hand between them? Two wankers sharing the one hand - to me, to you, to me, to you. Eyes shut to the left! Eye's shut to the right! First dibs on the Kleenex!
Hammersfan stop!!!!! Im seriously gonna pee my pants!! Yr so funny. U crazy wacky eastenders!!!!
A challenge to you HF - you seem to have a lot of spare time on your hands - in fact I'd go to say judging by some of your more ridiculous posts - perhaps too much time on your hands - so why don't we put that wasted time to some good use?
As we all know we're going to end up at the OS - so how about setting up a campaign or pressure group to make sure that the club and Olympic Legacy body ensure that the post-Olympic redesign of the Stadium is to OUR liking.
Come one HF I know you're not half as bad as you sound - how about it? we can ALL work together to make sure that the OS is to all our liking.
We could use this blog as a vehicle - or perhaps set up a Facebook page or similar where we could collect votes / "likes"
Must be better than moaning about it post 2014
21:15 funny that I've always had you down as a bit of a Julian.
14:54 sterling idea sir, we could mobilise all the other fan pages, it's a winner. We just need someone to run with the idea, a born leaded.
leader I think you meant... well that's not HF
14:55 is that Julian Clary as in Fairy? hahaha very good.
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