There will be much bleating about the threat this poses to the game but there is a very simple solution of course - stop paying such obscenely high wages to the players. Maybe, just maybe, this will serve as a reality check for the game. We can already watch football free of charge on the net, now we may be able to watch live Premiership games on a Saturday afternoon in the local pub. And why wouldn't we when such obscene prices are charged to get into the stadiums?
It's time for football to return to the people!
Right, blame this one on the Greeks too!
il always go to the games live as it beats the shite out of watching the game on telly.
I for once certainly agree with you! !! Why shouldn't we be able to watch OUR football clubs in our OWN country!!?? If I go abroad, I can watch west Ham like its on channel 4!!! JOKE!!!
I for once agree with you... why shouldnt we be able to watch OUR football clubs in our OWN country!! If I go abroad, I can watch west Ham on a Saturday like its on channel 4!!!! Joke!!
He knows Sav's Greek and Stani doesn't go into pubs...this must be close to a dream news piece for you HF?!
At least you have the option to go to games, in Australia wacthing games on Pay TV in the early morning is all we've got!
11:50 that's right mate - if they were real fans they'd go to games! well said sir!
I think you mean that you cannot call yourself a supporter if you do not go to games and contribute directly to the upkeep of the club. However. I follow West Ham from abroad with a passion and i always will and i consider myself a True Fan!!
11.50 all you've got? what other than sunshine, a standard of living thats not the lowest in Europe,room to breathe
I reckon getting up early is hardly a price to pay I get up at 8 travel to the game in rain and icy winds watch some pathetic attempt by a bunch of overpaid uncaring crybabies to play a football match then travel home in rain icy winds and the dark (subject to transport for london and south west trains being arsed of course) and for this priviledge I pay out between £100 and £150
Give me sunshine or recall Murdoch so that the game I love (and actually immigrated here to watch)can get back to being the beautiful game
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