Already one Hammers fan has posted on here that if Allardyce wants Diouf, then we should back his judgement; and I suspect that Hell's Hadji can "do a job" in the Championship. But, with respect, that is missing the point. This is a man who has literally spat at West Ham fans. This is a man who is hated and loathed up and down the land, with the Boleyn the epicentre of contempt. This is a man who represents the antithesis of every value our club has ever stood for!
God, the sooner we move to the OS the better! Animal though he is, I doubt even Diouf can gob the full distance of a running track!
Tevez is the biggest trouble maker in football, we had Bowyer twice, Dicanio, Bellamy, Dyer, and was trying to sign Barton ! Who cares if he gets us up. All footballers are part time only here for the money, hate them all but let's not be stupid, like most of the comments I have read online.
the difference is @England6 that Diouf is a grade a SCUMBAG.
Any WH fan that bashes tevez and praises Parker should bend over for the spitter. To be honest tevez is far more worthy than Parker to be called Mr hammer. Yeah tevez isn't English but to be honest tevez did mire for west ham than Parker ever did.
Hang on USHF, I'm not having that! Tevez played for less than half a season. He only finished a handful of games. He only joined as a passport to Man Utd. And the Tevez affair has crippled our club. Parker was over rated but he did far more for West Ham than Tevez.
"Hubble bubble, Diouf and trouble"
Anyone know why Dale calls Diouf a thug that he doesn't want at West Ham yet he would have had no problem with us signing a bigger thug in Barton?
Fires burn and blowing bubbles!
Stani how often do you see barton spitting at fans giving racial abuse to players and abuse at players when they are down injured barton may be a thug off the pitch but on the pitch he isnt. Diouf is just a thug plain and simple who won't help our team what so ever
Sign him up! We have been a joke for many years now and that is not going to change any time soon.
We have been Shite for the last ten years at least, We have had ONE great cup run in that time and ven then i had to go to Wales!! all in all we have been below average.Our club must be one of the worst run clubs in the top divisions and with the support base our club has and its long football legacy it really f@cks me off season after season and the fact that they are in my blood f@cks me of even more because if i did not have this connection i would have f@cked off long ago.
LOL 0836, we all share the agony!
Anon@08.36 - you are so right. If you really want to get depressed, go and read the self-serving rubbish on ToryBoy Dale's site, SJ Chandos in particular. I read that and wonder if the guy has problems with his vision.
As for Sam, he was alright for a couple of weeks, then the clapped-out has beens started arriving, and the laughable
S L O W N E S S of this team stands revealed. Too slow, no football brain on the pitch. And if we have had anyone 'good', they've been sold or let go. Play the young ones, like for example Palace.
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