OK, I can see Warnock's point when he says that the information was sensitive and could help the opposition, but how was Steve Kean to know it was true? Bloody hell, if opposition managers based their tactics on every single bit of internet tittle tattle, they would be in a right old pickle! Ollie Gummage would have been picking five different teams on Saturday to cope with the various sides being proposed by West Ham bloggers, and I'm sure there were plenty of QPR bloggers suggesting that Taarabt (how hard is that name to spell?) and Buzsaky would start.
So tell me, how was Steve Kean supposed to zero in on the one blogger in the know? And why would he be reading QPR blogs anyway? I'm sure he is giving a very wide berth to internet blogs at the moment, given 99% of Blackburn fans who express a preference want him sacked.
This is just a stupid piece of bleating by Warnock as he tries to shift the blame for a pretty inept performance. He is perfectly within his rights to flush out the QPR player who passed on the information to the blogger, but he is well out of order for criticising the blogger for sharing that news on the net. Has he never heard the saying, "Don't shoot the messenger"?
But let's face it, what difference could it make anyway? Were Blackburn going to radically change their tactics because DJ Campbell was absent? Come on, we are not talking Ronaldo or Messi here are we? What headline did this blogger use? "Third rate striker ruled out by injury" might be considered appropriate by some!
Warnock should button it and look in the mirror if he wants to know why QPR failed to beat Blackburn. He picks the team and determines the tactics!
Fantasy football proves one thing.... the Head-master knows nothing about football - 6 points for god-sake
Nondescript at 18:19 - truth be told, fella, I haven't even looked at it since registering! I'd like to go on record as thanking you for your kind endorsement of my impact though. After all, only a complete and utter twat would bother to post about someone whose opinion didn't matter, eh.
It's good to know we have the POWER!!!!Sorry, just a little He-Man moment
21:10 oh god I should have realised you're one of those namby pamby "it's the taking part that counts" losers.
Nondescript 2223, you don't need to put '2110' on your post, idiot - everyone knows who I am, son.
Another completely useless post!! Think about who looks at the SH@T you write. West Ham fans don't give a Fu'k about QPR and QPR fans think your a Tw@t ,so really your web site is a complete waist of time. the good thing is its your time your wasting. Anther thing look at all the comments you get and you will find almost all of them are negative comments about your post so really your doing a pretty crap job.
Yeah but Warnock's behind all the criticism mate!
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